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Flipped Classroom. Minecraft Edu. World Economic Forum sur Twitter : "Which country comes top for #skills and #education? #HC2015... Which country comes top for skills and education? Europe dominates the global league table for skills and education with seven of the top 10 places. There are two representatives from Asia, one from North America, and none from the Middle East and North Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean or Sub-Saharan Africa regions. However, detailed statistics from the World Economic Forum’s Human Capital Report 2015 show a more nuanced picture of the investments that nations are making in their people. This is a summary of the report in 10 charts. Finland comes top of the global league table on the back of high rankings for almost all measures of education, skills and training and for all age groups. The country is best in the world for the quality of primary schools, youth literacy rates, and the ease with which businesses can find skilled workers.

Norway (2nd) and Switzerland (3rd) perform almost as well as Finland across all age groups. The Human Capital Report 2015 is available here. Explore the report by using the heatmap below: Educational Achievements | Mozilla Open Badges | Secure Social Learning Platform | Makewaves. “Badges have really encouraged pupils to write more online” – Leona Tindall, Teacher An Open Badge is an image with digital data woven into it about who earned it, what they had to do and the evidence of them having done the task eg a link to a blog or a video - All this can be displayed on your social media profile page so visitors can easily see what skills you have and what you have achieved. Unlike traditional qualifications, that can only be awarded by sanctioned bodies who define the terms and time scales, Open Badges can be made and awarded by individual schools or teachers on the terms that fit your curriculum and aims.

For example badges for completing flipped learning tasks at home or mapping out a whole competency based approach. “Badges prove to be a great incentive and it brings the competitiveness in the group. What a great addition!” – Valentia Burley, Teacher “I love earning badges. . – Sweetheart1, Student “[our children] love earning their badges, it keeps them motivated. OPS 2014 - FAQ - #OPS2016.

Coursea courses. Matematiikkaa yksilöllisesti omaan tahtiin alakoulussa. Connectivism. Matematiikka. Why Finland's Unorthodox Education System Is The Best In The World - The Coming Depression. Finnish children don’t start school until they are 7. Elinag / (Source: NYtimes) They rarely take exams or do homework until they are well into their teens. The children are not measured at all for the first six years of their education.

There is only one mandatory standardized test in Finland, taken when children are 16. All children, clever or not, are taught in the same classrooms. Finland spends around 30 percent less per student than the United States. 30 percent of children receive extra help during their first nine years of school. 66 percent of students go to college. The difference between weakest and strongest students is the smallest in the World. Science classes are capped at 16 students so that they may perform practical experiments in every class. 93 percent of Finns graduate from high school. 43 percent of Finnish high-school students go to vocational schools. (Source: TNR) Finland has the same amount of teachers as New York City, but far fewer students. Special Education Apps. 21st century teaching and learning.

APPitic - 1,300+ EDUapps. Flipped Classroom A New Learning Revolution. There has been a growing buzz around a recently coined phrase " Flipped Classroom". This term starts to take root in education as more and more educators are discovering it. So what is this all about and what are its advantages in learning and teaching? ( Awesome Infographic included below ) Flipped Classroom is an inverted method of instruction where teaching and learning take place online outside of the class while homework is done in the classroom. Advocators of this approach believe that this is the ideal method of instruction in our digital age.

They basically build their judgement on the following facts : Flipped Classroom shifts the learning responsibility and ownership from the teacher's hands into the students'. Flipped Classroom depends a lot on educational technology and web 2.0 tools such as podcasting and screencasting applications. A direct and concrete example of Flipped Classroom concept is the popular Khan Academy. Read the following inforgraphic for more details. 2011 Conference on High School Transformation Keynote Address by Sir Ken Robinson. The Wisdom of Motivated Crowds. I have been lately thinking a lot the idea of motivated crowds and how the idea could be used in teaching and learning. Firstly, what is a motivated crowd? In an interview published in the Wikipedia Signpost Umberto Eco makes a difference between wisdom of crowds and wisdom of motivated crowds: “I don’t quite agree with this. I am a disciple of Peirce, who argues that scientific truths are, ultimately, approved by the community.

Some research suggests (see a summary e.g. in the Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowicki) that crowds are good at choosing from a selection of predefined answers but bad in defining problems or to invent solutions. “We must therefore find another criterion, which I think is the motivated crowds. This leads us to the second issue: what constitutes motivation? Steven Reiss has proposed a theory with basic desires that explain human behaviour. A motivated crowd is a crowd that provide possibilities to full fill these desires in a balanced way. iPad – tulevaisuuden koulu. Lapsemme ovat innostuneet oppimisesta. Viisivuotias esikoinen on opetellut omaan tahtiinsa muun muassa yhteen- ja vähennyslaskun sekä lukemisen ja kirjoittamisen. Kolmivuotias pikkuveli opetteli puolestaan muutamassa viikossa värien ja numeroiden nimet englanniksi. Rohkenen kuitenkin väittää, etteivät muksut ole syntyjään sen fiksumpia kuin muutkaan ikäisensä pikkulapset.

He ovat vain päässeet pienestä pitäen harjoittelemaan juuri niitä asioita, jotka heitä kulloinkin kiinnostavat. Tarpeeksi virikkeitä tarjoavassa ympäristössä lapset ovat voineet kokeilla kaikenlaista – ja singahtaa flow-kanavaan juuri niissä asioissa, jotka heitä itseään kulloinkin eniten kiinnostavat. Ihminen oppii, kun hän on kiinnostunut – ja kun oppiainesta on riittävästi saatavilla. Yksi merkittävimmistä tekijöistä lastemme oppimisessa ovat olleet erilaiset oppimispelit. Esikoistyttö on innostunut treenaamaan laskutaitoaan esimerkiksi upeasti toteutetun Grow Your Garden -logiikkapelin avulla. Gabe Zichermann: How games make kids smarter.