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Studyingram - Study abroad portal - University Opportunities. GILLES BELISSA, DIRECTEUR ET FONDATEUR DE GEDS RÉPOND À VOS QUESTIONS. Nous avons eu le plaisir de poser quelques questions à Gilles Belissa, afin de mieux connaître GEDS.


J’ai commencé à concevoir le projet GEDS en 2014, mais je ne me suis installé au Portugal qu’à partir de 2016. Ce qui au début était un projet pour aider des étudiants français, dont mon fils, à faire leurs études au Portugal, est vite devenu une activité à part entière. En effet, les premiers étudiants à qui nous avons proposé en 2015 d’étudier au sein de notre première université coopérative partenaire (la CESPU de Porto) , ont fait connaître GEDS par bouche à oreille. L’activité s’est développée rapidement et j’ai fait le choix de partir au Portugal pour la développer.

GEDS est la première entreprise de conseil des universités de santé au Portugal, en charge de la promotion internationale de ces établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de gestion, avec les universités, des candidatures internationales. Les missions de GEDS sont multiples. L’année 2018 est l’année du bouche à oreille. List of IAU Members - IAU. Funding & tenders. Programme guide. The Erasmus+ Programme Guide is essential to understanding Erasmus+.

Programme guide

It provides participating organisations and individuals a comprehensive list of opportunities supported by the programme. The 2020 Programme Guide is available as an online version, with a more user-friendly, accessible format to make it easier to find information, as well as a PDF version. Read the Programme Guide Download the PDF What is it? The Erasmus+ Programme Guide (version 2 of 26/02/2020), incorporating the corrigendum of 26/02/2020 is an integral part of the 2020 Erasmus+ Call for Proposals and its corrigendum, published on 26/02/2020. Organisations and institutions seeking funding in the framework of this call must comply with the conditions for participation and funding expressed in this Guide. The document provides information on: the priorities of the programme,the actions supported,the funding available for different actions,detailed information on participation. Which language versions are available? C2019/373/06. Ep11. Hoje vamos falar de Erasmus!

— Notícias. Funding & tenders. Programme greener mobility webinar. Coronavirus impact. This page is for students, pupils, volunteers and other participants in the Erasmus+ programme and European Solidarity Corps.

Coronavirus impact

It gives information on how coronavirus is affecting activities, what changes are taking place, and what help is available. The COVID-19 outbreak negatively affects ongoing or planned activities under the Erasmus+ programme and European Solidarity Corps. Our response The European Commission’s main objective is the safety and protection of all Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps participants, while fully respecting all the containment measures taken at national level.

The European Commission is working to help beneficiaries and students, pupils, volunteers and other participants in the programmes deal with the consequences for them. Publication of Extraordinary Calls Two extraordinary Erasmus+ calls for proposals were launched on 25 August 2020 to support digital education readiness and creative skills. The deadline to apply is the 29 October 2020. See also. Education and Training. OBESSU. Official Erasmus+ support structure. Gabinete de Estratégia, Planeamento e Avaliação Culturais. Extensão de prazos de candidaturas Erasmus+ COVID-19 - essential practical advice on Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps mobility. Search projects. About Welcome to the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.

Search projects

This database will give you access to descriptions, results and contact information of all projects funded under the Erasmus+ programme and some of the projects funded under its predecessor programmes in the field of education, training, youth and sports. You can find inspiration from the pool of good practices and success stories, i.e. projects that distinguished themselves in terms of policy relevance, communication potential, impact or design.

You can type keywords in the above search box and/or use the advanced search options to find the project(s) you are interested in. Complete list of all projects available in the platform Here you can find lists of the projects the European Commission funded under Erasmus+ and its predecessors programmes Excel in the field of education, training, youth and sports.