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Photo Text – Add Text to Photo Online for Free. Templates for Quick and Easy Content Creation - The Advanced Guide to Content Marketing. In this chapter, you'll find 12 tried-and-true templates that content writers have used successfully for years. These templates are invaluable for finding the right structure for the type of content you're creating. Why is this important? Because when it comes to communicating your ideas, the way you organize and present them is as important as your ability to put them into words. In most cases, one of these templates will suffice. What's more, these templates work for video and audio content as well as written. So each time you begin a project — no matter what type of content it is — after gathering research and developing your ideas, review these templates to find the best structure for your particular message.

Then all you have to do is plug in your ideas and develop each section. What are the 12 structures? For short content, you can use one of these formats as you see them here. When it comes to content creation, variety adds to the overall impact of your content. Example Title it right. The Advanced Guide to Content Marketing. What Is Content Marketing? The Unstoppable Rise of the Digital Content Creator. How to Write Magnetic Headlines. How to Create a Popular Infographic. Untitled. Note from Caleb: A few weeks back I got an email from a reader of Think Traffic that said, “I launched a new blog one month ago, started out with a specific growth strategy in mind, and got over 50k visitors in the first month.”

You could say he piqued my interest a bit. That reader was Peep Laja of ConversionXL. He used a simple formula to attract visits to his site and used a launch plan instead of just “getting it out there”. Read on to find out why he spent eight hours on each post and how he was able to get over 40,000 uniques to his site in month number one. Take it away Peep. I launched ConversionXL on October 31st when I published my first public post, on pricing experiments. One month later, these were my stats: In addition to this traffic, I got 600 RSS subscribers, a double opt-in email list of 700 and a bunch of new Twitter followers.

Here were the strategies I followed to achieve this. Write Long, Thorough Posts Research into which blog posts are most linked to said this: 1. 2. How To Write Award Winning Blog Headlines. I remember when I was putting together the Blog Mastermind course four years ago, writing lessons on how to produce powerful blog content. I felt very confident teaching this area except for one topic – how to come up with effective blog headlines – which I felt deserved an entire course in and of itself. The headline is the first part of your blog article that a person reads, which acts as the gatekeeper, fully responsible for whether the visitor continues on and reads the entire article, or at least scans it, or scurries off looking for more entertaining subject matter. I feel it is difficult to teach headline writing because, at least in my experience, it’s so much about random bursts of creativity.

When I write headlines I sit down (or stand-up at my stand-up table), read the article, look at the various hooks or stories in the piece, and then use my creative spark to generate headlines. Here is my introduction to the Yaro school of how to write a good blog headline… More Open Loops. 27 Free Writing Contests: Legitimate Competitions With Cash Prizes. Alan Moore Interview. Long in advance of the whole Before Watchmen kerfuffle, I had the opportunity to interview Alan Moore for the local Brooklyn literary journal, Slice Magazine. Much like the estimable Unwinnable, Slice is prone to organize content around certain themes. When the editorial team there announced that the theme would be villains, I got a crazy idea in my head that just wouldn’t leave. I could think of no other person in the field of geek entertainment that most seemingly embodied the villainous more than Alan Moore, especially at a time when the Watchmen movie adaptation had come and gone – and had been cursed, literally, magickally cursed, by Moore.

With Moore, you have an outspoken creator who has more or less created the modern mainstream comic industry and who is generally dog-piled with derision and bile every time he opens his mouth. Here is an excerpt from my interview with Moore, where we discuss all things villainous: Unwinnable: The theme…is villains. Alan Moore: Villains. Untitled. Fame, Fortune, Fun, Freedom… Why Do You Want to Start a Successful Blog? Note: members of the original Start a Blog that Matters course may log in here. Right now, discover the exact strategies used to start some of the biggest and most celebrated blogs on the web.

New special pricing! Over 3,000 students joined this course at the original price of $97. Now this course is included in the Fizzle training library and you can get started right now with a free trial. Get started now, 2 weeks free » Hundreds of millions of blogs are online today. What’s the difference between most blogs and the select few that attract huge followings? That’s a question I started asking myself long before I started my first blog. I’ve also seen plenty of bloggers work incredibly hard on something that never takes off. By studying these differences and through the work I’ve been doing for the past four years, I’ve developed a repeatable formula for building successful blogs.

Meet Your Instructor Build a Business P.S. Lilting Druid » Blog Archive » The War of Ideas. Voices and images swirl through Dana’s mind space. He is lying in bed looking out his slanted roof window at the night-blue sky. Another car hums all the way out of earshot. He cannot sleep. Memories and fantasies preoccupy him with criticisms. His attention fades away from the hanging night, moving to the theater in his head. He gets knotted in a recollection. How he held her hand and kissed her on the cheek after she gave him her number. His feet curl and crack as embarrassment rivets through his body. The memory sequence fires again. He scrambles out of bed, panicked, and stands up. A memory surfaces up from the storm of his mind reminding himself that meditation can help you turn your mind off.

The oxygen flows deep in his lungs, and his mind space increases again in volume. All he perceives then is emptiness, punctuated by a slow rolling breath cycle. Then, flickering through the silence into his empty mind space are pulsing abstract forms. A thought then grips him in fear. Related. Idea Sex: How New Yorker Cartoonists Generate 500 Ideas a Week. Every Tuesday the 50 or so freelance cartoonists for the “New Yorker” submit their weekly batch of drawings for publication consideration. Some email them in and others travel to the magazine’s office at One World Trade Center to personally hand in physical copies. But all of the cartoonists have one thing in common: They’re facing terrible odds of success. Each cartoonist submits up to 10 sketches, so there can be 500 entries competing for approximately 12 spots in the magazine. “On a good week, you might sell one of your batch of 10,” says cartoonist Matt Diffee.

This is the same problem every creative faces—on steroids: tight deadlines, a crazy competitive environment, a discerning audience, and uncertain pay. So why do they do it? How to Come up with a Good Idea Bob Mankoff describes the cartoon idea generation process as “idea sex.” “Ideas breed ideas,” he says. “Ideas breed ideas.” “That’s the basic creative process,” he says. Rethink the Rejects Grind Your Way into a Creative Zone. The Quick and Dirty Guide to Creating Your "Bribe to Subscribe"

You’re not dumb. You know that to build a popular blog, you need to grow your email list. And that offering your readers a juicy sign-up “bribe” will grow your list faster. But despite this, you still don’t have one. Of course, it’s on your to-do list. It just won’t reach your “have done” list anytime soon. The problem is you always seem to have a ton of other stuff to take care of first. And whenever you think about creating your bribe, you feel overwhelmed. Creating one can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be a mammoth task. If you take the right approach, you can finish it quicker than you ever imagined… Why Most Bloggers Don’t Have a Bribe (Even Though They Know They Should) If having a juicy bribe is such an important part of building your blog, why do so many bloggers struggle to create one?

Usually they make one (or both) of two common mistakes: They go too broad. But in almost every case, this kind of thinking doesn’t lead to an awesome bribe – it leads to no bribe at all. Go on. The Research and Science Behind a Perfect Blog Post. Phew! Talk about pressure. Writing a blog post about how to write a perfect blog post is the most meta of burdens. It’s a bit different than writing about perfect tweets or ideal Facebook posts. There’s nowhere to hide when you’re blogging about perfect blogging. So I hope you’ll still trust the advice here even if you don’t find this post itself to be flawless. I’m sure we’d all love for each of our blog posts to be absolute perfection—however it is that you measure perfection—so I researched all the necessary info to get us started on the path to perfection.

The 7 essential elements of a perfect blog post I can often get wrapped up in making sure that every little detail of a blog post is perfect. Headline: the 6 words that count mostStorytelling hookFewer characters per line at firstFeatured imageSubheads for scanningContent and the 1,500-word sweet spotSoundbites for sharing How to write the perfect headline Eight out of 10 people will read your headline. Let’s start with length. 1. 2. Marketing. Study and process of exploring, creating, and delivering value to customers Marketing is the process of exploring, creating, and delivering value to meet the needs of a target market in terms of goods and services;[1][2] potentially including selection of a target audience; selection of certain attributes or themes to emphasize in advertising; operation of advertising campaigns; attendance at trade shows and public events; design of products and packaging attractive to buyers; defining the terms of sale, such as price, discounts, warranty, and return policy; product placement in media or with people believed to influence the buying habits of others; agreements with retailers, wholesale distributors, or resellers; and attempts to create awareness of, loyalty to, and positive feelings about a brand.

Marketing is typically done by the seller, typically a retailer or manufacturer. Sometimes tasks are contracted to a dedicated marketing firm or advertising agency. Definition Concept The 4Ps. 3 Questions Your Blog Must Answer or Be Doomed to Wither and Die. You’re doing everything you’ve been told. You’re publishing great content, you’re staying on top of SEO, and you’re all over social media. You even keep in contact with other bloggers in the hope they’ll get behind your blog. But your readership still isn’t where you want it to be. And your dream of working from home, reaching financial freedom, and changing the world in the process seems to be as far away as the day you wrote your first post.

So what gives? The problem is, even though you’re getting some traffic to your blog, people aren’t subscribing to it. And if they don’t subscribe, they don’t come back. When this is the case, no matter how hard you work to get more traffic, the situation can’t change. Unless you shift your mindset. So you need to stop worrying about traffic, and start focusing on something else instead. Why Traffic Is a Distraction Until You Fix This Basic Problem If your blog isn’t attracting subscribers, focusing on traffic is an amateur mistake. Is This Relevant to Me? Why You Suck at Guest Blogging (and What The Pros Do Differently) Confusing, isn’t it? Everyone seems to have a different view about guest blogging. Some popular bloggers claim it’s still a great way to grow your blog. But others say it’s too much effort for too little reward.

Maybe you’ve tried it for yourself and had less than stellar results. You may even believe that guest blogging is dead. So what’s the deal? The truth – guest blogging is still an awesome strategy for getting more traffic. But only if you do it right. And that means avoiding the mistakes that cause most guest bloggers – including you – to screw it up. The First Big Mistake Most Guest Bloggers Make Many bloggers start guest blogging simply because other bloggers tell them it’s a good idea.

But they don’t truly understand why it’s a good idea. Of course, if you’re aiming at the wrong target, you’ll only hit the right one through sheer luck. But most guest bloggers have completely the wrong definition of success. Here’s why … But that’s a huge mistake. Your goal is to grow your blog, right? Lilting Druid » Blog Archive » The Power of Story. Slowly, the minute hand on the clock creeps towards starting time. Nobody seems aware that they may miss the lecture.

Dana drums his fingers anxiously on his leg. He glances around at his friends talking about their past weeks in a collection of personal stories, causing him to remember hearing that narrative makes up 65% of our conversations. The atmosphere of gossip numbs his mind and he decides he needs to lead their attention to more fruitful pursuits. He stands up an announces: “I hope we all haven’t forgotten that in precisely twenty-three minutes there is a free public lecture down in the Neo Acropolis about Homer’s Iliad.

His crew all pause mid conversation, their heads pivot towards him, and their frontal lobes labour to decipher his words. Disappointment resonates through Dana’s heart causing a frown to creep over his face. Ollie bursts in through the door with a grin, and cheers upon seeing everyone as if it was some special occasion. Disgust pulses through Dana’s veins. Make Money Blogging: 20 Lessons Going to $100K per Month. There are lots of guides about how to make money blogging, but here’s what makes this one different: I’ve taken three different blogs to over $1 million per year.

In fact, the blog you’re reading right now has made a total of $6.7 million. And in this post, I’m going to give you a step-by-step case study showing you exactly how I did it, starting from nothing, along with my step-by-step guide for beginners trying to get started. Let’s jump in. 7 Ways to Make Money Blogging (with Examples!) Online Courses and WorkshopsBooks and EbooksAffiliate MarketingAdvertisingSpeaking GigsConsulting/CoachingSelling Freelance Services In a moment, I’m going to show you a general framework you can follow to start a profitable blog from scratch.

But first, let’s jump into the specifics of how to make money blogging, including real-world examples you can study and learn from. Here are the top 7 awesome ways to make good money blogging: 1. And it’s not only business or wealth-focused topics that are doing well. How To Write A Joke - Stand Up Comedy Clinic. By Jerry Corley, founder of the Stand Up Comedy Clinic Several people have contacted me asking me a simple question: “How do I write a joke.”

The question doesn’t stay simple for long. Soon it explodes into an argument of whether they want to do “jokes, ” or “stories.” “The simple fact is: A joke is a story! To understand how to write a joke, we must first understand why people laugh. It’s the same with comedy. The key is for any joke to work, there has to be some kind of surprise. I woke up in the hotel this morning and the housekeeper was banging on the door, just banging… Finally, I had to get up and let her out. Let’s look at the joke. “I’ve been losing my hair…some guys say it doesn’t bother them when they lose their hair. Each of these jokes use the formula of leading the audience to assume one thing then shattering that assumption with something different. This is just one formula for writing jokes. About the author: Leave a Comment. Welcome to Forbes.

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Ten Secrets To Write Better Stories. ALL EXCERPTS | Turning to the Sun. Write Better: 3 Ways To Introduce Your Main 11 Secrets to Writing Effective Character Description. Create A Plot Outline In 8 Easy Steps. Homer: The Iliad Book XXII. Here's how to write a damn good fight scene.

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