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I heart Reykjavík - Iceland travel blog. Supercook: recipe search by ingredients you have at home. Nature Sounds. Listen and download for free. The Ultimate Guide To Staying Safe For Women Traveling Alone. Photo by Andrea Rose If you’ve ever had to haul your children kicking and screaming through a museum, or drag your male counterpart across a market selling traditional textiles, you know exactly what I mean when I say traveling solo really has its advantages.

When you holiday alone, you’re free to see whatever you want whenever you want. If you dream of spending your vacation time looking at renaissance art or Ming vases, you can go right ahead. If you’d rather just lie on the beach the whole time, you can do that too. But traveling as a solo female also has its downside: safety. It’s an unfortunate reality that the world is less safe if you’re a woman – but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t venture out there. Here are some of the major issues you’re likely to encounter as a single female, and my tips on tackling them.

Dealing with unwanted attention from men When you’re traveling alone, chances are the opposite sex will notice you. Dress modestly. Choose your accommodation wisely Okay. Top scoring links : VillagePorn. Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide. Originally by sean10mm, modified and updated by Liam Rosen Questions? Suggestions? E-mail me: I don't want to become some huge bodybuilder freak, I just want to get in better shape and look better.

Should I read this? That's what this guide is for. It's a basic guide to diet and fitness for beginners who want to get in better shape. I'm a female; does any of this apply to me? All of it applies, actually. A word of warning: many female fitness magazines tend to be really idiotic and gimmicky, fixating on things like "spot reduction" that were disproved 50 years ago, and trying to sell whatever their advertisers are pushing that month. There are a few female-specific notes in this guide, but they are rare, because the differences are almost always insignificant for the purposes of promoting general fitness. There is all this contradictory advice! There are two basic considerations: diet and exercise. Can't I just exercise a fat part of my body to make the fat go away?

No. Introduction to diet. 7min Workout. Laboratory Archive 2000-2010. Someone Call The PC Police! I Don’t Understand Gender-Normativity. January This is it — the year I get my sh-t together. Starting with eating right and exercising more. Although, it’s probably unhealthy to mentally associate self-improvement with the New Year, because if I quit, I won’t restart again until next year. So maybe I’ll just aim to start being healthier at some point this month. February I am so glad I’m going to the gym more — I feel so much better about myself and life in general. March Joining was the best decision I’ve ever made. April Never again am I going home. Addendum: Late April: I can’t believe I sent my brother’s birthday gift a month early! May I love the start of wedding season — so many people are getting married this year! June Those three weddings last month were so fun — and doing the “cha-cha slide” every Saturday with some of my closest acquaintances has been really energizing!

July Alright, enough self-loathing and pity. August Holy hell, is summer almost over? September Thank the gods I am not in school anymore. Fractal World Generator. In Bb 2.0 - a collaborative music/spoken word project. The PSY scandal: singing about killing people v. constantly doing it | Glenn Greenwald.

(updated below) Which of these two stories is causing more controversy and outrage in the US? New York Daily News, Friday: "Fiercely anti-American lyrics from Korean rapper Psy have been unearthed just two weeks before the star is scheduled to perform for President Obama. "The 'Gangnam Style' singer calls for US soldiers to be killed in one song, prompting a short-lived petition to ax Psy from the bill at the Christmas in Washington celebration. "In 2004, Psy rapped on a South Korean metal band's song, 'Dear American', at a protest concert, The Washington Post reported. 'Kill those f---ing Yankees who have been torturing Iraqi captives', he said. 'Kill those f---ing Yankees who ordered them to torture.

The Guardian, Friday: "The US military is facing fresh questions over its targeting policy in Afghanistan after a senior army officer suggested that troops were on the lookout for 'children with potential hostile intent'". " It embraces and props up the world's most repressive tyrants. The 60 Most Beautiful Cinemagraph GIFs. Top 10 Shocking Documentaries. Movies and TV As a visual medium, documentaries frequently succeed in portraying the unimaginable far better then any book alone could do. Beaming everything from the consequences of child abuse to the horrors of nuclear warfare into the homes of millions, the following infamous documentaries shock the viewer and challenge perceptions. Please note: Almost all the videos featured contain graphic and disturbing content, relevant to the topic at hand. Warning: some of these documentaries contain disturbing footage. High on Crack Street Following the struggle of three crack addicts, ‘High on Crack Street’ digs deep into the complex daily lives of individuals striving to obtain their next fix.

Aokigahara / Suicide Forest Lying at the base of Mount Fuji, Aokigahara Forest has a rather unsettling reputation as a suicide hotspot . Nuit et Brouillard The Killing of America Interview with a Cannibal What drives a man to kill and cannibalize an innocent woman? Bulgaria’s Abandoned Children. 6 Friends Everyone Needs. 1. The Successful Friend While there are definitely moments in which having a friend who is doing really, really well for their age is incredibly depressing, it’s an overall net positive to have them in your life. Yes, you may occasionally have to suffer scrolling through their Facebook page and being personally offended at every announcement of an absurd personal achievement, but it does mean that you get motivated.

If the most upwardly mobile thing your group of friends is engaging in consists of going to the local head shop to get a replacement bong for the one that was recently broken during a house party, chances are that you’re not feeling the pressure to do ~big things~ yourself. 2. Perhaps in a perfect world, we would all be living in an echo-chamber of our own half-baked ideals, wherein everyone was a copy of a copy of our original opinion. 3. 4. 5. 6. Let’s not make this more complicated than it is. What Is Bad Writing? The movie Bad Writing, a well-reviewed documentary about the craft/art/thing that is writing, is streaming for free on Vimeo. The doc includes interviews with such well-known authors as George Saunders, Margaret Atwood, and David Sedaris. Vernon Lott, the filmmaker, was inspired to make the documentary when he came across some poems from his younger days, when he wanted to be a writer. Some questions I had while watching it: Why do so many people want to write when people are statistically reading less, “all the good books have already been written,” literature is a marginalized artform, etc?

Do you prefer to approach writing as a craft, a vehicle for expression, or as an artform? It’s difficult for the interviewees to describe bad writing — it seems to be a case of “you know it when you see it.” I took part in several disappointing creative writing workshops in college. Ungrounded Predictions For The Next Decade. Recession will become the norm outside of the coastal cities. Costal cities will be hit hard though. 2013 will be 1910. Dictatorships will become increasingly powerful in the East.

The Middle East will remain a wildcard. …The privatization of space travel… Overpopulation. Amazon will become the new Apple/Walmart. The LGBT community will become the new conservatives and perhaps more than any other group bring back traditional family values and morality. Wall Street will remain corrupt. Violence (domestic and international) will intensify. A new kind of cell phone service will emerge that will give the major players a run for their money. Obama will leave a positive legacy according to the people who write history books. A lot of middle class people will regret voting for Obama. Higher education will continue to grow, despite being indentured servitude.

To cut costs, more companies are going require people work from home. Culture wars will intensify. …The Third World… The Whinerati Needs To Stop Whining About Art, IMHO. The latest Quentin Tarantino effort, Django Unchained, has inspired perhaps more controversy than usual due to its liberal use of the n-word and its exploitation-films-inspired irreverence while dealing with the serious topic of slavery in America. This is not surprising given the tendency toward political correctness and handwringing I have observed in parts of the media and amongst many young college-educated people.

There is a PC camp on the internet, and within that camp, sub-camps devoted to racism, sexism, gay rights, et al, and they love nothing more than to find things that are offensive in popular culture. Meanwhile, there is an anti-PC camp, perhaps typified by Vice magazine, that seems to revel in being irreverent and debaucherous. I don’t feel an allegiance with either camp, but I find the PC camp more annoying, in part because they frequently bring illogical perspectives and a trusty pair of hypocrite glasses to the art and people they criticize.