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Let us begin with this words that come as a response to the photo above: “There´s tools and colours for all of us, to lend from nature to make the world more understandable and beautiful”. 1# Click on a photo and you make it bigger and can post a comment on it. 2# Make sure that you read the story in the end! 3# Feel free to reblog this, only remember to link back to this post. Brisbane Wedding Photographer. Sometimes clients ask me about my favorite shoot.

Brisbane Wedding Photographer

Can you show us your favorite slideshow, they say unsuspectingly. I always tell people I like photojournalism. I always have. My dad was a journalist and I remember growing up, hiding under desks in the newsroom, reporters running around smoking and drinking coffee from brown plastic cups. On my mother’s side we had the artists. So naturally I never wrote. I never drew. It took me years to address my need to tell stories and express myself creatively. The stories I had to tell. I’ve always loved photography but I didn’t get into to it until 2002. And that is partly why I love shooting weddings so much. I know the story is there, all the beauty and drama, all the characters and the details. I’ve realized I’m good at telling stories – long and short – mine and others – and there’s nothing I love more.

But back to the question. Eight months ago I brought my camera to work as usual and I shot what was going on around me the way I always do. 362285_1232630961_large.jpg (Image JPEG, 1500x1076 pixels) - Redimensionnée (62. Photography Served. 100 Abandoned Houses on Photography Served. Visual News. Bienvenue sur Flickr – Partage de photos.  Discover all the coolest things from this beautiful world! PhotoFunia. Agence VU. Le site est la proprit exclusive de la socit Agence VU.

Agence VU

Son contenu, lensemble des uvres, photographies et textes prsents sur ce site sont protgs par les lois et conventions internationales relatives au droit dauteur. Toute reprsentation ou reproduction, intgrale ou partielle, faite en violation des dispositions lgislatives relatives la proprit intellectuelle est illicite et constituerait, par quelque procd quelle soit ralise, un acte de contrefaon. Magazine. WILLIAM EGGLESTON. Loretta Lux. STUDIO ERWIN OLAF. Main : Mikel Uribetxeberria. Desiree Dolron. William Eggleston. Samedi 26 janvier 15 h 30 Présentation du film “By the ways: a journey with William Eggleston” de Vincent Gérard et Cédric Laty, au cinéma le Sénéchal, en présence des réalisateurs.

William Eggleston

Entrée : 5,50 €, tarif réduit : 4,50 €. 17 h 30 Conférence de Gilles Mora, “William Eggleston, un photographe régionaliste ?” 19 h 00 Vernissage de l’exposition au Centre de photographie. Site de William Eggleston. Photosapiens : exposition William Eggleston, Spirit of Dunkerque. Fondation Cartier : archives de l’exposition William Eggleston. Dossier de presse de l’exposition au Centre de photographie [Pdf – 732 Ko]. Gilles Mora est l’auteur de La photographie américaine 1958-1981, The Last Photographics Heroes (Seuil, 2007) ; Petit lexique de la photographie (Abbeville Press, 1998). Son intérêt pour le banal le rapproche de Walker Evans, mais sa vision du monde et son style l’en écartent sensiblement.

François Saint Pierre. Illustration - Big Active. Punga. Rebecca Dautremer - Illustratrice - Site Officiel. Photography inspiration and Design inspiration blog. Behance Network. G A L L E R Y. Photos.