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Obama sent these people home from prison early. Now what? | The Washington Post. I began teaching self-improvement classes. I became a fitness instructor, and then I began training others. I enjoyed seeing people blossom in an environment where so many people lose their hope. My mother was a schoolteacher. When she found out I enjoyed teaching, she was loving that.

I applied for clemency in 2000. In July 2015, my lawyer called for me at the prison. I say, “What does that mean?” A lot has changed in the city. One of my lifelong friends is an attorney, and I’m aiding and assisting him clerically part time. In April, I was able to go to the arboretum. I went to lunch with President Obama and six other commutees. President Obama, he wanted to listen. I’ve been dating — a person I’ve known my whole life. So at the end when we were leaving, after I shared the fact that I went to the cherry blossoms and enjoyed it, he said to me when he shook my hand and hugged me, he whispered in my ear, “You’re not pulling my leg on the romance thing, are you?” — As told to Jenny Rogers. Last remaining speaker of Native language painstakingly creates dictionary. Marie Wilcox is the last fluent speaker of the Wukchumni language.

(YouTube/Global Oneness Project) In the U.S., more than 130 Native American languages are endangered, and some are spoken by only a handful of people. Marie Wilcox is the last fluent speaker of the Wukchumni language. At 81 years old, the great-grandmother is one of only 200 Wukchumni left living in the San Joaquin Valley of California and has taken it upon herself to revive the language. The process has taken seven years and required Wilcox to learn to use a computer. “I’m just a pecker, one word at a time,” she said. “When I had all these words together, I thought it would be a good idea to try to make a dictionary.” Wilcox raised her own daughter, Jennifer, speaking English. She and her grandson Donovan — a quick study in the language — are now trying to record the dictionary, from A to Z.

Marie, Jennifer and Donovan can all be seen in a short documentary film Marie’s Dictionary, from the Global Oneness Project. Statue of Liberty Wears Chains and Shackles.

Making a Murderer

Redacted Tonight. The FBI Files 1x06 The Crazy Don CF. Chomsky says US is world’s biggest terrorist | euronews, the global conversation. Who is Noam Chomsky ? Noam Chomsky was born on December 7, 1928 in Philadelphia, USHe began working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1955He is a famous linguist, philosopher and political activistHis work from the 1950s revolutionised the field of linguisticsHe rose to prominence for his anti-Vietnam war activismHe opposes ruling elites and is a sharp critic of US and western foreign policyHe has authored hundreds of books Isabelle Kumar: “The world in 2015 seems a very unsettled place but if we take a big picture view do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about the general state of play?” Noam Chomsky: “In the global scene we are racing towards a precipice which we are determined to fall over which will sharply reduce the prospects for decent survival.”

Isabelle Kumar: “What precipice is that?” Isabelle Kumar: “Let’s look at the environmental issues, we have asked our social media audience to send in questions and we have hordes of questions. Isabelle Kumar: “Why?

Baltimore #WeWantJustice

Meet Spencer, a 3-Year-Old Boy Killed because of People “Just Doing their Jobs” Redding, CA – Spencer Koptis was your typical 15-month-old child. He loved running and playing with his older brothers, and was a cheerful little tike. His happy and typically normal life would take a turn for the worst, however, after he was diagnosed with pilocytic, Pilomyxoid astrocytoma (inoperable brain cancer). Spencer’s family was heartbroken when they found out about his illness. But they had hope and began treatment. Suzetta Vonzell, Spencer’s mother, became wary of the original chemotherapy treatments. “It was almost like watching him die in my arms, and I knew then I would never do another drop of chemotherapy for my kid,” Vonzell said in an interview.

Vonzell began to look at alternative treatments such as cannabis. “Within two weeks he could sit up on his own, he could scoot again and within a month he could start using his hands (again), and his speech took off,” she said. Vonzell was receiving donated medical cannabis from medical marijuana grower, James Benno. ¿Qué llevó al famoso humorista John Oliver a burlarse de Rafael Correa? El castigo más inhumano: qué ocurre cuando pasas 30 años aislado en una celda - Noticias de Alma, Corazón, Vida.

La liberación de Kenny “Zulu” Whitmore, un reo de 59 años que ha pasado los últimos 28 incomunicado en la Cárcel del Estado de Luisiana, ha vuelto a reabrir el debate en EEUU sobre el solitary confinement (“confinamiento solitario”), una de las formas de castigo más extremas del mundo. Como han explicado los medios de su país, Whitmore actualmente pasa 23 horas al día en un cubículo de 1,82 metros por 2,7, es decir, un tamaño poco más grande que el del armario de la mayor parte de viviendas. No hay que irse muy lejos para comprobar las terribles consecuencias que en el cuerpo y en la mente tiene esta clase de régimen carcelario, ya que el examen de Whitmore arroja conclusiones esclarecedoras.

Como ha explicado el Proyecto de Justicia de Medill, su visión se ha deteriorado sensiblemente y sufre de hipertensión. Pero eso sólo son los rasgos más visibles, puesto que ciertos síntomas comunes empiezan a aparecer apenas tres meses después de ser recluido en solitario. Atrapado en el agujero. How Much Do Americans Know? (Part 1) What do Americans know about the world? Kids can't answer basic questions. Why People Hate The USA.


Policia. Homeless. Occupy.