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Simple Past vs. Past Progressive. Exercises and Tests Form See also explanations on Simple Past and Past Progressive Use After another or at the same time? Do you want to express that the actions in the past happened one after another or at the same time? New action or already in progress? If you want to express that a new action happened in the middle of another action, you need both tenses: Simple Past the new action and Past Progressive for the action already in progress.

Only mentioning or emphasising progress? Do you just want to mention that an action took place in the past (also used for short actions)? Certain Verbs The following verbs are usually only used in Simple Past (not in the progressive form). Signal words Exercises on Simple Past and Past Progressive one after another or at the same time: Exercise 1, Exercise 2 new or already in progress: Exercise 3, Exercise 4 just mentioning or emphasising progress: Exercise 5, Exercise 6 mixed exercises: Exercise 7, Exercise 8.


Art. Argument. Writing. Stories. Writing Skills. How to Write a Summary. A "stand-alone" summary is a summary produced to show a teacher that you have read and understood something. It is common in many 100 and 200 level classes to get assignments that ask you to read a certain number of articles and summarize them. This is also a very common type of writing assignment in graduate school. How to produce a summary: 1.Read the article to be summarized and be sure you understand it. 2.Outline the article. Note the major points. 3.Write a first draft of the summary without looking at the article. 4.Always use paraphrase when writing a summary. 5.Target your first draft for approximately 1/4 the length of the original.

The features of a summary: 1.Start your summary with a clear identification of the type of work, title, author, and main point in the present tense. Example: In the feature article "Four Kinds of Reading," the author, Donald Hall, explains his opinion about different types of reading. 4. Writing activities. Appearance&Character. How to Write a Summary. How to Write a Summary. How to Write a Summary: 9 Steps. Steps Part 1 Reviewing <img alt="Image titled Write a Summary Step 1.jpeg" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">1Skim the piece.

Don't take any notes this time -- just take in the bare minimum to wrap your mind around the basic plot of the book or article. <img alt="Image titled Write a Summary Step 3.jpeg" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">3Outline the article. Part 2 Writing <img alt="Image titled Write a Summary Step 4.jpeg" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn">1Start with a clear identification of the work. Part 3 Revising Community Q&A Add New Question How should I begin a summary? Unanswered Questions Ask a Question Tips. Ode: How to tell a great story.

Writing a Summary - 5 EASY steps for kids! Story inspiration. Writing - Tips and tricks. Storytelling resources & ideas. Writing tools. Writing Skills. Writing tools. Book Creators. Writing: Resources. FAQs. Developing Questions for Critical Thinking. Thou shalt not commit logical fallacies. Writing. How One Clear Verb Can Take Your Presentations From Blah To Amazing. We can learn a lot from actors. Take a look at the work of two of my favorites, Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn. I suggest Susan Sarandon in The Client and Sean Penn in Milk. And I suggest Sarandon and Penn together in Dead Man Walking. All four are Oscar-nominated performances, deservedly so. Sarandon won for Dead Man, Penn for Milk. Frame by frame, their performances are sharp, crisp, luminous. Penn and Sarandon are smart actors.

Here’s one thing every actor learns at some point in acting class: You take a scene in a script and you break it into beats. 1.The objective needs to be an action verb. 2.It needs to describe the impact I seek to have on another person. 3.It needs to be visceral for me. Action verbs matter because they unleash forward-moving velocity. So--let’s take this very simple notion and apply it to our everyday relating.

Creating Intent in Formal Presentations Not every moment in a professional relationship needs to produce Oscar-worthy fireworks. Write. SPOTLIGHT ON WRITERS. LOGIC AND WRITING. Write. Past Progressive, Past Continuous - Diagram. Past Progressive/Continuous Summary Use Signal words Form of affirmative, negative sentences and questions Spelling Special verbs Diagram Long forms and short forms Exercises - Past Progressive We use the Past Progressive when we talk about something which was happening around a period of time in the past. We use the Past Progressive (blue) together with the Simple Past (pink).

Two actions which were in progress in the past do not influence each other. Plotting. Plotting Short Fiction. Last month at MRA, I listened to Jacqueline Woodson speak about her writing process. It wasn’t the first time I heard her speak and I hope it won’t be my last. She is one of the writers I consider as my personal mentor. Not to be over-dramatic, but listening to her last month changed my writing life. She said, “Plot happens.” Basically you toss some characters together, get them moving, figure out where they are hanging out, throw in conflict, and *voila* you have a plot. Like all things Jacqueline Woodson, this concept seems almost magical. In reality it is mostly hard work and tenacity. One thing I’ve learned about writing fiction is the importance of allowing the characters’ to have free will.

Kim Jones invited me into her fourth grade class to lead a fiction unit. Still, as a teacher of young fiction writers, it’s necessary to teach what works for me and what might work for other writers. Yesterday I introduced the story mountain to the fourth grade fiction writers. A few notes: 25 Things You Should Know About Plot. Previous iterations of the “25 Things” series: 25 Things Every Writer Should Know 25 Things You Should Know About Storytelling 25 Things You Should Know About Character And now… 1. What The Fiddly Fuck Is “Plot,” Anyway? A plot is the sequence of narrative events as witnessed by the audience. 2. Some folks will ask, incorrectly, “What’s the plot?” 3. A plot functions like a skeleton: it is both structural and supportive. 4. The biggest plot crime of them all is a plot that doesn’t make a lick of goddamn sense. 5. The simplest motherfucker of a plot is this: things get worse until they get better. 6.

Fiction is driven by characters in conflict, or, put differently, the flame of fiction grows brighter through friction. 7. Of course, the essence of the essential conflict — the one below all that Wo/Man versus stuff — is a character’s wants versus a character’s fears. 8. A plot grows within the story you’re telling. 9. 10. 11. Characters will tell you your plot. 12. 13. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Edgar the storyteller. Best free software for writing: 10 programs to unleash your creativity. The best free writing apps don't just let you work on your projects - they also let you organize and manage all your writing.

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100 Little Ways You Can Dramatically Improve Your Writing. Create Your own Quizzes, Stories, Polls, Lyrics, Poems, Journals and More at Quizilla. Literary Devices | Literary Terms. Fiction. Writers Groups. Writing pearls. Poetry. Writing. A Handbook of Rhetorical Devices. Robert A. Harris Version Date: January 19, 2013 This book contains definitions and examples of more than sixty traditional rhetorical devices, (including rhetorical tropes and rhetorical figures) all of which can still be useful today to improve the effectiveness, clarity, and enjoyment of your writing.

Note: This book was written in 1980, with some changes since. The devices presented are not in alphabetical order. To go directly to the discussion of a particular device, click on the name below. If you know these already, go directly to the Self Test. A Preface of Quotations Whoever desires for his writings or himself, what none can reasonably condemn,the favor of mankind, must add grace to strength, and make his thoughts agreeable as well as useful.

Men must be taught as if you taught them not; And things unknown propos'd as things forgot. Style in painting is the same as in writing, a power over materials, whether words or colors, by which conceptions or sentiments are conveyed. 1. Writing. Plot. Voice in Writing: Developing a Unique Writing Voice. Finding a writing voice can be a struggle, whether you’re writing a novel, short story, flash fiction or a blog post. Some may even wonder, what is voice in writing? A writer’s voice is something uniquely their own. It makes their work pop, plus readers recognize the familiarity. You would be able to identify the difference between Tolkien and Hemingway, wouldn’t you? It’s the way they write; their voice, in writing, is as natural as everyone’s speaking voice. Your voice should be authentic, even if you borrow a sense of style from your favorite author.

When you find that unique voice, you might not even be able to explain how it came about—let alone describe what it is. “I am looking for authors with a distinctive voice.” What the heck is “voice”? How can you develop your voice? You can facilitate voice by giving yourself the freedom to say things in your own unique way. Science fiction writer Neal Stephenson has a unique voice. Oho. To set your voice free, set your words free. Plot Development: How to write the climax and ending of your novel. By Glen C. Strathy* Plot development is something you should think about after you have written a brief plot outline (Part 3). In this article, we're going to consider how to make sure the plot of your novel incorporates a satisfying climax and resolution.

Many writers, especially pantsers, don't like to think about how their plot develops until they've written most of the first draft, preferring to let the ending evolve organically out of what comes before. Others may plan an ending ahead of time, but they prefer to rely on instinct, feeling, and a lot of trial and error rather than any kind of theory. I believe, however, that you can save yourself a lot of time and effort in the long run by making a few decisions about how your plot develops and the nature of your story early on.

Of course, your ending must make emotional and logical sense. Will Your Novel End Happily, Unhappily, Or Somewhere In Between? If the answer is no, then in classical terms, your novel will be a tragedy. 1. 2. 3. Story inspiration. Balanced Literacy - Teaching Reading and Writing With a Balanced Literacy Program. How to Build Subplots From Multiple Viewpoints. Multiple viewpoints provide diversion from, and contrast to, the protagonist’s perspective. They can deepen conflict, enlarge a story’s scope and add to a novel the rich texture of real life. Subplots carry those effects even further. In our workaday world, we do not live in isolation. Our lives intersect, collide and overlap. Subplots lend the same sense of connectivity to a novel. Subplots and multiple points of view are often linked by their very natures. Of course, subplots and multiple points of view make novels longer and more work, but rewards for that effort are there for writer and reader alike—that is, if they are successful.

—By Donald Maass, author of The Breakout Novelist Choosing a subplot begins with choosing characters with which to work. If none are to be found, it might be worthwhile to grow some of your secondary characters, depending on the nature of your novel. Subplots will not have the desired magnification effect unless there are connections between them.

Communication and Writing. Story maps. Writing Exercises. Novel Writing Online. Point of view. Character Development. Structure. Fiction. Poetry. Writing Style. Writing. Writing Quality.