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Six Amazing Songs That Illustrate What it Means to Be Human. Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.

Six Amazing Songs That Illustrate What it Means to Be Human

Funwari Milk-chan: Breast-shaped plushies. 19 Oct 2007 From character goods maker JUN Planning comes a series of mammary-shaped plush toys known as Funwari Milk-chan ("Fluffy Milk") and friends. According to the official Funwari Milk-chan website, these mildly naughty plushies are modeled after the palm-sized inhabitants of Milk Village, a quiet southern hamlet the size of Tokyo Dome. IT´S ALL ABOUT... Design Crush. No Ordinary Rollercoaster — Just Gay Enough. The Steel Closet. Dialog with Paulette Pascarella. ReubenMiller. There's nothing like cute salt and pepper shakers to make an ordinary meal on an ordinary seem a little brighter.


Above, Koziol of Germany created these birds on a tree salt and pepper shaker set. Dallas Clayton. Geek with curves. The Puzzler. How to Make Anything Signify Anything. For much of his long and largely secret career, Colonel William F.

How to Make Anything Signify Anything

Friedman kept a very special photograph under the glass plate that covered his desk. As desks go, this one saw some impressive action. By the time he retired from the National Security Agency in 1955, Friedman had served for more than thirty years as his government’s chief cryptographer, and—as leader of the team that broke the Japanese PURPLE code in World War II, co-inventor of the US Army’s best cipher machine, author of the papers that gave the field its mathematical foundations, and coiner of the very term cryptanalysis—he had arguably become the most important code-breaker in modern history.1 At first glance, the photo looks like a standard-issue keepsake of the kind owned by anyone who has served in the military.

Yet Friedman found it so significant that he had a second, larger copy framed for the wall of his study. What a 'Liberal Media' Might Look Like. Editor’s Note: For decades now, the American Right has pushed the myth that the national U.S. news media is “liberal,” even though the owners are mostly wealthy corporations run by rich executives who generally favor Republicans over Democrats.

What a 'Liberal Media' Might Look Like

And that was true even in the days before Fox News and right-wing-dominated talk radio.  The Best In Sci-Fi & Fantasy, News, Reviews, Graphic Novels, comics and more! Unruly things. Pruning back the power of the executive branch - Pruning Shears. Aram Bartholl. UPDATE: Awesome opening yesterday night!!

Aram Bartholl

Thx to everyone for showing up! Thx to all the artists participating in this show!! & thx to xpo gallery making this possible!! Full press release and descriptions of the works below. Maryannaville. The Best Chocolate Mousse of Your Life Under 5 Minutes : Cafe Fernando – Food Blog - chocolate mousse recipe - herve this - Chocolate. December 22nd, 2010 | Category: Chocolate Two ingredients (seriously, only chocolate and water) and five minutes later, you will be eating The Best Chocolate Mousse of Your Life.

The Best Chocolate Mousse of Your Life Under 5 Minutes : Cafe Fernando – Food Blog - chocolate mousse recipe - herve this - Chocolate

A LOT OF MIX. A Bird in the Hand. A home far away. It's oh so kawaii. Everyday Beauty. 10th Muse. Le Divan Fumoir Bohémien. Myportobello. T a t i e l l e. What Possessed Me. Frau Liebe. Vor ein paar Wochen haben der kleine Mensch und ich wie die Wahnsinnigen Eichelkäppchen gesammelt.

Frau Liebe

Nun bin ich endlich zur Tat geschritten und habe kleine Schwimmkerzen daraus gemacht (die Idee habe ich von hier).Der Bruder meiner Freundin ist Imker und wenn Imker irgendwas in der Garage rumstehen haben, sind es Eimer voller Bienenwachs. Ich habe Teelichtdochte für Bienenwachskerzen bestellt (gibts z.B. im Fachhandel für Imkereibedarf) und das flüssige Wachs mit einem Löffel vorsichtig in die Hütchen gegossen.

Ich habe es auch mit normalen Dochtstückchen versucht, aber die waren nicht so standfest und sind zum Teil einfach umgekippt wenn die Flamme das Wachs wieder verflüssigt hat. Home / ShortList Magazine - A free lifestyle magazine featuring style, movies, technology, gaming, competitions, quizzes and more. Vice Magazine. Nick Sagan Online. (Silver Spring, Md.) -- Science Channel has signed sci-fi writer Nick Sagan, son of famed astrophysicist and television icon Carl Sagan, to an exclusive development deal, Debbie Myers, general manager and executive vice president of programming for Science Channel, announced today.

Nick Sagan Online

Sagan is represented by Creative Artists Agency. Sagan will be working closely with Science Channel’s production team, hosting and developing new series and specials for the network. I can see November on my TV… so I turned it off « Margaret and Helen. Margaret, all it takes is ten minutes of channel surfing and you quickly find out that the number of problems facing America seem to correspond with the number of channels offered on cable television.

I can see November on my TV… so I turned it off « Margaret and Helen

I told Harold to cancel our subscription and get out the old rabbit ears. If Glenn Beck hasn’t met a half-man-half-monkey yet, he didn’t get out much during his rally. ElLf houSE — сайт, который Вас радует! Berkeley Mails Coat Hangers to Congress. Fogonazos. Atlas Sailed. What could be more fun than a 7-day cruise with a bunch of libertarian assholes?

Atlas Sailed

Nothing, that’s what. Imagine going Galt for a relaxing seven days, away from the looters and moochers who resent your ability to achieve and create. Your sun-splashed days will be spent lounging on a chaise idly flipping through your highlighted copy of Atlas Shrugged while refreshing beverages are delivered to you by swarthy foreigners whom you don’t even have to tip! Later, it’s a trip to the Lido deck for lunch as you watch Nick Gillespie strut around the pool in his black leather Speedo. Sound like fun? Good 50×70 2008 » Human rights violation. SHORTS - SIXTEEN SERIOUS QUESTIONS RAISED BY RUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER! 1.) WORLD RANKINGS-TOTAL DEATHS. 1. Cause of Death Column to the left is in World Rank Order. 2. The Quest For Every Beard Type. Charlie Todd. Tips for Single Ladies (1938) Failure: It's an option. Exploring Tomorrow. Vanilla & lace. I bought a garam marsala spice mix for the first time a few weeks ago, and I am just now getting around to using it.

THANK GILLIGAN IT'S SAFE FOR WORK. Stinque. Strange Maps. 10 Best Places To Live In 2011 (Quality of Living Index) Nickdrake. Sweet Station. Sarah Small.