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Transmedia: aprender a narrar | guionactualidad. Por Alfredo Caminos Imaginemos alguien que captura, con un celular o móvil, imágenes y sonidos. En pocos minutos hace una edición en el propio teléfono y lo cuelga en una de las redes sociales ¿Es una obra audiovisual? Sí ¿Necesita guión? No. Si decimos guión nos referimos a un texto narrativo escrito donde la obra se interpreta de la lectura textual.

Volvemos al ejemplo. El propio aparato o dispositivo de construcción es el guión, el medio tecnológico es el guión y la forma. El operador de Transmedia o narraciones similares, cuando trabaja solo, no requiere de comunicarse con otros. En todo caso, el guión tradicional seguirá vivo para quien lo prefiera, le convenga y para producciones muy controladas; pero para las producciones transmediales, donde prima la velocidad a la calidad, la sorpresa al medio de difusión, la obra antes que lo habitual, el guión no existe o no debe denominarse de esa manera.

En ese panorama ¿hay que aprender Transmedia? Bibliografía PORTO RENÓ, D. (2008). The Future of Reading and Writing is Collaborative. 11.23.10 | Dave Boardman is an English teacher at Messalonskee High School in Oakland, Maine. Although he teaches a traditional English curriculum, his students aren’t producing typical five-paragraph essays or even research papers. Take the case of “Tilman,” a writing assignment a struggling freshman produced a couple of years ago. “Tilman” is a moving video that tells the story of Patrick Tillman, the NFL player who quit football to fight in Afghanistan and came back in a body bag. The video moves seamlessly back and forth from the student’s own thoughts on the case and CNN coverage, atop edited pictures and news footage. “I think the definition of writing is shifting,” Boardman said. “I don’t think writing happens with just words anymore.” In his classes, Boardman teaches students how to express their ideas and how to tell stories —and he encourages them to use video, music, recorded voices and whatever other media will best allow them to communicate effectively. En enero de 2010, con mi trabajo Geekonomía. Un radar para producir en el postdigitalismo, el Laboratori de Mitjans Interactius (LMI) de la Universitat de Barcelona i Publicacions i Edicions UB, la editorial de publicaciones científicas de la principal universidad pública catalana, hemos lanzado la Col·lecció Transmedia XXI, un ambicioso proyecto editorial con el objeto de producir contra la invisibilidad y de promover el trabajo de nuestros investigadores en formato libro y bajo dos sistemas de distribución en paralelo: 1) el tradicional, con precio de portada y venta en librerías y en Internet; 2) e-books con diseño diferenciado, actualización y contenidos extras para aprovechar todas las virtudes de la Web social, editado bajo licencia copyleft y de acceso gratuito en la Red.

Como Coordinador Editorial de la colección, con este post anunciamos el lanzamiento en abril de 2011 del segundo libro: Aprendizaje invisible. Digital Storytelling. Transmedia Examples. Cross- & Transmedia Storytelling. Transmedia Storytelling Research. Transmedia Research. Transmedia and ARG. Transmedia projects. Transmedia. Inside the Disney Vault. If you like this story feel free to share... It's hard to deny the impact that Walt Disney and his legacy have had on the world.

In their theme parks, television network, music, and of course their films, the world of Disney has reached out onto new horizons, always putting themselves at the cutting edge of technology and current trends. now give you list. Starting at the bottom, we will climb the ladder of the Disney animated filmography, and in doing so enlightening you readers out there that there is still some magic in these films no matter how old you are. 49.Home on the Range (2004) It's hard to call a Disney movie awful, but this is as close as it gets.

There's simply nothing here that works really well. From the voice acting to the animation, it all doesn't add up. The third of four (and soon to be five) computer animated movies made solely by Disney Animation Studios is their worst of the bunch. Another computer animated film from Disney that didn't work for me. A short history of CG characters in movies on Vimeo. StoryTelling. Technology and Narratives. Multimédia. Transmedia et Cross-Media. Storytelling. Transmédia (2/2) : le marketing de l’attention. La convergence des outils et des technologies conduit-elle à la convergence des contenus ou à leur divergence ? C’est peut-être ainsi qu’on pourrait résumer l’enjeu qui sous-tend la question du transmédia, sujet coeur des Masterclass internationales du Transmédia qui se tenaient à Marseille la semaine dernière.

Après avoir observé ce qu’est le transmédia, intéressons-nous à ces enjeux. Médias : complémentarités ou concurrences ? Susana Ruiz est une artiste qui donne des cours à la division des médias interactifs de l’école des arts cinématiques de l’université de Californie du Sud. Elle est également la fondatrice de Take Action, un studio de développement de jeux sérieux. En cela son profil est différent de celui de bien des intervenants de ces masterclass. Elle est à l’origine de plusieurs jeux qui ont reçu une certaine attention comme Darfur is Dying, un jeu sérieux sur la crise au Darfour développé en 2006 ou Finding Zoe pour prendre conscience des stéréotypes masculins et féminins.

Transmedia. Welcome to 3D Crime Scene - Paul Breuninger. Crime scene reconstruction training and consultation for criminal justice professionals. Best of the Best Cop sites Best 100 Cop Sites. Story Boards. Storytelling. Storytelling. CreativeCOW. Écriture et lecture collaboratives. Project of How → An open interactive library of techniques and insights, that makes your creative output better. Digital Storytelling. We wrote the book on Horror. Netflix is a gift and a curse.

Since it’s arrival on the Home Video scene, the company has all but destroyed video stores and rental services as we knew them, and re-invented the way we get our movies. Streaming is the way of the future, and Amazon and many other video services have followed suit and created their own ways of getting the instant gratification we are all seeking. However, Netflix is still the leader in this area, and one would be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t kick down the 8 bucks a month for unlimited movies.

The problem comes with the choices. There are so many, and some are categorized very strangely, that it is possible to just scroll through the choices for hours at a time without making a decision. I get asked for recommendations consistently, so what follows is a list of hidden gems and new additions to Netflx Streaming that you may have missed, recommended for your horror/weirdo viewing pleasure! Contracted The Lair Of The White Worm We Are What We Are. HOTEL - an interactive tale by Han Hoogerbrugge. Transmedia. Integrarte Entregarte - Visual and Sound Interaction.

The social network for professionals in entertainment - Animation, Movies, Visual Effects, Games, Illustration, Concept Artists, and more. If you make cool stuff, join us! 1 Choice for Media Pre-Production. Video Interactiu. Univers Transmedia - Association sur le Transmedia Storytelling. Infografía: Sospechosos Habituales SEO en e. PradoMedia. Klynt.