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TOP 100 HISTORY SITES SORTED BY POPULARITY. AncientWorlds. Wanderlust: GOOD traces the most famous trips in history. Wanderlust - Issue 011. Historypin. SepiaTown. Mapped historical photos, film, and audio | SepiaTown. World History. EyeWitness to History - history through the eyes of those who lived it. History and Geography of Europe. Best of History Web Sites. TOP 100 HISTORY SITES SORTED BY POPULARITY.

"The Rich Are Getting Richer And The Poor Are Getting Poorer" 16 Signs That The Rich Are Getting Richer And The Poor Are Getting Poorer. Never before in American history has so much wealth been concentrated in the hands of so few. Once upon a time, children throughout the United States were taught that America was the land of opportunity where anyone can make it if they work really hard. But today the system is designed so that wealth flows into the pockets of the rich as the rest of us struggle feverishly to stay above water. The once great middle class that did so much to define America as a nation is slowly being squeezed out of existence. For tens of millions of ordinary Americans, the American Dream is rapidly becoming the American Nightmare.

The labor of blue collar workers was once the engine that built the United States into an economic powerhouse, but today many of those workers have been replaced by robots and computers, or their jobs have been shipped overseas by greedy corporate executives. Of course not. #6) 39.68 million Americans are now on food stamps, which represents a new all-time record. "29 Amazing Stats Which Prove That The Rich Are Getting Richer And The Poor Are Getting Poorer" 29 Amazing Stats Which Prove That The Rich Are Getting Richer And The Poor Are Getting Poorer : Dr. Leonard Coldwell.

In the United States today, there is one group of people that is actually living the American Dream. The ultra-wealthy have seen their incomes absolutely explode over the past three decades. Meanwhile, the U.S. middle class has been steadily declining and the ranks of the poor have been swelling. But this is what always happens when an economy becomes highly centralized. Today, gigantic corporations and “too big to fail” banks totally dominate our economic system. The whole game is rigged. Just take a look at banking.

If you can believe it, the “big six” U.S. banks (Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo) now control assets equivalent to approximately 60 percent of America’s gross national product. But this isn’t just the case in the financial world. Meanwhile, life is getting really tough for the “average joe” on the street. #5 The wealthiest 1 percent of all Americans now own more than a third of all the wealth in the United States. 29 Amazing Stats Which Prove That The Rich Are Getting Richer And The Poor Are Getting Poorer. The American Dream In the United States today, there is one group of people that is actually living the American Dream. The ultra-wealthy have seen their incomes absolutely explode over the past three decades.

Meanwhile, the U.S. middle class has been steadily declining and the ranks of the poor have been swelling. But this is what always happens when an economy becomes highly centralized. Today, gigantic corporations and “too big to fail” banks totally dominate our economic system. The whole game is rigged. Just take a look at banking. If you can believe it, the “big six” U.S. banks (Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo) now control assets equivalent to approximately 60 percent of America’s gross national product. But this isn’t just the case in the financial world. Meanwhile, life is getting really tough for the “average joe” on the street. #6 More than 50 percent of all stocks and bonds are owned by just 1 percent of the population.

Gangrule - The History of the Mafia - StumbleUpon. Famous People Painting with Wiki Links | Historical Figures With Image Map - Urheimat? – 5.000 BC – Indo-European Linguistics. Kurgans – 4.000 BC – Indo-European Linguistics. Yamna – 3.000 BC – Indo-European Linguistics. Expansion – 2.000 BC – Indo-European Linguistics. Evolution – 500 BC – Indo-European Linguistics. Europe in 500 BC – Indo-European Linguistics. Antiquity – 500 AD – Indo-European Linguistics. Mediaeval – 1.500 AD – Indo-European Linguistics. Maps of War ::: Maps. Vintage Visual Language: The Story of Isotype. By Maria Popova The Transformer: Principles of Making Isotype Charts is the first English-language volume to capture the story of Isotype, an essential foundation for our modern visual language dominated by pictograms in everything from bathroom signage to computer interfaces to GOOD’s acclaimed Transparencies.

The real cherry on top is a previously unpublished essay by Marie Neurath, who was very much on par with Otto as Isotype’s co-inventor, written a year before her death in 1986 and telling the story of how she carried on the Isotype legacy after Otto’s death in 1946. Richly illustrated and contextualized with fascinating historical essays, The Transformer is a vital primer for a visual langauge that not only frames much of today’s communication but also speaks to us on a powerful intuitive level. HT Information Is Beautiful Donating = Loving Bringing you (ad-free) Brain Pickings takes hundreds of hours each month. Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter. Share on Tumblr. G/Geschichte - Das Magazin für Geschichte - Home. Historypin | Home. Was war wann ? Was geschah am.. wichtige Ereignisse 1700-2011. Was war an deinem Geburtstag? Museum. Top 10 Countries That Disappeared In The 20th Century. New nations seem to pop up with alarming regularity.

At the start of the 20th century, there were only a few dozen independent sovereign states on the planet; today, there are nearly 200! Once a nation is established, they tend to stick around for awhile, so a nation disappearing is quite uncommon. It’s only occurred a handful of times in the last century. But when they do, they completely vanish off the face of the globe: government, flag, and all. 10. Created from the Soviet controlled sector of Germany after the Second World War, East Germany was probably best known for its Wall and its tendency to shoot people who attempted to cross over it. Basically little more than a Soviet satellite state, the collapse of the notorious Wall and, with it, the demise of the old Soviet Union brought an end to this failed experiment in Communism, and it was integrated back into the rest of Germany in 1990. 9. 8. 7.

So why did it break apart when its neighbor, Germany did not? 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. What? Geschichte. Diese Kategorie erfasst alle übergeordneten Kategorien des Themenbereichs Geschichte. Einzelne Artikel sollten grundsätzlich der jeweils passenden Kategorie niedrigster Hierarchie zugeordnet werden. Siehe auch: Geschichte – lokale Sammlung von Bildern und/oder Videos und Audiodateien Unterkategorien Es werden 12 von insgesamt 12 Unterkategorien in dieser Kategorie angezeigt:In Klammern die Anzahl der enthaltenen Kategorien (K), Seiten (S), Dateien (D) Seiten in der Kategorie „Geschichte“ Es werden 4 von insgesamt 4 Seiten in dieser Kategorie angezeigt:

Category:Historical roads. Silk Road. Silk Road extending from Europe through Egypt, Somalia, the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Burma, Java-Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam until it reaches China. The land routes are red, and the water routes are blue. Port cities on the maritime silk route featured on the voyages of Zheng He.[1] The Silk Road, or Silk Route, is a series of trade and cultural transmission routes that were central to cultural interaction through regions of the Asian continent connecting the West and East by linking traders, merchants, pilgrims, monks, soldiers, nomads and urban dwellers from China to the Mediterranean Sea during various periods of time.[2] Extending 4,000 miles (6,437 kilometres), the Silk Road gets its name from the lucrative trade of Chinese silk which was carried out along its length, and began during the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD).

Name[edit] History[edit] Precursors[edit] Cross-continental journeys[edit] Hellenistic era[edit]