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Google Street View Hyperlapse. Amara - Universal subtitling: caption, translate, subtitle and transcribe video. A Carefully Selected List of Recommended Tools on Datavisualization. When I meet with people and talk about our work, I get asked a lot what technology we use to create interactive and dynamic data visualizations.

A Carefully Selected List of Recommended Tools on Datavisualization

At Interactive Things, we have a set of preferred libraries, applications and services that we use regularly in our work. We will select the most fitting tool for the job depending on the requirements of the project. Sometimes a really simple tool is all you need to create something meaningful. On other occasions, a more multifaceted repertoire is needed. But how does one choose the right thing to use? That’s why we have put together a selection of tools that we use the most and that we enjoy working with. Let me answer the most likely questions right away: No, not everything find its’ way into this list, so you might not find your personal favorite. Layar Reality Browser / Enable Layar Vision in a layer. Back to Layar Vision Index Here we explain what layer developers need to do to enable Layar Vision in their layers.

Layar Reality Browser / Enable Layar Vision in a layer

It contains the following topics: Basic Concepts What is an Augment? A “target object”? In Layar, an augment is a digital model (2D or 3D) rendered on a target object as seen through the mobile phone camera lens. A target object is a physical or digital visual entity that contains enough detail to be unique whereby a person can point their phone at said “object” to see the augment (if available). What is a reference image ? A reference image is the file uploaded by a developer for analysis so that the object depicted in the file can become a target object; thereby, enabling target tracking of said object. Changes in GetPOI API v6.0 Layar Vision can be enabled by returning a reference image in the getPOI response, for instance, In Hotspot object, we added a new "anchor" object that contains either Geo-location or Vision information.

Changes to layer definition 2. 1. 2. Microsoft Comic Chat. Microsoft Comic Chat (later Microsoft Chat, but not to be confused with Windows Chat, or WinChat) is a graphical IRC client created by Microsoft, first released with Internet Explorer 3.0 in 1996.

Microsoft Comic Chat

Comic Chat was developed by Microsoft Researcher David Kurlander, with Microsoft Research's Virtual Worlds Group and later a group he managed in Microsoft's Internet Division.[2] Comic Chat started out as a research project, and a paper describing the technology was published at SIGGRAPH '96.[4] It was an experiment in automatic illustration construction and layout. Q-BLOCK : Create 3D Pixel Art Online. Jing, instant screenshots and screencasts, home. - Grow your brand with online video. Free Presentation Software. Free online mind mapping software. Instagram. March 30, 2020 Update: We understand these are challenging times for our developer community, so we are postponing disabling the Instagram Legacy API Platform by 90 days to June 29, 2020.


Remaining endpoints on the Legacy API will no longer be available after this date and your app's users may lose functionality. We urge you to migrate to the Instagram Graph API and the Instagram Basic Display API without delay so that users of your app have time to transition as well. Both APIs rely on permissions that require App Review , which can take a week or longer to complete, so you should begin the process as soon as you can to avoid any interruption in service. Please see this blog post for tips on getting through our App Review process. If you're only using the Legacy API to generate tokens in order to display your Instagram Feed on a personal website, you can use the Instagram Basic Display API's User Token Generator to continue generating tokens. FAQs. Projeqt \ how great stories are told.

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