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Website and blog of New York Times best selling author of "The Element", TED speaker, education and creativity expert. Der freie Zugang zu Wissen. Big Think Edge. Are You Standing in Your Own Way? (with Sir Ken Robinson) Perhaps the most powerful contribution of cognitive psychology to human understanding has been its careful mapping out of the many ways in which we self-deceive.

Are You Standing in Your Own Way? (with Sir Ken Robinson)

Our minds are expert confabulators, instantaneously able to invent details and frameworks to account for gaps in our knowledge or preserve our emotional equilibrium. For this reason, says Sir Ken Robinson, we are often, unbeknownst to ourselves, the biggest obstacle to our own happiness. Faced with opportunity, many of us react with fear – a protective response generalized from earlier, unrelated experiences. “The real issue,” says Robinson, “is for people to think hard about what’s getting in their way. Sir Ken Robinson: How To Discover Your True Talents. United Response » Easy News. Easy News is the first newspaper designed to be accessible for people with learning disabilities.

United Response » Easy News

Politics and the news are often inaccessible to people with learning disabilities because of the use of jargon and difficult language. There is a high demand for easy read information among people with learning disabilities. Over half of people with learning disabilities supported by United Response told us that they would like to read a newspaper with simple words and pictures. See our infographic for more stats and information about why we believe Easy News is so important. The first edition of Easy News consists of a summary of some of the biggest news stories from 2012, with subsequent editions focusing on more topical issues. "Afrika für Norwegen": Satire-Video persifliert Afrikabild des Westens. Abgemagerte Säuglinge, auf deren Lippen Fliegen sitzen, gehören zur Vorweihnachtszeit wie Lebkuchen mit Zuckerguss.

"Afrika für Norwegen": Satire-Video persifliert Afrikabild des Westens

Hilfsorganisationen setzen auf die besinnten Menschen der ersten Welt und hoffen, mit berührenden Fotos und Filmen Geld einzuwerben für ihre Projekte in Afrika. Ähnlich kommt auch zunächst ein Video daher, in dem ein Rapper namens Breezy V von einer Zeit der Not spricht. Viele Leute wüssten nicht, sagt Breezy V, "was da gerade los ist". Als er das sagt, ist ein Mann zu sehen, der auf vereister Straße und bei starkem Wind versucht, sich auf den Beinen zu halten. Es ist ein Spendenaufruf an alle Afrikaner zugunsten von Norwegen, diesem kalten Land im Norden, in dem Kinder frieren. Archiv der Zukunft - Netzwerk. Abiturienten aus bildungsfernen Familien studieren seltener. Berlin - Mehr Abiturienten, mehr Studenten, mehr Akademiker - jedes Jahr steigen die Zahlen.

Abiturienten aus bildungsfernen Familien studieren seltener

Politiker brüsten sich dann damit, dass es aufwärts geht in der Bildungsrepublik Deutschland. A 375-Year-Old French Bank Forgives Debts of Paris' Poorest - Business. Just as France was being chastised for excessive national borrowing with a sovereign debt downgrade, thousands of lucky French people had their financial obligations forgiven after the country's oldest bank decided to simply wipe their slate clean.

A 375-Year-Old French Bank Forgives Debts of Paris' Poorest - Business

Granted, it's a small slate. The 3,500 clients who benefitted from the bank’s largesse had debts of 150 euros or less (about $190) with the Crédit Municipal de Paris, also known as the "Mont-de-piété," the bank of the poor, which has for centuries allowed the needy to get loans against their valuables—a kind of ethical pawnshop, or the original microlender. The small kindness was welcome for many. "I'm very happy, it's the first time I get something for nothing," said Geneviève, an elegant woman in her fifties who was at the bank to get back a gold coin and a small wedding band she had pawned three years ago.

"There came a point when I needed money. The unexpected gift is a way for the bank to celebrate its 375th anniversary. The eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – which range from halving extreme poverty rates to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by the target date of 2015 – form a blueprint agreed to by all the world’s countries and all the world’s leading development institutions.

They have galvanized unprecedented efforts to meet the needs of the world’s poorest. The UN is also working with governments, civil society and other partners to build on the momentum generated by the MDGs and carry on with an ambitious post-2015 development agenda. News on Millennium Development Goals Launch of the UN Sustainable Development Goals As the MDGs era comes to a conclusion with the end of the year, 2016 ushers in the official launch of the bold and transformative 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by world leaders last September at the United Nations.

The MDG Gap Task Force Report 2015 is now available. Make It Do - About. A few months ago I attended Camp Mighty in Palm Springs, CA.

Make It Do - About

One of the requirements, prior to arriving, was to complete my life list. I filled mine with over seventy items, and a few stood out: #21 More self sufficiency #55 Sew more for myself, make a dress #69 Buy quality stuff, no more IKEA/throwaway, things that can be repaired/fixed/handed down. Thesen gegen die Ausplünderung der Gesellschaft - "Kapitalismus braucht keine Demokratie" - Kultur. Wahnsinn als Selbstverständlichkeit: Seit Jahren ist es offensichtlich, dass die Demokratie ruiniert wird und der Sozialstaat zerfällt.

Thesen gegen die Ausplünderung der Gesellschaft - "Kapitalismus braucht keine Demokratie" - Kultur

Privatisierte Gewinne und sozialisierte Verluste sind zur Selbstverständlichkeit verkommen. 13 Gründe, sich selbst wieder ernst zu nehmen. Ein Gastbeitrag von Ingo Schulze, Schriftsteller Seit etwa drei Jahren habe ich keinen Artikel mehr geschrieben, denn ich weiß nicht mehr, was ich noch schreiben soll. Die Intellektuellen schweigen. Aus den Universitäten hört man nichts, von den sogenannten Vordenkern nichts, hier und da gibt es einzelnes kurzes Aufflackern, dann wieder Dunkel.

23 incredible new technologies you’ll see by 2021. Neue Uni in London: Spitzen-Professoren locken helle Köpfe - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - UniSPIEGEL. A.

Neue Uni in London: Spitzen-Professoren locken helle Köpfe - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - UniSPIEGEL

C. Grayling ist ein streitbarer Intellektueller. Er kämpft für den Atheismus, mischt sich in Debatten über Euthanasie und Drogenlegalisierung ein und sieht es als seinen Auftrag, den Lesern seiner Bücher und Zeitungskolumnen das philosophische Denken näherzubringen. Elizabeth Redmond of POWERLeap on piezo power for large cities. Elizabeth Redmond's Biography - Sustainable Designer Turns the Alternative Energy Paradigm on its Head! - Changents.

Hans Rosling

Architektur-Visionär Bucky Fuller: Rund ist gesund - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Kultur. ASEP/JDS. All new edition of Out of Our Minds. Herzlich willkommen. Oxfam: Swap It. Wirks » Magazin für Zukunftskompetenz. WikiLeaks. Sticky Notes: HopeLab's Blog. AcademiaNet - das Portal exzellenter Wissenschaftlerinnen. Vision Summit: Startseite. The Story of Stuff. The World Future Council: WFC - Start. Welcome to Lift :) TED: Ideas worth spreading.


Future Skills. Home. Welcome to SustainIT. Schools. Heitmeyer.