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@ Urban Permaculture

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Farming The City. Social Permacuture, Governance & Politics.


Permaculture urbaine. COLOCO // EXPLORATEURS DE LA DIVERSITE URBAINE AU MOYEN D'ARCHITECTURES, PAYSAGES, FILMS ET INSTALLATIONSCOLOCO / Miguel Georgieff, Nicolas Bonnenfant, Pablo Georgieff. Permaculture dans les quartiers par Bill MOLLISON (vostf) - une vidéo Expression Libre.

La ville résiliente - Framasoft Framafox. Social Permacuture, Governance & Politics. Guerilla Gardenning. Micro Intensives Systems / La Micro-Intensive. Jardins Partagés / Shared Gardens. Recycling /Recycler. La Transition ? Territoires en Transition France. Villes en Transition - Le blé de Montreuil, du semis à la farine. - Après-midi du 2 novembre 2008, il fait froid aux Murs à Pêches et le vent qui souffle sur le plateau n’est pas de nature à nous réchauffer. Deux petites parcelles qui font moins de dix mètres carrés en tout, ont été repérées et nous sommes quelques-un(e)s à préparer la terre au râteau et à commencer à tracer de beaux sillons de quelques centimètres de profondeur.

Le froid aidant, certains prennent l’initiative d’entamer le semis avant même que tout le monde soit arrivé. Cet article complète le dossier "Montreuil, Ville comestible" publié dans Passerelle Eco n°36 Le semis Les sachets de graines offerts par le collectif sont ouverts et on s’efforce de répandre précautionneusement les petites semences dans chaque sillon. Une fois cette première parcelle semée, on recouvre de terre et on passe à la suivante. La levée Le temps passe… la levée se fait au mieux, les petites herbes se montrent. Le fauchage Puis arrive l’été et le traditionnel moment du fauchage.

La battage Le vannage La mouture. Transition :: Affronter la transition, s'adapter au monde de l'après-pétrole. Rob Hopkins of Transition Town Totnes and Transition Culture. As Lester Brown recently noted on this site, the coming decline of oil will be ‘a seismic economic event’. So what do we do when we learn that the ’black gold’ will soon start running out? Do we grab a gun and head for the hills, or do we redouble our efforts to build strong, resilient communities and economies that are not dependent on fossil fuels? Rob Hopkins is at the forefront of the latter approach. Originally a permaculture teacher, Rob began tackling peak oil by coordinating an energy descent action plan with his students for Kinsale, the town in Ireland where he was living and teaching.

The resulting document received a huge amount of interest from around the world (and can be downloaded as a PDF here), and has since given rise to the Transition Towns movement – a rapidly spreading, community-lead approach to peak oil planning, which is currently being implemented at a village, town and even city level. [Photo credit: Jersey Evening Post] Birmingham Civic Dashboard. The idea was born from a desire to show council activity and engagement with local citizens, creating a window on the city. Dashboards have been used in business intelligence for years, allowing managers to see activity logs and assess performance. Mudlark, a cross platform production company, is interested in ways to present data, and in particular in how to do that at a city level.

Their game, Chromaroma, enables people to play at traveling across London and utilises data from Oyster card use to make beautiful visualisations of the journey: (source: ) The dashboard will allow people to view previously unavailable records of requests for services from the council. Designing around sample data, taken on the 9th December, highlights: Two enquiries about a public emergency Nine enquiries relating to odour Four notifications of death (council tax) One request for information on the nearest public toilet Human stories emerge from the data. Directorate Section within that Directorate.