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Startup library

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Startup 101

Books you should be reading before going to bed. Too lazy to read? Ok, here are some stuff to watch. Are you sure you have what it takes? What type of company do you want to create? Create a startup. Economics of startups. General advice. How to get a startup idea ? Co-founders : Build the best team for you start-up. Building the team. Building a business. How to get some useful mentors? When you have to create a legal company. Networking. How to build a MVP. Launch your startup. Tools. What you need to know in Finance / raising money. Management. "Overnight success" Crowdfunding and co' Funding. Agility. Traction, growth.

Going abroad. What you (need to) do when your team is growing.

When it's time to sell your company

When you are not growing that fast. You think it's the end? Not working? Don't do that, that would kill your startup. Be a good CEO. Tech. Design / UX. Marketing. Product management. Sales. Mobile. Marketplaces. Freemium. Hardware. Platforms.

Enterprise software. Video Games. Airbnb. Facebook. Google. Evernote. Snapchat. Whatsapp. Slack. Dropbox. Pinterest. Stripe. Meerkat. Foursquare. Contour. Sunrise. Sandbox.