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Quels réseaux / médias sociaux pour quels usages ? Votre Marque Employeur en mode “Fun” : après le Lipdub, le Flashmob ! Pour communiquer de façon originale sur votre Marque Employeur et vos besoins en recrutement, vous êtes plutôt Lipdub ou Flashmob ?

Votre Marque Employeur en mode “Fun” : après le Lipdub, le Flashmob !

Attirer et séduire les meilleurs talents en (re)mettant un peu d’humain dans la communication RH pour montrer ce qui se cache derrière le miroir et l’image bien maîtrisée de l’Entreprise, tel est l’un des 2 objectifs du Marketing Employeur. Le second est d’en profiter pour développer en interne auprès des collaborateurs le sentiment d’appartenance et la fierté de porter les couleurs de son Entreprise tout en cultivant l’Esprit d’Equipe. Ce qui est bon et beau à l’intérieur se voit à l’extérieur et vice et versa.

Women in Social Media. Social Media experts and practitioners can never underestimate the participation and influence of women in Social Media.

Women in Social Media

Facts show that roughly 53% of adult female population in the US or an estimated forty two million women participate in social media on a weekly basis. These results are conclusive of the fact that women are surpassing male domination in the social media world. The most active age groups are the Millennials, or those between the ages of 18 and 26, and the Gen Xers or those aged 27 to 43. Most of the activity range from status updating, participating in message boards and forums, blogging to social networking.

Truly, women have dominated the major social networking sites, with Facebook and Twitter having more than 50% of female members . Most female netizens read and comment about entertainment, food, health/wellness, recipes/cooking while paying less attention to topics like technology/ gadget, shopping and cars. Source: Le Social Learning : le e-learning peut-il hériter de Facebook. SharePoint and Assessment Blog. Médias sociaux: de plus en plus utilisés en relations publiques. Selon un récent sondage de la Chaire de relations publiques et communication marketing de l'Uqam, 80% des professionnels québécois en relations publiques incluent toujours, fréquemment ou parfois les médias sociaux dans leurs plans de communication, contre 56% en 2008.

Médias sociaux: de plus en plus utilisés en relations publiques

C'est la deuxième fois que cette étude est effectuée par la Chaire, qui a interrogé 650 membres de la Société québécoise des professionnels en relations publiques (SQPRP). Le sondage dévoile aussi des croissances de 33% pour LinkedIn et de 16% pour Twitter depuis 2008. Le constat est le même pour Wikipédia, le webcasting, les fils RSS et les blogues. De plus, 59% des participants affirment être de calibre intermédiaire quant à leur niveau d'expertise des médias sociaux, 35% se disent débutants et 6% estiment être experts. Le sondage a été réalisé du 2 au 8 décembre 2009 en collaboration avec la SQPRP et la firme Casacom. Les résultats de la première étude avaient été publiés en février 2009. The E-learning Daily 紙. E-learning 7H99.

SharePoint – Social Learning Savior? In today’s corporate world, you can not toss a rock in any direction without someone mentioning SharePoint as the glorious solution for social learning and in many cases a LMS.

SharePoint – Social Learning Savior?

They love it, and they want you to know about it. Blogs. Le Social Learning vu par e-Doceo « LMS Selection. The Why and How of Using Facebook For Educators – No Need to be Friends At All! If you are one of those out there that believe that Facebook has no place in the classroom, then, well maybe this post isn’t for you.

The Why and How of Using Facebook For Educators – No Need to be Friends At All!

But please first take a look at just a few reasons why you should reconsider: The fact is, the majority of your students and their parents are probably already on FacebookEven when schools have a policy against being “friends” online, there are tools you can use that won’t violate policyDespite what you may hear, there are strong privacy options that you can set up so only those that you want can access your informationWe have an obligation as educators to model appropriate online behavior and learn right along our students From Where do we begin? Just today, Facebook released their own sponsored Facebook For Educators guide, but we found that there really wasn’t enough “how-to” in this guide to make it worth it. Various ways to use social media as a facilitator or trainer.

This is a blogpost written for a half-day workshop for facilitators with Sibrenne Wagenaar.We thought of starting with a blogpost because it helps us think about the topic of the workshop, it is a light way of starting online, and it gives the chance for others to look over our shoulders (and give tips?).

Various ways to use social media as a facilitator or trainer

More and more often we meet trainers and facilitators who are working mainly face-to-face and would like to use the opportunity of social media to facilitate more online because it may enhance the quality of your trajectory. There are many different ways in which you can do so. Réseaux sociaux partout, pour tous ! (1/3) Students Speak Up in Class, Silently, via Social Media. Give User Adoption the Respect it Deserves. Wenger_Trayner_DeLaat_Value_creation. The Impact of Social Learning: Will You Be The First? 100+ Online Resources That Are Transforming Education. Yury Lifshits is working on algorithms and prototypes of new services at Yahoo!

100+ Online Resources That Are Transforming Education

Research. Before that he was teaching university courses in the U.S., Germany, Russia and Estonia. He blogs at and publishes his teaching materials at Education technology has become a busy space in recent years. Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates continue to push the envelope with enormous philanthropic gifts toward education reform; was traded at a $1 billion plus valuation; and Google is putting millions into education tech sites like KhanAcademy.

With so many startups on the scene, it is easy to get lost. 1. The education system of the 20th century is built around institutions: schools, colleges, academies and universities. At the same time, brick-and-mortar institutions launch experimental online programs. iQAcademy helps high-schools to offer online classes, and 2tor and Altius Education do that for universities. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Social learning et Entreprise 2.0. 5 Essential Traits for Community Managers. Stuart Foster is a marketing consultant in the Boston area.

5 Essential Traits for Community Managers

He specializes in brand management, social media, and blog outreach. He authors a blog at Community manager is the new it position in social media. To establish hardcore communities of evangelists around your brand, you need to have one. However, what makes up a successful community manager? Free Homework Help Videos from Brightstorm - Math, Science, Test Prep - Brightstorm.

‘Facebook effect’ on grades? Today one of the bloggers on Mashable, Jolie O’Dell wrote an interesting post and started an interesting discussion regarding students’ usage of social media and the impact on grades.

‘Facebook effect’ on grades?

She asks whether we students perceive our activities on social media to have a positive or negative impact on grades. I think you all should comment on her post and leave your views on the subject. My opinion is that it certainly could have a negative impact since interaction on social networks does take time, time that could have been used to study instead.

On the other hand, how much do we watch television nowadays? I never (or seldom) spend time watching TV and my guess is that the average student did spend more time watching TV a few years ago. I think it’s relevant, and interesting to look into the usage of social media in a broader sense, beyond grades. I am interested, too, to hear your thoughts and ideas regarding this subject. Notes sharing by students, for students. Help your students help each other with our 24-hour peer-support network. As your students share and collaborate, their engagement and confidence will grow. Just invite your students to join their class on - they can start immediately using their existing facebook accounts or school email. Link to from your LMS, or we'll do the simple integration for you. Learn more (pdf download)

For Students, What Is the Facebook Effect on Grades? Social media has several effects on academic work — some more positive than others.

For Students, What Is the Facebook Effect on Grades?

But what is social networking's overall impact on college students' performance? According to data gathered from several sources by, Facebook and Twitter are used to great benefit — sometimes. WeejeeLearning — Knowledge Now. 30 Ways to use Social Media to Work Smarter. La révolution du social learning.

Les dangers des réseaux sociaux.