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Google+ Hangouts On Air Now Have A Full-Screen Option For Your Broadcast. When you’re using Google+ Hangouts to broadcast, say, a live concert, there hasn’t been a way to make it full-screen for your wonderful viewers.

Google+ Hangouts On Air Now Have A Full-Screen Option For Your Broadcast

Basically, it would show a big window with you in it, along with a smaller window under it. A full-screen option has been a long-requested feature, and the Hangouts team announced today that this has been added due to popular demand, much like the recent pan and zoom feature for photos. Hangouts On Air take your live streaming Hangout and push it to an embeddable YouTube player, which records for later viewing as well.

If you’re a band, a teacher or any type of performer, you’ll be happy to know that your one-camera show will now have a gorgeous viewing option. Here’s the before and after, as shared by Google’s Dori Storbeck: This feature is now the default. Hangouts have been the breakout feature of Google’s social suite, Google+, since its launch. Incremental changes, small tweaks, and improvements: This is the Google way. Small business startup. Entrepreneurship Week Speaker: Guy Kawasaki. Jigsha Desai: Simple technology and social media strategies for a small business. ROLLA, Mo. — I'm visiting my parents this week.

Jigsha Desai: Simple technology and social media strategies for a small business

They own and operate the Rustic Motel of Rolla — a quaint 25-room motel located off bustling Highway 63 in Missouri. My parents, Bhupendra "Bob" and Vina Desai, do a lot of the work themselves. In addition to managing the front desk, washing laundry and handling all the calls and email, my dad does most of the maintenance work, and my mum cleans rooms. Low-tech as they may be, my dad is a savvy businessman who knows the importance of marketing. When he and my mother became naturalized American citizens, he proudly changed the lettering on the sign outside to claim "American owned.

" As his unofficial webmaster, I first built about eight years ago. About two years later, my dad bugged me again about updating his website. Blogging was trendy at the time and I thought a blog by my father would be an authentic addition to his website. The Movement That Is Transforming How New Products Are Built And Launched. Turn an Idea Into a Business: 9 Tips. Ideas: Everyone has them.

Turn an Idea Into a Business: 9 Tips

Few act on them. Even fewer make money from them. Want to turn an idea into a real business? Here's an overview of the process from Stephen Key, the author of One Simple Idea for Startups and Entrepreneurs. He holds 13 patents and his products have been sold in retail outlets like Walmart and 7-Eleven. 1. Early on Key realized that in order to eat he had to find out really fast if an idea would work--if not, he needed to move on and find a new one. 2. Freelance opdrachten - ZZP opdrachten voor freelancers. Interesting on the web. Get Things Done with Evernote Using GTD Templates. Hi.

Get Things Done with Evernote Using GTD Templates

I'm the author of My Simple Curiosity. I've never tried to open a template file in Android before. I'll do some more research and see what I can come up with. Maybe I'll turn it into my next blog post. Verdubbeling aantal Europese zelfstandigen. AMSTERDAM – Het aantal zelfstandige professionals is in Europa sinds het jaar 2000 verdubbeld tot ruim 8,5 miljoen vorig jaar.

Verdubbeling aantal Europese zelfstandigen

Richard Branson: how to pitch in 5 steps - Entrepreneur. As any budding entrepreneur will know, pitching your ideas can be a nerve-racking process.

Richard Branson: how to pitch in 5 steps - Entrepreneur

Even business greats such as Richard Branson found the skill a hard one to come by, as a child Branson greatly struggled with shyness. There arent many obstacles that cant be overcome with hard work however, recognising this Forbes has put together five tips for the perfect pitch. The Virgin Group Founder relies on five key elements when presenting ideas: 1. Social Media ondersteuning voor een vast bedrag per maand. Crowdfunding groeit naar 300 miljoen euro. AMSTERDAM – Crowdfunding groeit sterk in Europa.

Crowdfunding groeit naar 300 miljoen euro

Afgelopen jaar is er meer dan 300 miljoen euro opgehaald via ruim 200 platformen. Dat aantal zal dit jaar toenemen met 50 procent. © Thinkstock. Welke valkuilen moet ik als starter vermijden? Search still half of all digital spending. Nieuwe marketing wordt bepaald door de consument. Iedere ondernemer kent de marketingstrategie van Kotler gebaseerd op de 5 P's: Product, Price, Promotion, Place en People. De strategie gaat ervan uit dat het bedrijf bepaalt wat, wanneer, op welke manier gebeurt. Startups mixen crowd en angel investering. AMSTERDAM – Een aantal Nederlandse startups heeft op een innovatieve manier geld opgehaald door crowdfunding en informele investering met elkaar te combineren. © Thinkstock.

Startups mixen crowd en angel investering

KickStart **FREE Demo & Marketing Tools! ‘Startups hebben geen investeerders nodig’ Easycratie Chapter 1. Unlock the Value of Big Data. StoredIQ®, an IBM® Company, provides scalable analysis and governance of unstructured data in-place across disparate and distributed email, file shares, desktops and collaboration sites.

Unlock the Value of Big Data

Its products enable companies to discover, analyze and act on data for eDiscovery; records retention and disposition; compliance; and storage optimization initiatives. Featured StoredIQ products Featured StoredIQ capabilities Information Lifecycle Governance Enhance your information economics strategy and solutions to help reduce information cost and risk. Enterprise Content Management Capture, activate, share, analyze and govern unstructured data to uncover valuable content and act on it for better business insight and outcomes.

The 6 Vital Decisions of Start-up Success. If you want to turn your great idea for a start-up into a real business, it won’t just happen because you want it to.

The 6 Vital Decisions of Start-up Success

In fact, the odds that you can succeed are stacked against you. And while you’re trying to beat those odds, you will be putting your reputation, the time of your co-founders, and possibly the cash of your friends and family at risk of loss. Over the past two years, I have been interviewing start-up CEOs--about 180 at last count--in a quest to figure out what makes the difference between the few who succeed and the many who fail. You can read the result in my new book, Hungry Start-up Strategy: Creating New Ventures With Limited Resources and Unlimited Vision, coming out in November. Agenda. Cappuccinocoach. Online Work Agency Ltd - Internet Users Wanted. Twitter Tips: Advice from Evangelist Guy Kawasaki. InShare0 Entrepreneur Guy Kawasaki shares tips and tools for building and monitoring brands on the social network.

Calling Twitter a tool that enables "democratization of power" for businesses and individuals alike, venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki today offered an assortment of tools and tips for using the social media platform for marketing. Despite his love affair with Twitter, Kawasaki warned that people who tweet will encounter some heat. "If I do it, it's clever marketing. If it's done to me, it's spam. To Sell a Blog, Build Your Personal Brand: Morningstar Inc. Acquires Michelle Leder isn't the first entrepreneur to find success post-pink slip, but her tale is a parable about the importance of finding a niche – and of personal branding. In 1998, Leder, a financial journalist, was fired from her business-reporting job at Gannett's Poughkeepsie Journal. She parlayed her skill parsing complex Securities and Exchange Commission documents into a business she ran from her home office. This month, investor advisory service Morningstar, the $2.2 billion company mutual-fund rating company, bought Leder's tiny company for an undisclosed sum.

(Full disclosure: Morningstar CEO Joe Mansueto owns Inc., and Leder has written for the magazine in the past, most recently in 2005.) How did this laid-off journalist turn financial voyeurism into a paycheck? Writing about a small Florida bank's aggressive accounting first piqued Leder's interest in SEC filings.

As the blog's readership grew, Leder saw financial opportunity. Improve Social Media ROI. » de makkelijkste manier om fysieke en digitale producten online te verkopen. Home. Wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Durftevragen1.01.pdf. Richard Branson: learning from failure. Seth Godin On Being An Entrepreneur, Telling Stories And Making Ideas Matter. Seth's Blog. 6 Ways to Start Your Own Brand. The buzzword in behavioral economics ( consumer psychology) is "branding". Create your own brand.

You want your brand to exude a) confidence b) reliability and c) relevance. It doesn't matter what your line of work is - a brand allows you to branch out in all sorts of directions. But first, get your brand set up and going. I recommend starting with your name. 1. What Is YOUR Personal Brand? As business owners we know that branding our business is important, but what about branding ourselves? Today I have the honor of interviewing Dan Schawbel, the leading personal branding expert for Gen-Y. The New York Times calls him a 'Personal Branding Guru" and you'll often hear his name tossed around in the same sentence as Seth Godin's. Q. Broadcast Yourself. Onramp Branding - What We Do. Tips and Tricks for Starting Your Brand on Pinterest. <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there!

If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to the RSS feed</strong></a> for updates on this topic. <div style="clear:both"></div><div class="greet_block_powered_by">Powered by <a href=" title="WP Greet Box WordPress Plugin" style="text-decoration:none;">WP Greet Box</a><a href=" title="WordPress Plugin" style="text-decoration:none;">WordPress Plugin</a></div><div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> Pinterest has quickly climbed the networking ladder and become one of the top five referring traffic sources for several apparel retailers.

With this newfound marketing tool, many brands are now joining the site to branch out their name. The Brand Called You. That cross-trainer you’re wearing — one look at the distinctive swoosh on the side tells everyone who’s got you branded. That coffee travel mug you’re carrying — ah, you’re a Starbucks woman! Your T-shirt with the distinctive Champion “C” on the sleeve, the blue jeans with the prominent Levi’s rivets, the watch with the hey-this-certifies-I-made-it icon on the face, your fountain pen with the maker’s symbol crafted into the end … You’re branded, branded, branded, branded.

How To Chose a Brand Name: Tips, Ideas and Examples. I get asked this question quite a bit by startupping entrepreneurs and even established business owners: When choosing a name for your business or a new product, should you go with a name that is descriptive (if somewhat boring)? Or should you coin a unique made-up word? There are different schools of thought on this. Some people fall squarely in the “unique made-up name” camp — others think descriptive is best. Personally I tend to fall into the descriptive camp.

App ontwikkelaars verdeeld over verdienmodel. Ontwikkelaars van applicaties zijn van plan in 2011 minder vaak applicaties betaald weg te zetten. Waar vorig jaar nog 59 procent heil zag in applicaties tegen betaling is dit in 2011 afgenomen tot 50 procent. Home - LayerGloss. Personal Development Books. Steve RecommendsHere are my recommendations for products and services I've reviewed that can improve your results. This is a short list since it only includes my top picks. Free Online Courses, College Classes and Video Lessons - Education Portal Academy. Social Recruiting Becomes the Norm. Social recruiting, the process of hiring people through social media sites rather than traditional help wanted listings, has become the norm for most companies, according to a recent survey of 1,000 human resources and recruitment professionals.

A survey by Jobvite revealed 92 percent of U.S. companies this year are using social networks and media to find new talent, up from 78 percent in 2007. The research found that while LinkedIn continues to be the most popular recruiting network, more and more companies are turning to other popular social networking sites to find qualified candidates. Two-thirds of businesses now recruit through Facebook, with more than half using Twitter. "We continue to see social recruiting gain popularity because it is more efficient than the days of sifting through a haystack of résumés," said Dan Finnigan, president and CEO of Jobvite. Business Model Generation.

Online IDE – Your code anywhere, anytime. StudyFlow - Online eindexamens oefenen en maken. Foodzy. Start Your Business - Een naam kiezen: commerciële strategie. 9 Essential Viddy Tips and Tricks for Beginners. Here at Mashable right now, we're all about video. Fifteen-second videos, to be precise. That's why we're glued to the new cinematic social app for iPhone, Viddy. Along with our easy guide to get you started with Viddy, we've delved a little deeper into the app to bring you some useful tips and tricks on the app's inner workings and functionality. Whether you want to better manage your notifications, edit the information for videos you've posted, or learn how to delete comments on clips, we have a useful tip for you. STARTUP BASICS. Business Model Toolbox Review. In order to understand this application’s raison d’être, you need to know about the business modeling concepts as illustrated, figuratively and literally, in the book Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwald and Yves Pigneur.

Improve your user experience with continuous design feedback.