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Psychology & Experiment

Conscious Breathing. Phillip Morris Files. WHO (World Health Organization. HEALTH - NEW Viruses & pandemic diseases. Syndromes. Inviting Machines Into Our Bodies. Chris Arkenberg In what amounts to a fairly shocking reminder of how quickly our technologies are advancing and how deeply our lives are being woven with networked computation, security researchers have recently reported successes in remotely compromising and controlling two different medical implant devices. Such implanted devices are becoming more and more common, implemented with wireless communications both across components and outward to monitors that allow doctors to non-invasively make changes to their settings. Until only recently, this technology was mostly confined to advanced labs but it is now moving steadily into our bodies. As these procedures become more common, researchers are now considering the security implications of wiring human anatomy directly into the web of ubiquitous computation and networked communications.

There are now numerous examples of in-the-field connected implants. It seems the TSA is growing concerned about implanted explosive devices.

Vaccines / Les Vaccins

Global Incident Map Displaying Outbreaks Of All Varieties Of Diseases. Natural News Blogs Cancer is Mainly Caused by The Intake of Acidic Food. Cancer main cause is by the food we eat. Some time ago we consumed a diet of mainly alkaline food but that has changed and rate of cancer also. The majority doctors don’t inform you on the correct food to eat to stay free of cancer and what to eat to cause the body to remove it naturally. The Foods we eat in today’s time contain both acid and alkalinizing forming elements. A diet of mainly acid forming food can contribute to cancer and the common diet here in the western culture. American’s diet today is mostly acidic. We see more people with cancer today than ever before and it’s because of the typical western diet is far too high in acid producing foods such as animal products which include dairy products. The foods we use to eat like freshly grown fruit and vegetables where much better for us, so the best solution is to make some dietary changes.

Some other examples of acid forming foods are; pasta, cheese, ice cream and butter, jams and jellies, alcohol and soft drinks. GMO Food - It's Worse Than We Thought - Dr. Russell Blaylock. GMO Food — It's Worse Than We Thought Over the last decade, as genetically modified, or GMO, foods have increasingly taken over our food supply, we've been learning more about their dangers to our health. Now, one courageous doctor is pointing to mounting evidence that leaves no doubt — GMO foods are even worse than we were told. As this respected doctor points out in a riveting new presentation, no long-term human studies have ever supported GMO safety. Shockingly, the World Health Organization only requires a mere 90 days of testing to claim that GMOs are safe. Well, no one dies from smoking cigarettes within 90 days of starting to smoke, either! Yet while lifetime studies still have not been done on humans, scientists have done these studies on animals — and what they found is stunning.

Lab mice fed just a 33 percent GMO diet begin developing aggressive cancers (particularly breast cancer), liver failure, and kidney failure. Dr. And those stickers pasted onto fruits and vegetables? Psychopathie. La psychopathie, des mots grecs : psyche, ψυχή (« esprit, âme ») et pathos, πάθος (« souffrance, changement accidentel »[1]), est un trouble de la personnalité, caractérisé par un comportement antisocial, un manque de remords et un manque de « comportements humains », généralement associé dans la culture populaire à un mode de vie criminel et instable — bien que cette notion recouvre des types de personnalités bien intégrés dans la société voire considérés comme des modèles.

Il n'existe aucun consensus concernant le critère symptomatique et de nombreuses hypothèses ont été élaborées concernant les causes et les éventuelles possibilités de traitement[2]. Il n'y a jamais eu de définition diagnostique officielle portant la dénomination « psychopathie », que ce soit dans le Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux (DSM) ou dans la Classification statistique internationale des maladies et problèmes de santé connexes.

Dans son livre The Mask of Sanity (en), Hervey M. 'Worm pill' could ease autoimmune disease symptoms -- ScienceDaily. Experts believe a molecule in parasitic worms could help explain why worm infections can effectively treat a range of autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. The Monash University study, published in the FASEB Journal, successfully identified peptides from parasitic worms that suppress the body's immune response. Researchers believe this could pave the way for a new drug containing the peptide to provide relief from the symptoms of autoimmune diseases. Affecting as many as one in 20 Australians, autoimmune diseases occur when a person's immune system has an abnormal response against its own cells, tissues or even entire organs, resulting in inflammation and damage. Lead researcher Professor Ray Norton from Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MIPS) said experts around the world have yet to fully understand the causes of autoimmune diseases, which have risen significantly in parts of the world.

The Shocking Story of How Aspartame Became Legal. It all starts in the mid 1960′s with a company called G.D. Searle. One of their chemists accidentally creates aspartame while trying to create a cure for stomach ulcers. Searle decides to put aspartame through a testing process which eventually leads to its approval by the FDA. Not long after, serious health effects begin to arise and G.D. It is revealed that the testing process of Aspartame was among the worst the investigators had ever seen and that in fact the product was unsafe for use. Early in 1981 Searle Chairman Donald Rumsfeld (who is a former Secretary of Defense.. surprise surprise) vowed to “call in his markers,” to get it approved. It is clear to this point that if anything the safety of aspartame is incredibly shaky. Since then, aspartame has been under a lot of attack by scientists, doctors, chemists and consumers about it’s safety and neurotoxic properties. December 1965– While working on an ulcer drug, James Schlatter, a chemist at G.D.