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Software Download. This page features a growing set of free Adobe Photoshop® filters / plugins coded by myself for 3D production, 2D design, and technical research. These filters are only compatible with Windows, NOT Macintosh. This is not a developer decision but rather a compiler limitation. 64bit versions will be coming soon.


Gradients. PSD's. Brushes. Patterns. Textures. Fonts. 70 Excellent Photoshop Resources. By Kawsar Ali Adobe Photoshop is the tool of choice for many designers and artists.

70 Excellent Photoshop Resources

Photoshop can be used for almost every little task that involves graphic design. Obsidian Dawn Resources - Photoshop & GIMP Brushes, Illustrator Vectors, and more! Root - The Ultimate Photoshop Toolbox. Sep 07 2010 For years now, whenever designers have been asked about their go-to program for image editing and creation, one of the top answers that comes back, is Adobe Photoshop.

Root - The Ultimate Photoshop Toolbox

Its generations of evolution has centered around the growth of any number of digital imaging professionals and has made this software giant a staple in the graphic design community. Since so many of us find this tool in our design arsenals, we thought we would put together a post that would have you get the most out of this dynamic imaging program.

Free vector logos - corporate logos - company and brand : Freebies - Tutorials.