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INFOGRAPHIE • Ce qui arrivera… ou pas. Une échelle des grands projets et des innovations pour 2014 et plus tard. Et leurs chances de voir le jour. 3 janvier 2014 | Partager : DAVID McCANDLESS. Pionnier de la datavisualisation, l’auteur de Datavision (Robert Laffont, 2011) a longtemps travaillé pour le quotidien britannique The Guardian. Déjà abonné ?

La boite à outils. Visuwords™ online • Visual Dictionary, Visual Thesaurus. Newsmap. Amandine Brugière - #Infolab Mettre les données en débat, via des cartes délibératives. CourseWiki - CS448B Data Visualization. The world is awash with increasing amounts of data, and we must keep afloat with our relatively constant perceptual and cognitive abilities. Visualization provides one means of combating information overload, as a well-designed visual encoding can supplant cognitive calculations with simpler perceptual inferences and improve comprehension, memory, and decision making. Furthermore, visual representations may help engage more diverse audiences in the process of analytic thinking. In this course we will study techniques and algorithms for creating effective visualizations based on principles from graphic design, visual art, perceptual psychology, and cognitive science.

The course is targeted both towards students interested in using visualization in their own work, as well as students interested in building better visualization tools and systems. There are no prerequisites for the class and the class is open to graduate students as well as advanced undergraduates. Schedule Tu Oct 26: Color. Data Visualization "Quadrant" « Data Visualization. For many years, Gartner keeps annoying me every January by publishing so called “Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms” (MQ4BI for short) and most vendors (mentioned in it; this is funny, even Donald Farmer quotes MQ4BI) almost immediately re-published it either on so-called reprint (e.g. here – for a few months) area of Gartner website or on own website; some of them also making this “report” available to web visitors in exchange for contact info – for free.

To channel my feeling toward Gartner to a something constructive, I decided to produce my own “Quadrant” for Data Visualization Platforms (DV “Quadrant” or Q4DV for short) – it is below and is a work in-progress and will be modified and republished overtime: 3 DV Leaders (green dots in upper right corner of Q4DV above) compared with each other and with Microsoft BI stack on this blog, as well as voted in DV Poll on LinkedIn. Permalink: Like this: Like Loading...

The Geography of Happiness According to 10 Million Tweets - Alexis C. Madrigal. The happiest city in America is Napa, California -- and the saddest all swear too much. Red states are relatively happier. Blue states are relatively less happy. Gray states are neutral. Sorry, Louisiana, you are the saddest state.

That's according to a team at the Vermont Complex Systems Center, who posted their new analysis of 10 million geotagged tweets to to They also found that the Bible belt stretching across the American south and into Texas was less happy than the west or New England. The researchers coded each tweet for its happiness content, based on the appearance and frequency of words determined by Mechanical Turk workers to be happy (rainbow, love, beauty, hope, wonderful, wine) or sad (damn, boo, ugly, smoke, hate, lied).

Here's a closer look at how they calculated a happiness for the top and bottom cities. Next to each word are two symbols, a plus or minus (+/-) and up or down arrows. Another problem is that the researchers did not look at Twitter in Spanish. Data Visualizations. Visualisation de données: cinq millions de trajets à vélo en libre service. Smart Data >>(vidéo) Les données des cinq premiers millions de trajets du service de vélos en libre service de Londres ont été traitées, et rendues visuellement. Un document étonnant, qui est aussi une aide à la décision pour les services de transport. par Tyler Falk Le système de vélos en libre service de Londres (appelé Barclays Cycle Hire), équivalent de Vélib’ à Paris et Vélov’ à Lyon, est extrêmement populaire.

Depuis son lancement fin 2010, les vélos ont été loués plus de 16 millions de fois. Cela fait beaucoup de promenades à bicyclette, mais cela signifie aussi qu’il y a beaucoup de données sur ces trajets. Dans la vidéo ci-dessous, réalisée par New Scientist, vous pouvez vois les débuts chaotiques du système, le temps que les gens s’y habituent. Cette visualisation n’a pas seulement l’air cool, c’est en fait un outil utile pour les planificateurs des transports, comme l’explique Jo Wood à New Scientist. Via New Scientist À lire aussi. Visualiser comment une image virale se propage sur Facebook.

Dans les milieux de la communication de marques, du marketing, de l’influence en ligne, etc. la cartographie dans toutes ses variantes devient un outil clef, et notamment les visualisations interactives. Dernière expérimentation en date, le projet Virality de Facebook Stories qui explore les modes de propagation d’une image dite virale (c’est à dire qui a pu être partagée sur un court laps de temps de manière très importante entre les membres de plusieurs communautés). Le résultat est plutôt esthétique et puissant. Vous pouvez le voir dans l’une de ces 3 vidéos, qui correspondent entre autre, à l’action menée par un groupe d’étudiant pour soutenir un ami gardien de but en changeant leur photo de profil avec son image à lui.

Articles similaires: Is Data Visualization the Future of Art? | Picture This. “Why are we picking at these carcasses of creativity?” Holly Finn asks in a recent Wall Street Journal article, pointing her critical finger at the particular corpse of Damien Hirst’s creative corpus currently on show at the Tate Modern. “We should instead be celebrating the really new and relevant: the rise of the data visualizers. Their medium is the one with momentum, the one genuinely changing how we think and feel. And it's about to boom.” More than just more Hirst bashing, Finn’s article, titled “Making Data Beautiful,” raises the question of whether old fashioned art is dead and today’s art should be as digital and information driven as our world. If hands-on art (including even Hirst’s hands-free version) is a thing of the past, is data visualization the future of art? Finn provides plenty of examples of fascinating, mind-boggling, data visualization as art.

Finn describes this different feel to data visualization art versus “old” art focused on pleasure or aesthetics. Projects | 5 Interactive JavaScript charts for your website | The Interactive Wall. I’m starting to see a lot of these charts used on websites I frequently visit – such as Dribbble pro account page and Carbon Ads Dashboard. Here’s a list of 5 popular ones worth checking out. Highcharts: Highcharts is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering intuitive, interactive charts to your web site or web application. Highcharts currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie and scatter chart types. jqPlot: jqPlot is a plotting and charting plugin for the jQuery Javascript framework. jqPlot produces beautiful line, bar and pie charts with many features. flot: Flot is a pure Javascript plotting library for jQuery.

MooChart: moochart is a plugin for MooTools 1.2 that draws bubble diagrams on the canvas tag. FusionCharts: FusionCharts v3 helps you create animated & interactive charts for web & enterprise applications. Visualization. All the buildings in Manhattan in 3-D map Taylor Baldwin mapped all of the buildings in Manhattan using a 3-D layout.… Get all caught up with The Avengers using this timeline It’s been a decade since the first Iron Man movie, and some 30… Waiting Game, through the steps of asylum seekers Sisi Wei for ProPublica and Nick Fortugno of Playmatics made a game to… Umpire strike zone changes to finish games earlier When watching baseball on television, we get the benefit of seeing whether a… Shapes we make, seen from the sky Look from the above at the shapes and geometry we use for cities,… Algorithms drawn as IKEA furniture instructions Learning algorithm steps can be a challenge when viewed only through code or… Maps show spring arriving earlier From Joshua Stevens at the NASA Earth Observatory: But over the longer term,… The Moon in 4k resolution Based on data gathered by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, NASA pieced together this… Day of the year companies stop paying women 556 people have gone to space.

The Mega Companies Behind 90% Of Media. We all know that everything you see on TV, and much of what you read online, is ultimately owned by a few mega corporations. But if you were pressed about how much those companies actually own, I’d bet you’d be off by about a factor of 2. Frugal Dad--the same company behind that Walmart infographic we did recently--took it upon themselves to show exactly how concentrated our media landscape actually is.

As the chart rather alarmingly points out, the revenue for those six companies is $275.9 billion. Which sounds like an awfully big number--and starts to set your bullshit detector off. (For one, GE’s revenues alone are $150 billion, and almost all of that comes from heavy industry and finance. Take them out, and the media landscape is probably $125 billion less than advertised.) But then the chart moves on to showing how much content these six companies produce, from TV to news to movies: Okay, now my bullshit detector is clanging like a fire alarm. [Top image: Brad Wynnyk] Data Visualization. What If The NYC Grid Took Over The World? Outside of the nonsensical urban tesseract known as the West Village, Manhattan’s street grid system is famously simple: Avenues run north/south(ish), streets run east/west.

A phrase like "5th Avenue and 33rd Street" isn’t just an arbitrary address, it’s a cartesian coordinate that can actually help you get to where you’re going as well as recognize when you’ve gotten there. With a system this easy, it’s hard not to wish the whole world used it. Harold Cooper's brilliant Google Maps mashup, ExtendNY, gives you an idea of what such a world would look like: Punch in any address or location on the globe, and it tells you what its NYC-style address is. [Click to visit interactive version] For example: My apartment in Brooklyn is near the imaginary corner of S. 46th Street and East 15th Avenue. And 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister, is located at the intersection of 63,709th Street and East 10,894th Avenue. McMurdo Station in Antarctica? Improving on Minard?!? Plotting the Expansion of the US Through Post Offices.

This post was written by Andy Kirk, founder and editor of Andy will be guest editing Information Aesthetics for a short period while Andrew takes a well earned break. Another of the most discussed and viewed projects over the past week has been the visualization by Derek Watkins [] which presents an animated sequence of the expansion of the US depicted by the spread of post offices.

You can read in detail about Derek's data gathering and design process in his blog post but in a nutshell he scraped post office location information from the USPS Postmaster Finder, plotted their lat/long coordinates and developed the animated visualization using Processing. The result is a fascinating historical journey through the expansion of the US as it transforms from the lopsided weight of population in the East to the development of the West. You can view the animated visualization via the embedded video below or in higher quality HD and 1080p on vimeo. Um mapa com as 48 emoções que alguém pode sentir.

Por Fabricio Teixeira O número 48 foi proposto pela EARL (Emotion Annotation and Representation Language), uma empresa de robótica que tenta entender o comportamento humano para replicá-lo em robôs e máquinas. O mapeamento foi feito pelo americano Robert Plutchik, que detectou 8 emoções básicas, mais 8 avançadas e que resultam em 8 sentimentos. Misturando isso tudo, o ser humano é capaz de sentir 48 emoções diferentes. O desenho foi um achado do Wagner Brenner e, como ele mesmo disse, daria para passar uns bons minutos nessa mapa tentando entender melhor a regra do jogo. Para você, caro amigo UX, que passa o dia desenhando experiências para pessoas e tentando despertar nelas emoções que caso contrário elas não teriam – o mapa acima, dependendo do uso que você fizer dele, pode ser bem valioso. Curador @ Blog de AI, Diretor de UX @ R/GA NY, Updater @ Update or Die, UX Professor @ Miami Ad School.

Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis. Graphics Jeffrey Heer, Stanford University Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland, College Park The increasing scale and availability of digital data provides an extraordinary resource for informing public policy, scientific discovery, business strategy, and even our personal lives. To get the most out of such data, however, users must be able to make sense of it: to pursue questions, uncover patterns of interest, and identify (and potentially correct) errors. In concert with data-management systems and statistical algorithms, analysis requires contextualized human judgments regarding the domain-specific significance of the clusters, trends, and outliers discovered in data. Visualization provides a powerful means of making sense of data. The goal of this article is to assist designers, researchers, professional analysts, procurement officers, educators, and students in evaluating and creating visual analysis tools.

Some visualization system designers have explored alternative approaches. Ranking the Autonomy of Universities in Europe. The European University Association (EUA), a representative organisation of universities from about 47 European countries, just released a University Autonomy Tool []. Developed by Raureif and interface designer Christian Behrens, the online visualization analyzes the relationship between universities and the state, in particular by revealing how flexibly universities can take decisions in the context of the rules and regulations that shape their higher education system.

Each (sometimes spiraling) sunburst-like "line" represents a unique indicator, made up by a multitude of squares. The more squares are filled, the more autonomous the higher education system. A high score on an indicator or autonomy dimension indicates that the relevant regulations provide a legal framework without restricting universities in their freedom of action. See also OECD Better Life Index. Hand Jive. The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and Visualization. Refugee Migration Flow Map. 40 Extremely Interesting Infographic Poster Designs. Data Visualizations, Challenges, Community.

h5chart | Free software downloads. America's Problem With Second Languages. Backbone of the flavor network. WebGL Globe. Spatial Analysis. Best of the visualisation web… April 2012 (part 1) Infographic Of The Day: The Right Chart Can Make Boring Data Pop | Co.Design. How to Create Infographics Part I. How to Create Infographics Part II. Blog Posts > The Art of Dashboard Design. The Anatomy of an Experience Map. Journalism in the Age of Data: A Video Report on Data Visualization by Geoff McGhee - StumbleUpon. WebGL Bookcase. A Map Of NYC's Design Scene. A History of Western Typefaces [INFOGRAPHIC] Wanted: Yearlight Calendar Unveils The Mysteries Of Dusk And Dawn | Co. Design. YEARLIGHT :: HOME. Timeplots Poster Sale. The Timeline of Doctor Who. Chartball: Sports data visualized. LSR Online | vizLib. The Anatomy of a perfect Website [Infographic]

Human Cloning in Japan. A Case Study In How Infographics Can Bend The Truth. 2000-EHI-map_final.jpg (2000×2000) A Beautiful Timeline Visualisation: TimelineJS by VéritéCo. Travel Time and Housing Prices Map on Datavisualization. Sci² Tool. FlowingData | Data Visualization, Infographics, and Statistics. Looking 4 data visualization. Amazing Old (and Free) Visualization Books. Graphical dictionary and thesaurus. Vastgoedcommunicatie | Multivision 3D. Migrants moving money. 3-Visualizations & mapping. Arguments for Police Reform. Cloud Storage. Android. HTML5. Source Control. Cadilace29. Simon1990. Daily Rout.