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Formulists / Home. Introducing Fast Follow, and other SMS tips. We’ve always been big fans of trusty SMS messaging. In fact, sending a text was originally the only way users could tweet. This is why Tweets are 140 characters — they need to fit into a text message. We value SMS because it’s simple, instant and universal. Recently, we’ve added a few new features to make Twitter even more useful with SMS.

Fast Follow. Anyone in the US can receive Tweets on their phone even if they haven’t signed up for Twitter. Try it out the next time you see a Twitter @username at a restaurant or store, on a billboard or on TV, or if you hear one mentioned on the radio. Fast Following without creating an account is currently available only in the US, but we’re working with carriers to bring it to other countries. Sign Up. Twitter spam is a drag. What if you could know for sure that your followers are truly human, and not some bot? TrueTwit is designed to help you: Verify people from robots Avoid Twitter spam Save time managing your followers There are two versions: TrueTwit Premium TrueTwit Premium builds on the follower management in TrueTwit Basic by doing an in-depth, automated analysis of your followers and their tweets, and has the following features: No direct messaging of new followers.

Access to our Follower Analysis page which summarizes the status of your followers. Free 30-day, no obligation trial. After that, a subscription is only $20.00 per year. Sign Up Premium! TrueTwit Basic By signing up now for TrueTwit Basic, all of your new followers are sent a validation request via direct message. Sign Up Basic! Feel free to check out our release notes: TrueTwit Android Premium, another for TrueTwit Android Basic, and TrueTwit iOS. Social Media Marketing Software by Argyle Social - Measure Your Social Media Impact. Slipstream for Twitfooter. SocialToo - Your Companion to the Social Web! Twitterfall. Yfrog - Partagez vos images sur Twitter! Monitter : real time, live twitter search and monitoring. TweetStats :: Graphin' Your Stats.

The #1 Twitter stats site powered by Twitter - Your Tweeter Karma. Who Doesn't Follow You on Twitter | Friend or Follow. Twitpic - Share photos and videos on Twitter. - Twitter et Facebook comme un journal. TwitThis - Twitter Promoter, Follower, and URL Shortening Service. Veilledunet. Themeleon :: Twitter Profile Designer by COLOURlovers. Franck GAUTIER: Klout Influence Summary. | Basic | a simple URL shortener. Twitter Grader | Get Your Twitter Ranking.

Gestionnaire multi-comptes Twitter et veille marketing | Splitweet. Multwiple: the Best Twitter client around. Serious Analytics for Social Relationships. Mentionmap - A Twitter Visualization. Twitter Search. Boite à outils sur Twitter - Qui twitte ? > Le meilleur de Twitter en francais / Annuaire d'utilisateurs, selection d'outils et actualite de Twitter en France. Twitter reviews ( on blippr.