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Objetos de Aprendizaje (learning objects)

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Thinking. Centro de Recursos para la Escritura Académica del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Audiovisuales / Videos. Xerte - Open Source E-Learning Developer Tools. Welcome to The Xerte Project!

Xerte - Open Source E-Learning Developer Tools

The Xerte Project is an initiative to provide high quality free software to educators all over the world, and to build a global community of users and developers around our tools. The project began in 2004 at the University of Nottingham, when work began to create a Flash-based runtime engine that would help the in-house multimedia development team speed up the development of interactive learning materials, and provide a platform for re-using good solutions to common problems that developers were typically solving every time they began a new project.

Accessibility, in particular, can be a difficult issue for content developers, and an early goal was to provide the very best support for high levels of native accessibility. To begin with, the tools were aimed at technical users: essentially the engine provided a library of useful classes that developers could access by writing XML to structure content, and writing code to develop interactivity. Core Values. Les couleurs - Learn french with colours. Educación Matemática. Crea un sitio web gratis y te ayudaremos a mejorarlo - » Herramientas de Autor y Aplicaciones Web Gratuitas. Gj~~mlijaumr ej mzuo~ y msfibmbioajr xjn h~muziumr Gj~~mlijaumr h~muziumr sm~m b~jm~ lmuj~imfjr eieíbuibor^ormam Fm~~m{5 Xia,MNB! Crear Objetos Digitales de Aprendizaje con eXe Learning. Un nuevo recurso educativo va poco a poco extendiéndose en la red y en nuestros centros: los Objetos Digitales de Aprendizaje, Objetos Virtuales de Aprendizaje, Objetos de Aprendizaje, Objetos de Aprendizaje Reutilizables, Unidades Didácticas Interactivas, Unidades Lúdicas Interactivas,...

Crear Objetos Digitales de Aprendizaje con eXe Learning

Parece que después de actividades Clic, Hotpotatoes, webs, webquests, blogs, wikis, redes sociales,... le toca el turno en nuestra educación a los "Objetos de Aprendizaje": los bendicen las editoriales, los proyectos Escuela 2.0 (el proyecto Agrega sin ir más lejos tiene entre sus objetivos convertirse en un gran repositorio de Objetos Digitales de Aprendizaje), y algunas maestras y maestros comienzan a utilizarlos y a intentar crearlos. Pero, antes de continuar, ¿qué es un Objeto Digital de Aprendizaje?

Un buen Objeto de Aprendizaje debe tener las siguientes características: Debe ser completo en sí mismo. Colebuntu, una distribución "casera" de gnu/linux-ubuntu para tabletspc y para enseñanza no universitaria en Aragón. En el sistema educativo no universitario aragonés no hay una distribución soportada de GNU/Linux y todavía se niega el apoyo, desde la administración autonómica y educativa, al profesorado que trabajamos con nuevas tecnologías que no estén en la línea de lo que "propone" Microsoft al Gobierno de Aragón y a su Consejería de Educación, como ocurre con el software abierto y libre.

colebuntu, una distribución "casera" de gnu/linux-ubuntu para tabletspc y para enseñanza no universitaria en Aragón

Sin embargo, después de muchas horas de instalaciones y pruebas, ya tenemos funcionando una pequeña "distribución casera" de GNU/Linux en la escuela de Sahún, CRA Alta Ribagorza, partiendo de nuestras necesidades reales de aula, de los usos no mercantilistas y solidarios de la tecnología, y de sus posibilidades educativas: colebuntu. ### Instalación ### Antes de nada, si ya has instalado colebuntu y encuentras algún problema puedes visitar los foros para plantear tus propuestas, dudas, problemas,... EDITOR-DE-RECURSOS-EDUCATIVOS-IMS-SCORM-EXELEARNING-EN-ESPAÑOL-EXELEARNING-SPANISH-CONTENIDOS-ABIERTOS-REUTILIZABLES. eXeLearning en Español [Wiki en] eXe. The eXe project developed a freely available Open Source authoring application to assist teachers and academics in the publishing of web content without the need to become proficient in HTML or XML markup.


Resources authored in eXe can be exported in IMS Content Package, SCORM 1.2, or IMS Common Cartridge formats or as simple self-contained web pages. eXe grew out of the ​New Zealand Government Tertiary Education Commission's eCollaboration Fund and was led by the ​University of Auckland, ​The Auckland University of Technology, and Tairawhiti Polytechnic. Repositorio de objetos de contenido compartibles con SCORM. RLO-CETL - Completed RLOs. ITE - Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas. ITE - Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas. RLO: What is Referencing?: Referencing. Uso de estándares aplicados a TIC en Educación. Mediateca. Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas - ITE. A mediaCommons project. IMARK - Information Management Resource Kit : Knowledge Sharing for Development. IMARK - Information Management Resource Kit. Plagiarism Tutorial. Collaborative writing. Homepage. About good practices and sound policies that accelerate the effective adoption and use of technologies in teaching and learning.


For more than a decade, WCET's EduTools website was a leading destination for educational technology decision makers. The independent reviews and side-by-side comparisons of educational technology products were used by colleges and universities of all sizes, higher education systems and other multi-campus service providers to expedite and streamline their internal processes for the review and evaluation of products, saving them time and duplicative effort. EduTools was best known for its CMS/LMS comparative reviews and a detailed matrix of CMS/LMS features and criteria.

EduTools Matrix Many visitors to EduTools used the detailed matrix of LMS/CMS features, descriptions, and criteria as a tool in developing requests for proposals and evaluation requirements. EduTools was launched in 2001 with funding support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Repositorio de Objetos de Aprendizaje. Construcción de tablas en Dreamweaver. Netiquette. EdReNe – Current state of educational repositories – national overview. To make it easier for teachers and students to find the best relevant learning resources, authorities and/or companies in many countries have launched web based educational repositories.

EdReNe – Current state of educational repositories – national overview

According to Wikipedia, A repository is a place where data are stored and maintained. A repository can be a place where data are storeda place where specifically digital data are storeda site where eprints are locateda place where multiple databases or files are located for distribution over a network,a computer location that is directly accessible to the user without having to travel across a network.a place where anything is stored for probable reusea place to store digital data The variaty in educational reposities across Europe reflects this situation.

They are all web based. Some repositories contain both content and a brief description of each title, meaning they have both data (the learning resource itself) and metadata (a description of the resource). The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, or, Why It's a Good Idea to Evaluate Web Sources. Children Resemble Their Parents.

Since the beginning of human history, people have wondered how traits are inherited from one generation to the next.

Children Resemble Their Parents

Although children often look more like one parent than the other, most offspring seem to be a blend of the characteristics of both parents. Centuries of breeding of domestic plants and animals had shown that useful traits — speed in horses, strength in oxen, and larger fruits in crops — can be accentuated by controlled mating. However, there was no scientific way to predict the outcome of a cross between two particular parents. It wasn't until 1865 that an Augustinian Monk named Gregor Mendel found that individual traits are determined by discrete "factors," later known as genes, which are inherited from the parents. His rigorous approach transformed agricultural breeding from an art to a science. Lingu@net WorldWide. Home. Orange Grove. LOM_1484_12_1_v1_Final_Draft.pdf (application/pdf Objeto)

Paper_SPDECE2007_Caceres.pdf (application/pdf Objeto) Objetos de Aprendizaje Reutilizables (Cómo crear los OA) MERLOT - Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching.