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One Race, Every Medalist Ever - Interactive Graphic. Sources: "The Complete Book of the Olympics" by David Wallechinsky and Jaime Loucky, International Olympic Committee; Amateur Athletic Assocation; Photographs: Chang W. Lee/The New York Times, Getty Images, International Olympic Committee By KEVIN QUEALY and GRAHAM ROBERTS Usain Bolt vs. 116 years of Olympic sprinters Based on the athletes’ average speeds, if every Olympic medalist raced each other, Usain Bolt (the London version) would win, with a wide distribution of Olympians behind him. Below, where each sprinter would be when Bolt finishes his race.

Usain Bolt2012 Meters behind 2012 Bolt Medals by country This chart includes medals for the United States and Australia in the "Intermediary" Games of 1906, which the I.O.C. does not formally recognize. Notable winners of the 100-meter sprint Archie Hahn United States The “Milwaukee Meteor” also won the 50-meter dash and the 200-meter dash in 1904. Jesse Owens Jim Hines Carl Lewis. Sport Business : JO : le classement insolite des nations. INFOGRAPHIE - Les pays les plus performants ne sont pas ceux qu'on croit. Au vu de leur population et de leur poids économique, Jamaïque et Trinidad & Tobago font mieux que les États-Unis ou la Chine. C'est un classement qui pourrait soulager les déçus. Il y a quelques semaines, Le Figaro détaillait les résultats d'une étude du cabinet de conseils PwC sur les chances de médailles des 204 pays participant aux Jeux olympiques, étude réalisée en fonction de plusieurs critères politico-économiques (PIB, population, pays organisateur, appartenance ou non à l'ex-bloc soviétique).

Quelques heures après l'extinction de la flamme olympique dans l'Olympic Stadium londonien, force est de constater que certaines nations ont fait mieux qu'attendu. Voire bien mieux. Première d'entre elle: la Russie, qui a glané 14 breloques de plus que ce que sa position dans le concert des nations laissait espérer. Bilan équilibré pour la France Autre déception: la France, qui récolte 3 médailles de moins qu'attendu. Global Heritage Network. UNESCO World Heritage List. #: As for 19 Natural and Mixed Properties inscribed for geological values before 1994, criteria numbering of this property has changed.

See Decision 30.COM 8D.1. Atlas Obscura | Curious and Wondrous Travel Destinations. CO2 emissions, birth & death rates by country, simulated real-ti. Breathing Earth. Simon Anholt. Nation Branding » Nation Brands Index 2009. The long-awaited Nation Brands Index 2009, one of the cornerstones of nation branding and one of the most relevant tools to measure the nature and power of a nation brand, has just been released.

The index, which surveys people from across 20 major developed and developing countries about their image of 50 countries, has revealed on this occasion an an unprecedented phenomenon – a dramatic improvement in the rankings of one country, the United States. Indeed, if there was one undisputed headline for the Nation Brands Index 2009 results, it would be Barack Obama’s impressive effect on Brand America. Of course most people was expecting an improvement of the US standings in the Nation Brands Index with Obama’s election (and we predicted it as early as January 2009, coinciding with his inauguration speech), but the results have surpassed all reasonable predictions. Brand America improving in most brand areas Meanwhile, China rose to 22nd.

The impact of the economic crisis on nation brands. 12 recipes for the country branding cookbook. Nobody knows where your country is? Your country is usually mixed up with another one? People have no idea how the character of your country’s people really is? People can’t even tell 3 famous things from your country? No worries, just read through these 12 recipes to put your country on the map – a true country branding terrorist cookbook, no less. 1) Cuisine.

Developing an appealing national cuisine can be helpful in communicating a country’s culture, language, style and personality. It has worked for powerhouses like Japan or Italy, but also for more modest countries like Thailand or Mexico or, more, recently, Taiwan. 2) Drinks. Having a famous beer or spirit also helps telling a nation-branding story. 3) Laws. Innovative laws can put your country on the map. 4) Architecture. The United Arab Emirates, especially Dubai and Abu Dhabi, have learnt the lesson fairly well, and have used architecture and construction to tell a story about them. 5) Etiquette. 6) Brands. 7) Fora. 8) Exports. Portals to the World from the Library of Congress.