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LetterMidst, read me your favorite line. FinerMinds - Your daily dose of personal growth. Live Life Quotes, Love Life Quotes, Live Life Happy. Tiny Buddha: Wisdom Quotes, Letting Go, Letting Happiness In. How To Find Inner Peace Within Yourself. “The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence.” – Norman Vincent Peale Finding Inner Peace and Happiness Silence is truly a beautiful phenomenon with the power to transform you; it touches you to the very core of your being.

This is the part of you that is connected to reality, existence itself. Silence is rejuvenation; it allows you to be yourself, to relax into yourself, and find inner peace. The reality for most of us, though, is that we never truly experience utter silence. Why is it? The reason is that we have a mind that is conditioned to always be active. Try this little experiment, sit for one hour and do nothing. You will see that most of us try to keep our minds occupied. Why is this scary? For many of us we associate our identity and sense of self to our thoughts, our ego. Don’t be afraid because your true nature is beyond your thoughts. To existence time doesn’t exist, it is one continuous moment.

How Silence Changes You. Osho Quotes — Osho Quotes for Osho Lovers – Osho Love Quotes, Osho Quotes on Meditation, Osho Quotes on Zen, Osho Quotes on Life, Osho Quotes on Sex, Osho Short Quotes.