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iPhone 3D Navigation example. ASL Browser. Phoenix Mars Lander. DimP - A Direct Manipulation Video Player. DimP is a video player prototype that allows to browse video clips by directly manipulating their content. The way it works is quite simple: DimP automatically extracts object motions from the videos. DimP then allows the user to control video playback by scrubbing these objects on their trajectories. Videos Demo You can download DimP for free (Windows). Mac OS users, check this website. Paper Dragicevic, P., Ramos, G., Bibliowitcz, J., Nowrouzezahrai, D., Balakrishnan, R., and Singh, K. 2008. You can also download the slides from our talk at the CHI '08 conference (60MB Zip file with pptx, pdf and avi files). Is this Really Direct Manipulation? Yes. Whether it is true direct manipulation or not is actually an ill-posed question. So what's being manipulated, exactly? Related Videos The idea of manipulating autonomous entities defies the ordinary and as such, has been explored by a few artists.

Similar and Parallel Work We finally presented our work at CHI '08 [7]. Subsequent Work Contact. - Map your Running Routes. Find Runs. Calculate Calories, Pedometer, Distance, and More. Adapting to Polyphasic Sleep by I recently attempted to adapt to the Uberman polyphasic sleep schedule. (If you are not familiar with it, I suggest clicking the link and giving the Wikipedia article a quick read). Adapting to this schedule is tremendously difficult, since it involves fighting extreme levels of sleep deprivation for several days.

Few people who attempt adaptation succeed. The few who do enjoy 22 hours of wakefulness each day. I had a 10 day vacation of undisturbed free time to try this out, so if I wasn’t fully adapted by day 10, I’d have to revert back to monophasic sleep (I started a full-time job the following day). Unfortunately, I found out that along with 90% of other people who try this, I require more than 10 days to adapt. So what is this article about? I should mention that I took the cold-turkey approach of adaptation. Overview So here is what I did.

Difficulty When people mention that adapting to polyphasic sleep is difficult, what exactly do they mean? Have you ever tried fasting? Food Flow. Hi, I Want To Meet (17.6% of) You! Frequent Slashdot contributor Bennett Haselton wants to make online dating better. Here's how he wants to do it. "Suppose you're an entrepreneur who wants to break into the online personals business, but you face impossible odds because everybody wants to go where everybody else already is (basically, either or Yahoo Personals). Here is a suggestion that would give you an edge. In a nutshell: Each member lists the criteria for people that they are looking for. Then when people contact them, they choose whether or not to respond. After the system has been keeping track of who contacts you and who you respond to, the site lists your profile in other people's search results along with your criteria-specific response rate: "Lisa has responded to 56% of people who contacted her who meet her criteria.

" Read on for the rest of his thoughts. Not that I blame the women. So, yes, there is a problem worth solving. Then consider from the women's point of view. Zoran's custom modular guitars. Re-designing acoustic musical instrument according to the abilities and characteristics of rapid prototype materials After laser printing on bread, one can print instruments! My friend Amit Zoran designed this really neat concept of an acoustic guitar sound box that has been given a unique sound and behavior through a CAD/CAM process.

His research goal at the MIT Media Laboratory in the Ambient Intelligence research group, is to find and analyze a space for structural innovation, especially for acoustic instruments. His works enables players to customize their own sound by assembling different sound cells, e.g physical parts of the instruments designed in CAD/CAM, instead of considering the instrument as one big sound box. Each string can have its own bridge and each bridge can be linked to different cells. By changing a cell' size, material or structure, one can create customizable sounds. Don't forget to check the video! 3D Snapshots with a Canon D30 Digital SLR - Loreo. The LOREO 3D Lens in a Cap (T) turns a non-full frame APS or digital SLR camera into a point-and-shoot 3D camera. It is lightweight and easy to carry around.

Takes high quality 3D photographs in the side-by-side stereo format. This collection of photographs was taken in Summer 2003. Equipment: Canon EOS D30 Digital SLR on auto-exposure with 3D Lens in a Cap (T). No tripod. Click on each image to view the enlargement. LOREO 3D Lens in a Cap LOREO Dark Grey Deluxe 3D Viewer LOREO Lite 3D Viewer (Black & White) by Loreo Tips: Try photographing fast flowing subjects, such as water. Light metering: Many SLRs and digital SLRs require an adjustment to the Exposure Bias for auto-exposure to work well. These 3D pictures can be viewed online with a Loreo Lite 3D Viewer. (C) Copyright of all images in this gallery by Loreo. Return to the Loreo Homepage. E-mail: Johnny Chung Lee - Projects - Wii. Utilisez votre Wiimote pour créer un tableau interactif. The Stanford Prison Experiment: A Simulation Study of the Psychology of Imprisonment.

Smoking Cessation Timeline: What Happens When You Quit. Galaxy Zoo.