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Home | The Creativity Post. PopTech. Alex Mathers (redlemonclub) en Twitter... The Art of Non-Conformity. 5 Lessons From a Tragedy. Photo by Vanessa Paxton The world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming it. ~Helen Keller My beautiful state, the one I’ve called home for all of my life, is burning. Wildfires have swept through some of the most picturesque corners of Colorado, forcing thousands to take stock of their belongings, grab what matters most and flee their homes. The destruction is heartbreaking and the enormous mass of land that’s been destroyed ensures that each person in this state is affected in some way.

Tragedy, whether it hits close to home or worlds away, has the ability to shake us to our core, place a harsh light on our own immediate experience, push us to reach out and remind us to be grateful for everything — big and small. I’ve never been one to pay careful attention to the news, believing that, more often than not, it exacerbates the negative and leaves us fearful of the world around us. 1. Tragedy can show us our ties to others and strip us of our differences. 2. 3. 4. 5. Carisma: no se nace, se hace (y cómo lo aprendió Steve Jobs) Tags: CarismaCharism MythOlivia Fox Cabane Pensaban los griegos que el carisma era un regalo que los dioses otorgaban a solo unos pocos.

La creencia duró mucho tiempo. Hablaban de ella como una cualidad mágica que venía con el paquete genético. O se traía o no se tendría jamás. Pero la ciencia ha demostrado que los griegos erraron. Esta es la teoría de Olivia Fox Cabane. Dice Cabane que “en los últimos años, los psicólogos, sociólogos e incluso los neurocientíficos han demostrado en experimentos de laboratorio que se pueden aumentar y reducir los niveles de carisma de una persona solamente con la adopción de comportamientos específicos. “El carisma puede ser muy útil para desarrollar un liderazgo efectivo”, comenta la coach en una entrevista por correo electrónico.

Destruyendo mitos. “Los estudios muestran que hay muchas personas carismáticas que son introvertidas. Qué hace a una persona carismática. Pero esto es solo parte de la pócima. ¿Cómo aumentar tu carisma? “Primero, respira. Asian Efficiency Blog on Time Management and Productivity. This is a guest post by Tom Casano, the founder of Life Coach Spotter, where you can connect with a life coach to find your purpose in life, reach your goals, and be more productive… Read More Email is a problem that we all have to deal with, but why is it so bad? According to one study cited in the Huffington Post, the average US worker spends 6… Read More Kendra Wright is back on the podcast to talk about why planning in 90-day periods is good for your professional and personal life… Read More This is a guest post by Sarah Landrum, a Penn State graduate, marketing specialist, and freelance writer… Read More A monk told Joshu: “I have just entered the monastery… Read More Most people love Evernote for its ability to store reference files like recipes and notes, but Stacey Harmon is here to show us how to organize your entire life on Evernote… Read More This is a guest post by Kenneth Waldman… Read More.

The Secret of Walt Disney’s Creativity. Image by hyuku As a child, I remember being shocked to learn that Walt Disney was a person. To me, Disney was a mysterious entity, symbolised by the magical castle that appeared at the start of every film. A cross between fairyland and a faceless corporation. A bit like Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.

So it was hard to get my head around the idea that all those films were the brainchild of one man. Not to mention the theme parks. Later on, I discovered that the truth was even stranger. Here’s the testimony of one of Disney’s animators: there were actually three different Walts: the dreamer, the realist, and the spoiler. Robert Dilts uses this statement as the basis of a brilliant analysis of Walt Disney’s creative process, in his book Strategies of Genius: Volume 1. More important than the individual roles was Disney’s ability to strike the right balance between them: Creativity as a total process involves the coordination of these three subprocesses: dreamer, realist and critic.

#28 How (and What) to Learn from Your Creative Heroes. Superhero images by C.D. Lenzen via BigStock “So what inspired you to choose your creative path?” More often than not, the answer to this question isn’t a ‘what’ but a ‘who’. One day you went to a gig, saw an exhibition, watched a movie or TV show, listened to an album, or read a book that changed your life. And the creator who produced that work became your hero. You started idolising them and obsessing about them — devouring and collecting their work, cutting out magazine clippings, reading books and interviews about them, queueing for their shows or waiting impatiently for their next release. Maybe your family and your usual friends didn’t know what all the fuss was about, but that didn’t matter — if anything, it made your hero all the more attractive.

Chances are you went through a period of creative imitation — if you look back through your old notebooks, you’ll probably find plenty of pastiche work, as you tried on their style in search of your own. Image by carlosphotos via BigStock. Home. Dumb Little Man - Tips for Life. Health and Wellness - Well Blog - - Información fiable y herramientas para tu salud. Breaking Habits. Some rules i try to live by: Maxing out Your Triangle – Jack Cheng. Grafiscopio. Altucher Confidential. ¿Cómo mantener un cerebro joven? Artículo publicado en, escrito por Antonio Villareal. A continuación un extracto: Para nuestro cerebro, el envejecimiento no es inevitable. Un grupo de investigadores suecos (de la Universidad de Umeå, el Instituto Karolinska y el centro Max Planck de Alemania) ha desvelado además que, para prevenir el deterioro de nuestro órgano más fundamental y mantenerlo en forma, cuenta más lo que se hace a edad avanzada que lo realizado a lo largo de los años anteriores.

«Aunque algunas funciones de la memoria tienden a declinar cuando envejecemos, hay gente mayor que muestra un funcionamiento bien preservado, comparable al de un cerebro más joven», dice Lars Nyberg, profesor de Neurociencia en la Universidad sueca de Umeå y autor principal del estudio. «Hay una evidencia bastante sólida de que estar física y mentalmente activo es la mejor forma de mantenimiento del cerebro», dice Nyberg. Cuantos más estímulos, mejor Tampoco la elección de una u otra carrera laboral parece ser determinante. What Does "Professional" Look Like Today? - Allison Fine. By Allison Fine | 10:00 AM May 9, 2012 As the online waters rose, executives at the Susan G. Komen Foundation huddled behind their fortress walls like first-class passengers on the Titanic. The AP broke the story of Komen de-funding Planned Parenthood Federation of America on Monday, January 30th.

As the online world took them to task, according to marketing blogger, Kivi Leroux Miller, nearly 24 hours went by before Komen posted anything on its Facebook or Twitter accounts and three days before Nancy Brinker, Komen’s CEO, released a video statement. Komen’s inaction contrasted with Planned Parenthood, whose facility with social media allowed the organization to respond immediately, on a variety of channels. The difference reflects Brinker’s top-down command and control management style versus Planned Parenthood’s CEO, Cecile Richards, enthusiastic embrace of social media. Social media’s threat to professional behavior for older generations is often expressed like this: Pekka pohjakallio (pohjakallio) en Twitter... How Mundane Routines Produce Creative Magic. Every day, you take the same route to work. You stop at the same coffee shop and order your coffee exactly the same way.

When you get to the office, clutching the same branded cup, you place it in the same place on your desk. You fire up the same computer, tidy the stuff on your desk into the same pattern, settle into the same chair and open the same tabs on your browser.You follow the same routine, sipping your coffee, browsing your email, skimming through the same blogs, the same news pages, the same social networks. As your colleagues arrive, you exchange the same greetings, the same gripes and gossip. If that sounds anything like your morning routine, you’re in good company. But the chances are you’re living proof of one of the great paradoxes of creativity: that the most extraordinary works of imagination are often created by people working to predictable daily routines. Here’s the architect Le Corbusier, as described by his colleague Jerzy Soltan: How about You? Blog Of Impossible Things | Do Something Impossible. Loft Resumes. » create more better different. Illegal job interview questions. If you are a manager at a large corporation with a well-staffed HR and legal department, you've probably gotten a wealth of training on how to conduct a job interview. But if you own your own company or are a manager in a small business, it might be up to you to keep yourself out of trouble when you start the hiring process. Do you know what kinds of questions you're legally allowed to ask? Knowing the limits will help you avoid lawsuits and make smarter hiring decisions.

First of all, there are a limited set of topics that are protected -- in other words, you may not make hiring decisions based on these considerations. Race Color Sex Religion National origin Birthplace Age Disability status Marital status Sometimes, though, applying this list in real-world situations can be confusing, and it's easy to ask something out-of-bounds when it's possible to get the information you really want with a slightly reworded query.

Illegal question: How old are you? Legal version: Are you over 18? Marc and Angel Hack Life - Practical Tips for Productive Living. Blog de Liderazgo de Hugo Landolfi :: Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes algunas ideas sobre modelos de liderazgo que funcionan mejor que otros que son más antiguos y que yo llamo, a unos “unifocales”, si hablamos de los que no funcionan tan bien y que lamentablemente siguen dominando el liderazgo en las organizaciones y en las empresas, comparado con otro estilo de liderazgo que proviene de un desarrollo conceptual propio, y que llamo “multifocal”. • Liderazgo unifocal vs. Liderazgo multifocal Es provechoso comparar los dos modelos, ver qué características tiene cada uno de ellos, y ver cuáles son sus ventajas y desventajas para, finalmente, descubrir por qué uno de ellos es más eficiente que el otro.

En función de esta reflexiones podremos darnos cuenta por qué algunas organizaciones siguen teniendo problemas de liderazgo, lo cual nos va a llevar a la idea de que se siguen aplicando estrategias de liderazgo que son, de por sí, ineficientes. En primer lugar una visión. ¿Qué es la visión en el liderazgo? Reality distortion field. Reality distortion field (RDF) is a term coined by Bud Tribble at Apple Computer in 1981, to describe company co-founder Steve Jobs' charisma and its effects on the developers working on the Macintosh project.[1] Tribble said that the term came from Star Trek.[1] Later the term has also been used to refer to perceptions of his keynote speeches (or "Stevenotes") by observers and devoted users of Apple computers and products.[2] The RDF was said by Andy Hertzfeld to be Steve Jobs' ability to convince himself and others to believe almost anything with a mix of charm, charisma, bravado, hyperbole, marketing, appeasement and persistence.

RDF was said to distort an audience's sense of proportion and scales of difficulties and made them believe that the task at hand was possible. The term is also used by Apple's competitors when they criticize Apple. See also[edit] References[edit] ^ Jump up to: a b Hertzfeld, Andy (February 1981). Hacer varias cosas a la vez. Otra forma de ser productivo. De seguro los gurús de la Productividad Personal se llevarían las manos a la cabeza y en sus caras se dibujaría el más nítido rechazo ante la sola idea de realizar varias cosas u ocuparse de diferentes asuntos al mismo tiempo. Creo que todo es cuestión de perspectiva y de características personológicas por esa razón, lo que puede ser un hábito altamente eficaz para algunos podría no serlo para otros. Particularmente, aunque no soy el non plus ultra de la productividad, tampoco me puedo quejar de mis capacidades laborales. En ocasiones tengo planes y acciones diarias muy bien definidas, otras veces disfruto de la flexibilidad de no tener una agenda determinada para ese día en concreto.

En fin, que en muchas ocasiones tener que anotar casi todas mis actividades en una agenda me produce más agobio y tensión que el estrés que me podría eliminar. Creo que no soy la única; de seguro a muchas personas le sucede lo mismo.