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Buffer is a smarter way to Tweet. iTweetLive Home. Twitterfountain. Wiffiti. Twitter Sentiment. Monitter : real time, live twitter search and monitoring. Barcelona | twitrratr. Twitter Widget - Twitter Tools Directory. Twitter Hashtag Photo Albums | Hashalbum. Web Intents | By using Web Intents, you agree to the Developer Rules of the Road.

Make it easy to bring interactivity to Tweets that you display on the web. Web Intents provide popup-optimized flows for working with Tweets & Twitter Users: Tweet, Reply, Retweet, Favorite, and Follow. They make it possible for users to interact with Twitter content in the context of your site, without leaving the page or having to authorize a new app just for the interaction. Web intents are mobile friendly, and super easy to implement.

Working with Web Intents Web Intents are the simplest way to make the Tweets you display on your website interactive. Web Intents automatically detect whether the end user is currently logged in to and asks for login when necessary. Web Intents don't require Javascript, but it makes it easier to pop them up most elegantly. Web Intents are also mobile browsing friendly and ready for use on iOS, Android, and most modern mobile devices. Images for Twitter birds, icons for replying & 20 Top Twitter Monitoring and Analytics Tools. Social media is much more than a way to stay connected and to have fun: it's a way to market yourself, your business, and your products and services. By establishing a presence on the social Web, you can gain virtually unlimited exposure to your target audience without incurring the higher costs associated with traditional marketing campaigns.

While participating in social media is good, it can be difficult to track how you're performing — Are you actually reaching your target market? How is your brand perceived? What are people saying about you and your products? Here's why Twitter is one of the best social media platforms for listening: Real-time results. There are many powerful social media tracking and analytics tools available that can monitor your performance on social media sites like Twitter. Twazzup: A dashboard program that monitors Twitter, Twazzup will tell you every time your keywords are mentioned in a tweet. Twitalyzer: Serious Analytics for Social Relationships. a6b59740's Archive on esclerosis Containing 135 Tweets. Twitter Statistics - Twoolr. | Twitter Hashtag Tracking and Analytics. Tweettronics - Brand Tracking, Analytics, Influence.