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Static Site Generators, Moteurs de blog

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Sans titre. Keep your drafts out of the public eye by making use of continuous deployment tools to publish your public GitHub Pages site — from a separate private repository.

sans titre

Tools like Travis CI and Netlify offer some pretty nifty features, like seamlessly deploying your GitHub Pages site when changes are pushed to its repository. Along with a static site generator like Hugo, keeping a blog up to date is pretty painless. I’ve used Hugo to build my site for years, but until this past week I’d never hooked up my Pages repository to any deployment service. Why? Because using a tool that built my site before deploying it seemed to require having the whole recipe in one place — and if you’re using GitHub Pages with the free version of GitHub, that place is public. So I kept things separated, with Hugo’s messy behind-the-scenes stuff in a local Git repository, and the generated public/ folder pushing to my GitHub Pages remote repository. Let’s do it! Sans titre. Static Site Generators. How to deploy a static website for free in just 3 minutes straight from your Google Drive, using In this article, I'll show you how to deploy a static website for free in only 3 minutes, using a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox.

How to deploy a static website for free in just 3 minutes straight from your Google Drive, using

And no - didn't pay me or freeCodeCamp to create this article. We don't have any relationship with them. I'm just writing about this because I found their tool to be really exciting and useful for quickly hosting static websites for free. What is is a solution created by Mediafire to simplify how the web works. It was launched at the end of 2019, so I'm sharing it with you now. How it works When you use, you will be able to connect to your cloud (Google Drive, DropBox, etc.), choose a website name, and deploy your content all in a few clicks. If your content is ready, only 3 minutes are required to put your content online and make it accessible to everyone. Once your website is online, you can configure it, add a custom domain name, and connect Google Analytics so you know how many people you are reaching.

<! The Power of Serverless for Front-End Developers. Hakyll - Home. Static sites are fast, secure, easy to deploy, and manageable using version control.

Hakyll - Home

Hakyll is a Haskell library for generating static sites, mostly aimed at small-to-medium sites and personal blogs. It is written in a very configurable way and uses an xmonad-like DSL for configuration. Integration with pandoc gives us markdown and TeX support, including syntax highlighting and other goodies. Write your content in whatever format you prefer.

Static Site Generators: A Beginner's Guide. Ronan Levesque – De Jekyll à Hugo. Formspree. The New Dynamic. Passer au statique : 5 raisons de tester la JAMstack sur votre prochain projet · Jamstatic. Article original : Go static: 5 reasons to try JAMstack on your next project de Tom Bennet Adopter une stack de développement Web moderne pour pouvoir générer des sites statiques présente bien des avantages et Tom Bennet en a listé cinq des principaux.

Passer au statique : 5 raisons de tester la JAMstack sur votre prochain projet · Jamstatic

Si vous n’aviez encore jamais entendu parlé de la JAMstack, cet article donne un aperçu global du processus et de l’écosystème actuel ainsi que des gains engendrés. Vous trouverez également des lectures pour approfondir votre connaissance sur le sujet. Que ce soit pour mettre en place un blog, configurer un site de e-commerce ou développer une single page application en JavaScript, le temps où on se rabattait par défaut sur WordPress pour tout ou presque est révolu.

Les générateurs de site statique et les réseaux de CDN ultra-rapides propulsent une nouvelle génération de sites Web et c’est le bon moment pour embrasser le mouvement. Avant d’expliquer plus en détail pourquoi, commençons déjà par regarder de quoi on parle. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Websites for you and your projects, hosted directly from your GitHub repository. Just edit, push, and your changes are live. Assemble. Harp, the static web server with built-in preprocessing. VuePress. Hexo. The world’s fastest framework for building websites. Middleman: Hand-crafted frontend development. Netlify: All-in-one platform for automating modern web projects. Top Open-Source Static Site Generators - StaticGen. A Fast and Flexible Website Generator. Surge. Build A Blog With Jekyll And GitHub Pages. Advertisement Today, too many websites are still inaccessible.

Build A Blog With Jekyll And GitHub Pages

In our new book Inclusive Design Patterns, we explore how to craft flexible front-end design patterns and make future-proof and accessible interfaces without extra effort. Hardcover, 312 pages. Get the book now! I recently migrated my blog from WordPress to Jekyll, a fantastic website generator that’s designed for building minimal, static blogs to be hosted on GitHub Pages. What is Jekyll? Jekyll is a website generator that’s designed for building minimal, static blogs to be hosted on GitHub Pages. In this article we’ll walk through the following: the quickest way to set up a Jekyll powered blog;how to avoid common problems with using Jekyll;how to import your content from WordPress, use your own domain name, and blog in your favorite editor;how to theme in Jekyll, with Liquid templating examples;a couple of Jekyll 2.0’s new features, including Sass and CoffeeScript support and collections.

Further Reading on SmashingMag: Link ! Top Open-Source Static Site Generators - StaticGen.