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Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN. The Scarecrow. TED aligns with Monsanto, halting any talks about GMOs, 'food as medicine' or natural healing. » USDA Now Considers GMO Contamination ‘Normal’ Alex Jones. Anthony Gucciardi September 23, 2013 In a telling response to the highly concerning discovery that Monsanto’s genetically modified alfalfa ended up contaminating a ‘GMO-free’ crop harvest, the USDA went on record in declaring that the genetic contamination was perfectly normal and not any of their concern.

» USDA Now Considers GMO Contamination ‘Normal’ Alex Jones

Image: GMO food. In fact, the USDA went on to say that there are measures in place to ‘minimize’ the widespread contamination of Monsanto’s genetically modified crop, and that’s all that’s required. What the organization is saying here is that it doesn’t matter if GMOs are contaminating ‘GMO-free’ crops, and it doesn’t even seem to matter that the very integrity of the international food supply is being mixed with genetically modified crop varieties. The agency tasked with keeping our food supply functioning safely even says that it’s really a ‘marketplace’ issue. GMWatch: Portal. Do You Know Who Owns Your Food? Corporate giants who were anonymously opposing the Washington state measure to mandate labeling of genetically modified ingredients through the Grocery Manufacturers Association were outed recently after the state attorney general filed a suit claiming violation of election disclosure laws.

Do You Know Who Owns Your Food?

Funneling money through a lobbying group is not the only way that Big Food can hide from consumers. A chart created by Phil Howard, a Michigan State University assistant professor, shows how large corporations gobbled up or allied with the organic food sector around the time the U.S. Department of Agriculture adopted standards for certified organic. Very few of these large companies identify their ownership ties on product labels, noted Howard, who teaches in the university’s Department of Community Sustainability program. The real point of GM food is corporate control of farming. There is no worldwide consensus of scientists vouching for the safety of GMOs Governments these days are not content with agriculture that merely provides good food.

The real point of GM food is corporate control of farming

In line with the dogma of neoliberalism they want it to contribute as much wealth as any other industry towards the grand goal of 'economic growth'. High tech offers to reconcile the two ambitions - producing allegedly fabulous yields, which seems to be what’s needed, and becoming highly profitable. The high-tech flavour of the decade is genetic engineering, supplying custom-built crops and livestock as GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).

The myth of Golden Rice. What are Roundup Ready & Bt Pesticide GMO crops? You need to know! GMOs cause horrible deformities, birth defects in piglets. (NaturalNews) When Danish pig farmer Ib Pedersen first noticed the sudden uptick in disease, deformities and death among his farrow, his immediate reaction was to investigate the diet of his pigs to look for possible causes.

GMOs cause horrible deformities, birth defects in piglets

And what he found confirms what a growing body of evidence also suggests: that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in conventional animal feed are increasingly responsible for triggering birth defects, deformities, spontaneous abortions and other growth and development abnormalities in both pigs and cattle.

With 13,000 pigs on his farm, Pedersen knows the ins and outs of how to properly raise swine, as well as what is considered normal in terms of pig health. GMO Food = Scary experiment and YOU are the lab rat !!! For a sustainable, GMO-free future. GMO Myths and Truths. Genetically modified (GM) crops are promoted on the basis of a range of far-reaching claims from the GM crop industry and its supporters.

GMO Myths and Truths

They say that GM crops: Are an extension of natural breeding and do not pose different risks from naturally bred crops Are safe to eat and can be more nutritious than naturally bred crops Are strictly regulated for safety Increase crop yields Reduce pesticide use Benefit farmers and make their lives easier Bring economic benefits Benefit the environment Can help solve problems caused by climate change Reduce energy use Will help feed the world. However, a large and growing body of scientific and other authoritative evidence shows that these claims are not true.

(1) Facebook. 100 Years: The Rockefeller Foundation. In the early 1980s the Rockefeller Foundation (RF) undertook an ambitious rice program that in many ways represented a return to its historical roots in molecular biology.

100 Years: The Rockefeller Foundation

RF-supported basic research had enabled the emergence of molecular biology as a field in the 1930s and 1940s. But as industry and government began funding such research, the RF shifted its support to concentration to agricultural development, creating innovations that eventually fueled the “Green Revolution” in the 1950s and 1960s. By the 1980s, RF-initiated programs in food production and distribution had become largely self-sufficient or were supported by a host of other agencies. Meanwhile, researchers in molecular biology were on the verge of significant breakthroughs in genomic mapping, and the RF now sought to capitalize on technologies that might help solve more intricate problems of nutritional content. Rice biotechnology Quarterly, Volume 1. Pesticides On Food. EWG's 2012 Guide To Pesticides In Produce™ EWG analyzed pesticide residue testing data from the U.S.

EWG's 2012 Guide To Pesticides In Produce™

Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration to come up with rankings for these popular fresh produce items. Monsanto, Gmo’s, Fluoridated water, HAARP, Vaccines, Common Core, Bill Gates and Agenda 21. What is Agenda 21 and what does it have to do with Monsanto, Gmo’s, Fluoridated water, HAARp, Vaccines, Common Core and Bill Gates?

Monsanto, Gmo’s, Fluoridated water, HAARP, Vaccines, Common Core, Bill Gates and Agenda 21

Well, hopefully after explaining the surface of Agenda 21, the rest of the answers will fall into place. Agenda 21, as defined by Wikipedia is ” a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development…. It is an action agenda for the UN, other multilateral organizations, and individual governments around the world that can be executed at local, national, and global levels.” Australia plans release of aerosolized GMO vaccine. Genetically Altering Unborn Babies Personalities A Moral Obligation says Oxford Professor. Genetically screening our offspring to make them better people is just “responsible parenting”, claims an eminent Oxford academic, The Telegraph reports.

Genetically Altering Unborn Babies Personalities A Moral Obligation says Oxford Professor

GMO Salmon Can Reproduce: Meet the Terrifying Offspring. It doesn’t happen often in nature, but now and then, a wild Atlantic salmon (yes, there are still a few left) mates with a brown trout and has hybrid offspring. This ability to reproduce between species had some Canadian scientists curious: If a genetically modified Atlantic salmon were to come in contact with a brown trout, would it too be able to have little transgenes babies? The answer is yes, according to a new study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B . And it turns out that those offspring carry the genetically inserted trait that allows them to grow faster than their Mother-Nature-made cousins. Much faster. Peru Bans Monsanto and GMOs. The first time I ever tasted a real tomato, I was in Cusco, Peru.

Peru Bans Monsanto and GMOs

I had picked them up at a Farmer’s Market, bought them from an old lady with wizened wrinkles and sun-browned skin. She’d carried a basket of them to market on foot from her scrap of land somewhere far down the mountain. It was a revelation — heaven and sunlight on my tongue! I never knew tomatoes could pack such flavor. I fell in love with the country and it’s people, the Quechua indians who are the remnants of the once proud Incas. UK government bans GMOs from its own Parliament restaurants while telling public to embrace genetic poisons. (NaturalNews) Since the mid-to-late 1990s when genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) were first being thrust onto the market by governments working in lockstep with the biotechnology industry, the U.K. Parliament has effectively barred their use in all food items served to government officials at Parliament restaurants, according to new reports. This, despite the fact that prominent elected officials in the U.K. are right now pushing GMOs on a public that is largely opposed to them, effectively shining the spotlight on their own insane hypocrisy with regards to the GMO issue.

As recently reported by the U.K.' Monsanto retire ses demandes de culture en Europe. Cet article est réservé aux membres vip. Le lobbying agressif de Washington pour les OGM. BBSRC is Rothamsted's Largest Funder. By Dr. Mercola The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) is one of seven UK Research Councils, which are funded by the government’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. BBSRC Is Rothamsted’s Largest Funder, Tied to Fraudulent Research The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council is the largest funder of Rothamsted Research.

This publically funded firm is working on developing projects like genetically modified wheat that deters aphids and genetically modifying wheat and other seeds to change the contents of minerals, fatty acids and other nutrients. Government Ties to the Biotech Industry Are Not Confined to the UK… It’s not only the UK government that appears to be selling out its citizens, funding GM research and allowing GM crops to be planted even as mounting evidence points to their significant environmental and human health risks.

Why Is Caution Warranted for GMOs? Contributions. Key summit set in genetically modified food label fight - The Hill's RegWatch. Major players in the food industry have scheduled a crucial meeting for next week that could become a turning point in the regulatory battle over genetically modified foods. Challenges to the use of biotechnology have created an “unprecedented period of turmoil” for food producers, the Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) said in a letter circulated among trade groups that was obtained by The Hill. “We have reached a pivotal point in this effort and believe now is the time to bring together a broad coalition to confront these challenges,” the GMA wrote in the letter, which invited CEOs and top industry officials to a Wednesday summit in Washington.

Just how the food industry might move forward appears up for debate. Though organizers of the GMA summit were tight-lipped, advocates and industry officials said the options could ultimately range from a coordinated attack against labels to acceptance of a national standard. (1) Facebook. Secret list of food companies funding GMO-labeling opposition slush fund revealed after illegal activities of GMA exposed. Shocking New Study: Glyphosate Found in Human Urine Samples From 18 Countries. The results of a recent study to test for glyphosate levels in humans across Europe are startling. Glyphosate (the main ingredient in Round-Up) has been linked to cancer in those who had high levels of exposure, and recently to a range of health problems and diseases, including Parkinson’s, infertility and cancers.

Rat reality show: Russian scientists to broadcast GMO experiment. After a French study suggested that rats fed on Monsanto GMO corn suffered tumors, Russian researches plan their own, this time public, experiment. Photos du journal. Russian researchers plan public GMO study on rats. Photos du journal. GMO and Monsanto: Glyphosate Weed Killer Found in Human Urine across Europe. People in 18 countries across Europe have been found to have traces of the weed killer glyphosate in their urine, show the results of tests commissioned by Friends of the Earth Europe and released today [1]. The findings raise concerns about increasing levels of exposure to glyphosate-based weed killers, commonly used by farmers, public authorities and gardeners across Europe. Glyphosate formulations. Even pro-glyphosate scientists admit chemical-resistant 'superweeds' may destroy future of herbicides, GMOs.

Pesticide-Contaminated Meal Kills 22 Children in India, Protests Spark. Hidden GMO Dangers In Children’s Meals. This explosive exposé reveals what the biotech industry doesn’t want you to know – how industry manipulation and political collusion, not sound science, allow dangerous genetically engineered food into your daily diet. FBI Calls Destruction of GMO Sugar Beets in Oregon 'Economic Sabotage' Label GMOs, Genetically Modified Foods - California Committee For The Right to Know - A 2012 Ballot Initiative Campaign. I-522: New poll shows big swing in voters’ view of GMO labeling. This post is updated. I-522 trails in all but 4 counties. Originally published November 5, 2013 at 10:04 PM | Page modified November 6, 2013 at 2:16 PM Washington voters Tuesday were rejecting a measure that would have made the state the first in the nation to require labeling of genetically engineered foods. Washington state voters reject labeling of GMO foods.

Food-labeling supporters say fight is moving to statehouses. I-522.poster.1022.jpg (JPEG Image, 2000 × 3091 pixels) Mayor of Hawaii's Big Island signs anti-GMO bill into law. 14 Ways to Cleanse the Body from Chemtrails, GMOS, Flouridated Water, and other Environmental Toxins. Use these five natural supplements to detox your body of toxic GMO foods. Smart Phone app ‘Fooducate’ could be the Beginning of the end of GMO. Right to know: Label genetically modified organisms. I Support GMO Labeling in New Jersey! GMO A Go Go - Truth about GMOs explained in new animated cartoon. Genetically-engineered-apple-cartoon-prop37. Ex-Monsanto employee involved in discrediting study linking GMOs to cancer in rats. Eat real food. Non gmo snacks.

400+ Companies who Aren’t Using GMOs in their Products. US Seed Companies Pledge to Be GE-Free. GMO Judy Carman. National Coalition Demands Chobani Go GMO Free. US Military Tracks GMO Campaigners and Independent Scientists. Breakdown of GMO Labeling Laws in Each Country. Scientific American discredits itself by insisting that consumers be kept in the dark about GMOs. Consumer alert: Most common vitamins, including children's vitamins, found to contain GMOs.

Edible Vaccines. Vaccines. OGM : le scandale de trop ? US military tracks GM campaigners and independent scientists. Alkaline Foods. Food Comparison. Search for organic food, hemp, organic cotton, and enjoy organic beauty care. GMO feed turns pig stomachs to mush! Shocking photos reveal severe damage caused by GM soy and corn. Heal the gut with these five superfoods. Yes on 522 Ad 'Matter' EPA to Increase Allowable Glyphosate (Chemical in Monsanto’s Herbicides) in US Food Crops. Uncovered, the 'toxic' gene hiding in GM crops: Revelation throws new doubt over safety of foods. The Very Real Danger of Genetically Modified Foods - Ari LeVaux. Connecticut Approves Qualified Genetic Labeling. Open-source GMOs to fight climate change and take down Monsanto. 10 IRREFUTABLE evidence that GMO can harm you. GMO's CAUSE CANCER. There is No Scientific Consensus on GMO Safety.

Michele Simon: Fighting GMO Labeling in California Is Food Lobby's "Highest Priority" Comprehensive List Of GMO Products and Companies. The Ultimate GMO Food Brands According To Greenpeace. FDA Approves First GMO Flu Vaccine: Expected On Market in 2014. FDA approves first GMO flu Vaccine containing Reprogrammed insect Virus. GMOs not needed: Brazil scientists developing lifesaving superfoods through traditional plant breeding methods. » Victory: Senate to Kill Monsanto Protection Act Amid Outrage Alex Jones. Tell the FDA: GMO salmon is too risky. Natural News exclusive: Whole Foods Market whistleblower says employees were deliberately trained to lie about GMOs - new Organic Spies video.

Deceptive Marketing: Pepsi's Naked Juice 'Exposed' Natural News Blogs Toxic Pesticides from GM Food Found in Unborn Babies - Natural News. Guide des produits avec ou sans OGM. Scientists under Attack - Genetic engeneering in the magnetic field of money. Two Reporters Fired by Fox News for Revealing Health Dangers in Milk.