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FUTURE OF HUMANITY Futurescaper. Io9. We come from the future. Think Beyond Plastic. The Future of Education - Charting the Course of Teaching and Learning in a Networked World.

FUTURISTS. DIGITAL FUTURE. FINANCE 2.0. Globalance Bank: New perspectives. Google-Plus is going to be your bank account. Welcome to the Metacurrency Project | The MetaCurrency Project. Paleofuture - Paleofuture Blog. Institute For The Future. 2013 Trends Library · FUTUREPersp. 10 Surprising Marketing Job Titles For The Next 10 Years. Future Possibilities. Howard rheingold's | tools for thought. Howard rheingold's | tools for thought. Digital Knowmads. Future Possibilities. What’s your X? Amplifying technology moonshots. Last week, we ran an experiment. We hosted a gathering, called “Solve for X,” for experienced entrepreneurs, innovators and scientists from around the world.

The event focused on proposing and discussing technological solutions to some of the world’s greatest problems. Discussions began last week with this small event, and now we invite others to join the conversation on our website and our Google +page. The Solve for X gathering, which we co-hosted with Eric Schmidt, is a place to celebrate a concept we champion internally and that we believe will inspire many others: technology moonshots. These are efforts that take on global-scale problems, define radical solutions to those problems, and involve some form of breakthrough technology that could actually make them happen. Moonshots live in the gray area between audacious projects and pure science fiction; they are 10x improvement, not 10%.

That’s partly what makes them so exciting.


SELF-HEALING MATERIALS. The Importance of Moving Beyond Negative Visions of the Future | Studentreporter. When I walked into pavilion 1 at the Riocentro on my first day at Rio+20, I passed a large white exhibitions space which was labelled ” The Future We Want.” I glanced at the big blue word clouds and five large TV screens – “What future do we actually want? ,” I asked myself. Hallway entrance area Riocentro; Source: Student Reporter. The cynic in me felt there was no need to answer that question because even if we could agree that the future must be a more sustainable, prosperous one for all, politicians from all over the world, partially with completely different backgrounds, capabilities and ideals, representing conflicting needs and interests, won’t be able to agree upon a shared, long-term vision for the future anyway.

Little did I know that just hours later I would be revisiting some of these questions about the “The Future We Want” in a conversation with the exhibition’s co-creators, Jonathan Arnold and Bill Becker. Lift Conference. Gray Area Foundation (gaffta) ICT 2032. Die sich abzeichnenden tektonischen Verschiebungen innerhalb der ICT-Industrie werden den Managern von heute immer bewusster. Aber auch für andere Branchen gilt: in 20 Jahren wird es die IT in klassischer Form nicht mehr geben. Wir haben uns die Frage gestellt, in welchem Maße ICT Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in dem Jahr verändern wird, in dem die meisten Führungskräfte von heute aus dem Arbeitsleben ausscheiden. Wie wirken sich die Veränderungen aus? Und wo liegen die Chancen und Risiken? Erkennbar sind unserer Meinung nach bereits die wichtigsten Trends, deren grobe Umrisse sich mit jedem Jahr deutlicher abzeichnen.

Die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie treibt als zentraler Produktionsfaktor Innovationen in allen Bereichen an. Wir sind sicher, dass sie 2032 das Rückgrat der Wirtschaft und Industrie bildet. Lift12 is now! Upcoming events Feb. 4–6 2015 | CICG, Geneva, Switzerland Lift Conference is one of Europe’s key events about innovation and digital technologies. It features a special blend of inspiring speeches by some of the world’s best speakers, truly interactive workshops, exhibitions of interactive media projects and prototypes to play with …and the legendary Fondue! Author of "A History of the Future in 100 Objects" Built the high-security messaging app that Snowden recommends Explorer of the everyday clashes of values between what we do and what we believe in Creative Director at UK's Government Digital Service Wants to do to money what the internet did to information Past events Nov. 6–7 2014 | Basel, Switzerland In November 2014 a new yearly Lift edition was successfully launched, connecting innovators in Life Sciences and Information Technologies.

Oct. 21-22 2014 | Villa Méditerranée, Marseille We extend our thanks to the whole Fing team who did an amazing job all throughout the event. The Edge Becomes The Core. A couple of weeks ago, I had a discussion with colleague Joe on the program for one of our upcoming main Innotribe events. My colleague is not part of the innovation team, but has shown growing interest in what we are doing: great! Joe is known in the company as rather a conservative, cautious person, making decisions on data and not feelings. So, like many human beings, when I go and see him, I already have put my projection biases on (shame on me). Taking into account my manager’s request to start dancing with the company, I decided to use a different approach and asked Joe what sort of innovations got him excited. He was looking for innovations that were 1-2 years out at maximum, complemented the core, were easy to implement and had effect on the bottom-line right away.

Joe felt that I was too much in science fiction territory, out “there”, looking at a horizon of 10-15 years, my head in the skies. Time horizonLevel of abstractionLevel of disruption And John goes on: Like this: :: Future of Journalism. Cross Media Creative Lab. 영작문을 위한 유용한 웹사이트 모음 필자: 김성우 작성일: 2014-03-12 카테고리: 문화 | 댓글 : 4 (since 2012-12-24) : 19508 영작문을 위한 웹사이트를 모아봤습니다. 평상시에 제가 여러 번 하는 말이지만 자료는 많습니다. 중요한 것은 자신이 원하는 게 무엇인지 먼저 파악하는 일입니다. 그리고 많은 웹사이트를 살펴보기보다는 관심 가는 사이트 두세 개를 중심으로 공부하는 게 좋다고 생각합니다. 예를 들어 ‘데일리 라이팅 팁스’(Daily Writing Tips) 같은 사이트는 그 자체로 […] 여러분들 덕분에 올해도 연구비 우수교원으로 선정되었습니다.

삼성문화재단 서울상상나라 계약직 직원채용 의뢰를 받았습니다. 노은지. 김수진, SUJIN KIM ■ 이메일: ■ 학력 2014. 3 ~ 이화여자대학교 일반대학원 디지털미디어학부 미디어디자인전공 석사과정 재학중 2009. 3 ~ 2014 . 2 이화여자대학교 조형예술대학 서양화전공 학사 졸업 2006. 3 ~ 2009. 2 서울예술고등학교 졸업 ■전시 2014.1 공장미술제 – 문화역서울284 2014.1 BOX@ DMC nonCLASS - 디지털미디어시티(DMC) 홍보관 2014.12 EWHA VISION ARTIST EXHIBITION – 이화 아트센터 허소임. 허유경, Yu-Kyoung HER ■ 이메일 : ■ 학력 2014. 3 ~ 이화여자대학교 일반대학원 디지털미디어학부 미디어디자인전공 석사과정 재학중 2009. 3 ~ 2014 . 2 이화여자대학교 조형예술대학 서양화전공 학사 졸업 2006. 3 ~ 2009. 2 서울예술고등학교 졸업. TPM Idea Lab. Our Role in Shaping the Future | Foresight Culture.

I am hoping you’ll take a moment to complete a quick SURVEY. It’s focused on how what people do shapes the future. In late July my colleague Jennifer Jarratt and I will offer a conference session at the WorldFuture 2012 Conference called “Our Role in Shaping the Future“. We will explore the critical role of human agency: what you, and I, and anyone does to shape society, in shaping mankind’s future. This is perhaps the seminal question for anyone engaged in foresight. We have to wonder: Does what we do matter? And, What human action makes a difference, even at the individual level?

Our session is on Saturday, July 27, 2012, at the conference in Toronto. Futures work depends on identifying patterns of change, understanding data and systems, determining forces, and drivers shaping an organization or a society. The SURVEY is our chance to gather your insights on how what people do matters to shaping the future. Settlers Of the Shift by Tomi Astikainen on Prezi. 5 Thought Leaders Weigh In On The Future Of Cities [Video] Cities are destined to become even more powerful in the future. Ericsson produced a 20-minute documentary titled Thinking Cities that looks at various trends shaping the future of urbanization.

The documentary is part of their Networked Societies brand platform: As we enter a new era of mobility, an emerging mindset is creating endless opportunities that are limited only by our imaginations. Technology has enabled us to interact, innovate and share knowledge in entirely new ways – creating a dynamic shift in mindset. People are empowered, business is liberated and society is more connected than ever. At Ericsson, we’re just beginning to explore the possibilities of a Networked Society. The documentary focuses on urbanization trends, big picture predictions about where they’re headed, and closes with some examples. Anyone that lives in a city understands the bitter-sweet taste of living in one. Information will only become more fluid in the future. Mr. Watch the full documentary below: Power in Numbers - China Aims for High-Tech Primacy. Let's make everything free.

New Legacies. One of my favorite posts from my time here at Open the Future has to be Legacy Futures , from late 2008. The concept of a legacy future is simple: it's a persistent but outdated vision of the future that distorts present-day futures thinking . As I suggest in the original piece, the "jet pack" is the canonical legacy future -- just about every futurist you'll ever meet could tell you about being asked when we'll get our personal jet packs. Nine times out of ten, the person doing the asking thinks that they're being clever. Some of the other legacy futures I brought up in the 2008 essay include Second Life, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and population projections that don't account for technological (especially healthcare) changes.

I'm less-inclined to include the third one at this point, though -- one important characteristic of a legacy future is that it can conjure up a vision of tomorrow with a simple, usually two-word, phrase. "Jet packs! " "Second Life! " Possibilities now and beyond: White Paper Wiki: Power of the Network. The Power of the Network = The Power of WeWhy Media is the new business ecology David Cushman, August, 2007 In this paper I aim to describe and explain the emerging new ecology, why it is happening and what that means for the business of business.

I’ll discuss the things that are failing – and try to explain why. And I’ll offer a solution. In the spirit in which it is written, I also offer you the chance to edit this paper. So you will also find it available as a wiki here ( ) where you are at liberty to add to, enhance, grow or challenge. I will regularly copy the latest version to the location you discovered it at. You can also download a copy here (find it also, under 'resources' in the left hand navigation): Of course, those of you reading this here, are welcome to add your comments directly below, if you prefer.

The : A metaphor for control Once brands were Churches. We preached from the pulpit. Biggest change since records began… 1. Forget real time: 'next time' is far more disruptive. This is a guest post by Tom Gray, a Senior Creative Strategist at Imagination in London. He blogs on and can be found at @tomoppad. If you're looking for the roots of our obsession with real-time information, you could do worse than look to the London Stock Exchange around the time of the Napoleonic wars.

Legend has it financier Nathan Rothschild developed such a fearsome network of spies and couriers that he knew the Battle of Waterloo's result many hours before even the British Government. Being a smart man (and not being on Twitter), he kept the information to himself. Then he used it to devastating effect: offloading government bonds, sending the price into a tailspin, before buying them back at rock-bottom prices just ahead of official word arriving in London. The price rocketed and he made a fortune in hours. Fast forward two centuries and we're in an information arms race, finding faster and faster ways of accessing, filtering and acting on data.

News of the future - Andreas Bossard. The Future According to Schmidt: "Augmented Humanity," Integrated Into Google. In the future we will be Google, and Google will be us--the online giant will make us better humans. That's according to soon-to-be ex-CEO Eric Schmidt speaking today at DLD 11 conference in Germany. Schmidt announced this week that he's departing his role as Google's CEO, and then it emerged he was winning a $100 million golden parachute as a thank-you for his time in charge of one of the world's most important tech companies.

Perhaps that's why he felt he could reveal some of his forecasts for the future at Google. A future he was careful to note he'll be involved in (promising he'll be at Google for at least "the next decade"). After some preamble about his time at Google, Schmidt got to the good stuff: The future is mobile, he thinks, driven by the "device of our time," the smartphone--and the tablet.

Then Schmidt got brave: Unconnected devices today are "no longer interesting," he thinks. So far so good, but then came the most fascinating bit of the whole speech. Open the Future. Google Consciousness – Maf Lewis, Rome Viharo TEDxCARDIFF. The future of work vision by Podio « The art of life and work. There’s ample debate today around the need for a change in the way we work and how the future of work will look like. The reasons for this topic to be increasingly talked of usually come to reasons such as: the tools we currently use fail to really help us get work done in a context of increasing uncertainty, change & need for greater collaboration, both inside and outside company boundariesthe disengagement and energy drain of employees is affecting all sorts of organizationsa younger generation is entering the workforce with different expectations regarding the workplace I’m very passionate about the theme of the future of work maybe because I feel reason #1 often and because I’ve seen reason #2 happen a lot.

So when my good friends at the Startup Pirates decided to invite me to an event on the Future of Work with Podio I had to say yes, of course! Podio’s vision seems to tackle reason #1 that I’ve appointed earlier, though the others are somewhat related. Share this if you like it :) :