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Do You Know the Rest of Einstein's Most Famous Equation? The Feynman Lectures on Physics Website. Physics Flash Animations. We have been increasingly using Flash animations for illustrating Physics content. This page provides access to those animations which may be of general interest.

Lectures. The 13 Most Important Numbers in the Universe - James D. Stein's Cosmic Numbers. In the 17th century, scientists understood three phases of matter—solids, liquids and gases (the discovery of plasma, the fourth phase of matter, lay centuries in the future).

The 13 Most Important Numbers in the Universe - James D. Stein's Cosmic Numbers

Back then, solids and liquids were much harder to work with than gases because changes in solids and liquids were difficult to measure with the equipment of the time. So many experimentalists played around with gases to try to deduce fundamental physical laws. Robert Boyle was perhaps the first great experimentalist, and was responsible for what we now consider to be the essence of experimentation: vary one or more parameter, and see how other parameters change in response. It may seem obvious in retrospect, but hindsight, as the physicist Leo Szilard once remarked, is notably more accurate than foresight. What Is the Speed of Sound? Image: Red Bull Stratos This seems to be the most common discussion regarding the recent Red Bull Stratos Jump.

What Is the Speed of Sound?

Unless you have been living under a rock lately, you have probably seen the awesome jump from 128,000 feet. Here is a great summary video to get you pumped up. The official fastest free fall speed was reported as 373 m/s. AH HA! What Is a Sound Wave? First, let me talk about just sound in air. What happens if you take a whole bunch of these particles and push them all at the same time? Sixty Symbols - Physics and Astronomy videos.

Motion Mountain - The Contents of the Free Physics Textbook for Download. All volumes of the free physics textbook are written to entertain pupils, students, teachers and everybody who is curious about the world of motion.

Motion Mountain - The Contents of the Free Physics Textbook for Download

The first five volumes present established physics. In contrast, the sixth volume is, as the title explains, a research text. Read the volumes online, without download, here. More details on volume I, on mechanics and thermodynamics, are given here. The American Physical Society presents "A Century of Physics" Can we manufacture matter?" The Latin phrase "creatio ex nihilo" means "creation out of nothing," and it's largely the domain of theology, philosophy and mythology for a reason: the first law of thermodynamics, which is actually a conservation of energy equation.

Can we manufacture matter?"

The gist of that equation, as you no doubt remember, is that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. How does this law affect matter? Albert Einstein theorized that matter and energy are interchangeable. Matter takes up space, has mass and composes most of the visible universe around you. Energy, on the other hand, takes multiple forms and is essentially the force that causes things to happen in the universe. When two protons collide in the Large Hadron Collider, they may break apart into subatomic particles called quarks and a mitigating particle force called a gluon.

If you were to build a molecule out of atoms, you wouldn't be creating matter. Alberta PhysicsSource. - December 31: Pearson Canada has been very pleased to bring the Alberta PhysicsSource website support to you free of charge for the past 5 years - we hope you have enjoyed the free trial of this unique, constantly maintained and updated resource. - as of January 28, 2013 free access will end.

Alberta PhysicsSource

If you wish to keep accessing the Alberta PhysicsSource website, you will need to purchase a Site License Access Code . Atmosphere Series. Earth's atmosphere is divided into five layers that are based on temperature.

Atmosphere Series

Air pressure and the density of each of the gases in Earth's atmosphere steadily decrease with altitude. At the Earth's surface, the air pressure is on average 1 atmosphere (atm). At 3000 m altitude, the point where most of us begin to have trouble breathing, the air pressure is about 0.7 atm. This means that we have about 70% of the oxygen to breathe as compared to sea level. Physics Flash Animations. We have been increasingly using Flash animations for illustrating Physics content.

Physics Flash Animations

This page provides access to those animations which may be of general interest. Fizika svemira - Site Map. Interactive panoramic photo: Inside the Large Hadron Collider. Einstein, Gödel, and the Science of Time Travel. Sedam jednačina koje vladaju svijetom : eAkademik. Alarm je zazvonio.

Sedam jednačina koje vladaju svijetom : eAkademik

Pogled na sat. Već je 6.30 ujutro. Niste još ni ustali iz kreveta, a već je najmanje 6 matematskih jednakosti utjecalo na vaš život. Memorijski čip koji pohranjuje vrijeme u vašem satu nije se mogao osmisliti bez ključne jednačine u kvantnoj mehanici. To vrijeme će podesiti radijski signali o kojima ni u snu nebi znali da nije bilo četiri Maksvelove jednačine elektromagnetizma. Ustvari, plutamo u skrivenom okeanu jednačina. Aerodinamika vašeg auta je dizajnirana putem Navier-Stokes – ovih jednačina koje opisuju način na koji zrak struji oko objekta.

Bez jednačina, većina naše tehnologije ne bi nikad bila izumljena. Jednačine sežu duboko dalje od tehnologije. Postoji na hiljade bitnih jednakosti. 1. Mi živimo u svijetu valova. Matematičari i naučnici nisu nikako mogli zaobići razmišljanje o talasima, ali početno zanimanje dolazi iz umjetnosti: kako violina proizvodi zvuk? Sixty Symbols - Physics and Astronomy videos.

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