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Nous perdons notre temps pour mieux occuper le vôtre. Doctissimo m'a tuer. Moustair. Un projet au poil!


« Moustair » est un amusant projet graphique lancé sur la plateforme tumblr. Ces moustacheveux sont le résultat d’un montage hypnotique entre chevelure sous le nez et poils sur le crâne, dans une réjouissante mise en abyme pileuse. Nous avons tous en tête des moustaches en guidon qui feraient de superbes houpettes et des broussailles nasales que l’on porterait volontiers en toupet pour sortir dans le monde. « Moustair » est le barbier qu’il vous faut. Ces incrustations rappellent parfois les premiers effets spéciaux de Méliès au cinéma ou certaines facéties visuelles des Surréalistes.

TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA NOSES - Page 1 of 18. The mission of this blog was always simple: shine a spotlight on God’s noses.


Noses are an issue that affects 99% of us. And while I won’t say that the 1% without noses are categorically evil, they are. Or Godless at the very least. Ivre, Jhm. =^oo^=.jpg. Top 50 Pictures Taken at Just the Right Time. Tavarn er vretoned-Kervignac(56)-Les carreaux de José et René. The Family Portrait «

Pop Culture-Inspired Street Art (15 pieces) Clever and Cute Street Art (12 pieces) Banksy makes us think with his satirical street art.

Clever and Cute Street Art (12 pieces)

TED prize winner JR inspires us with his soulful portraits. But it's only OakoAk who can make us laugh with his cute and clever pieces. Lately, the French street artist has been on a tear, turning park benches, stoops and dilapidated walls into wonderful and unexpected places for art. We love his take on pop-culture and we can't get enough of his work. OakoAk's website Views: 1770 Tags: Art, Culture-Inspired, More, Pop, Street, oakoak.

ME AT NINE, PERFORMING TO MADONNA IN SUMMER '91! Les cartes postales de la honte. Magneto - Vuela Vuela. Weird Worm - Weird and Bizarre. All the Dogs Want to Kill Me. Pictures taken while carrying mail in San Diego using one-time use, 400 ISO, 35 mm film (disposable, Rite Aid) On the first day of training we watch an hour-long video about dogs and reading their language.

All the Dogs Want to Kill Me

The mailman/dog relationship is no lie. It’s like they can smell it on you, a scent that triggers their hunting instinct. But the owners are worse. Opposite of owners who talk to their pets in baby voice are the ones who scold their pets as if they were aristocratic children. "He won't bite you, but he will lick you to death," - Every dog owner. Teeth Through the mail slot. Like this: Playtime*Tumblr. Captain Tsubasa Opening in Real Life. Les Simpson - Le Mystérieux Voyage D'Homer - une vidéo Funny. 10 Child Stars Who Became Broken Adults. Dead Flies Art (15 pics) » - videos, pictures, celeb. Pics | 6 Oct, 2009 | Views: 1155396 | Weird and unusual. Do you like it? It is just one of the thousands of posts that we have on the Please visit our main page to see other great pictures and videos! Stop.

Les logos les plus ambigus. Couchez les enfants : il va y avoir du XXX!

Les logos les plus ambigus

Non, nous n’en sommes pas réduits à publier des grivoiseries pour augmenter le trafic de notre blog, c’est plutôt que le sexe fait partie de la vie… et donc des logos! Dans le but d’illustrer les meilleures et les pires pratiques du domaine de l’identité visuelle, je me suis mis en quête de logos dans lesquels un symbole caché vient dynamiter la signification première. Ces lapsus graphiques sont assez courants et sont généralement l’œuvre de graphistes sous-qualifiés, associés à une chaîne de validation inexistante (ou aveugle). En effet, la faute est partagée, car si créer une ambiguïté flagrante sans s’en apercevoir est peu professionnel, valider un tel logo n’est guère plus reluisant.

A Photo Gallery of 15 Zombie Road Signs. Let’s get this Halloween party started early shall we?

A Photo Gallery of 15 Zombie Road Signs

We’re gonna start off a little light this week and kick it up a notch each day. On this particular day I was traveling along in the suburbs and noticed some profane remarks by the criminal 10-year-old element. They decided to deface a sign and put the word “zombie” in it. But did you know that there are real zombie signs all over the place? The 10 most brutal Facebook ownings – Guyism. Bébé qui kiffe Bob Marley. Reprise de tik tok de kesha.flv. Jamel & Les Robins des Bois - Star Wars Episode -27. Ange et sa leçon de maquillage. Croisiere des célibataires. Derniers ajouts DTC. L'actu de DTC → Commentaires Derniers ajouts (page / 691) Page suivante → <Hélène> Finalement je pense pas venir au cinéma, mais merci d'avoir proposé<Blycom> Oh non :( pourquoi ?

Derniers ajouts DTC

When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat the problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion to develop a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, und. La plus longue chute d'un mannequin - Vidéo. Simple Living Manifesto: 72 Ideas to Simplify Your Life. “Simplicity is the peak of civilization.” – Jessie Sampter By Leo Babauta A simple life has a different meaning and a different value for every person.

Simple Living Manifesto: 72 Ideas to Simplify Your Life

For me, it means eliminating all but the essential, eschewing chaos for peace, and spending your time doing what’s important to you. It means getting rid of many of the things you do so you can spend time with people you love and do the things you love. It means getting rid of the clutter so you are left with only that which gives you value. However, getting to simplicity isn’t always a simple process. A Life on Facebook. Lipdub des aumôneries Catholiques de Rennes - une vidéo Webcam & Vlogs. DOs & DON'Ts - Vice Magazine.