I was and always will be hugely enjoying music. Recently, I discovered the Rectum Magnificus . 8 years old, but gold. Opzij by Rectum Magnificus. Today, I learnt that the UM President allows Professors to: 1. command PhDs to shut up, 2. ask PhDs to resign 6-months early, 3. demand PhDs keep their mouth shut about misconduct, 4. remove PhDs from IT-servers, 5. remove PhDs from group email lists. Wor. Lena_liapi on Twitter: "Today, I learnt that the UM President allows Professors to: 1. command PhDs to shut up, 2. ask PhDs to resign 6-months early, 3. demand PhDs keep their mouth shut about misconduct, 4. remove PhDs from IT-servers, 5. remove PhDs fro. Welcome home!
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Join the conversation Add your thoughts about any Tweet with a Reply. Learn the latest. @SiccodeKnecht… Because the Integrity Committee of @MaastrichtU delayed the admissibility check of my evidence by 42 days, UNJUSTIFIABLY and they delayed the verdict expected on December 12th, 2019.l provide a first disclosure of the 2 Profs responses. Who copied who? @d. (mirror) liapi. Imgur: The magic of the Internet. Lena_liapi on Twitter: "Because the Integrity Committee of @MaastrichtU delayed the admissibility check of my evidence by 42 days, UNJUSTIFIABLY and they delayed the verdict expected on December 12th, 2019.l provide a first disclosure of the 2 Profs respo. Welcome home!
This timeline is where you’ll spend most of your time, getting instant updates about what matters to you. Tweets not working for you? Hover over the profile pic and click the Following button to unfollow any account. Say a lot with a little When you see a Tweet you love, tap the heart — it lets the person who wrote it know you shared the love. Spread the word The fastest way to share someone else’s Tweet with your followers is with a Retweet.
@MaastrichtUMC @Rianneletschert @guardianscience @BBCScienceNews @ScienceguideNL. Lena_liapi on Twitter: "@MaastrichtUMC @Rianneletschert @guardianscience @BBCScienceNews @ScienceguideNL" @Hartstichting @NWONieuws @ZonMw @escardio @ESC_Journals @CVR_TomaszGuzik. @nrcwetenschap. 1.@Nannedevries told me NOT to report the falsifications.2.Gerjo Kok @maastricht_fpn denied to certify that he & @Nannedevries received my internal report on 24.04.2019, at 12hr, at the suite office of @Nannedevries .3.The HR Mechteld Ostendorf told me NO. Nanne de vries - People followed by Nanne de vries (@nannedevries) / Twitter. People followed by Nanne de vries (@nannedevries) / Twitter. Sounds familiar. I was also threatened by Blanche Schroen at @MaastrichtU not to speak to collaborators in Amsterdam. #DutchAcademia @Rianneletschert you did nothing to help. NOTHING of actual help.
Lena_liapi on Twitter: "Sounds familiar. I was also threatened by Blanche Schroen at @MaastrichtU not to speak to collaborators in Amsterdam. #DutchAcademia @Rianneletschert you did nothing to help. NOTHING of actual help. Welcome home!
This timeline is where you’ll spend most of your time, getting instant updates about what matters to you. Tweets not working for you? Hover over the profile pic and click the Following button to unfollow any account. Say a lot with a little When you see a Tweet you love, tap the heart — it lets the person who wrote it know you shared the love. Spread the word The fastest way to share someone else’s Tweet with your followers is with a Retweet. Join the conversation. Last autumn, I went to H.Gosker @MaastrichtU to report misconduct in a student's thesis. Now, he blocked. Pathetic piece of...docent. □□️ Covers fraudsters to cover himself too.…
Lena_liapi on Twitter: "Last autumn, I went to H.Gosker @MaastrichtU to report misconduct in a student's thesis. Now, he blocked. Pathetic piece of...docent. □□️ Covers fraudsters to cover himself too.… R.W.L. Godschalk. Judith Cosemans (J.M.E.M.) Judith Cosemans (J.M.E.M.) - Maastricht University. Nick bos (@nickelbos) Dr. Nick Bos - Over de UM - Maastricht University. Dr.
Nick Bos studeerde economische en sociale geschiedenis aan de Universiteit Utrecht. Na zijn afstuderen trad hij in 1985 in dienst bij de Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) voor het verrichten van een promotieonderzoek naar de betekenis van negentiende-eeuwse transities als democratisering, industrialisering en commercialisering voor ontwikkelingen binnen maatschappelijke bovenlagen. Say this @Rianneletschert and @nickelbos from @MaastrichtU . They are far from appreciating and performing with depth-long scrutiny. Luckily , other Dutch Unis outperform them.…
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Next QC (Quality Control) for @MaastrichtU CvB: @Rianneletschert , @nickelbos , Paul?… @NOS ask the Department of Cardiology, why Blanche Schroen shut down a server, after I found falsified images inside of it. @MaastrichtU @MaastrichtUMC… "The university states that scientific data is stored securely. Hardware stolen from UNS 60. Photographer:Fotograaf: Archive Maastricht University, UNS 60 at the left MAASTRICHT.
During a burglary, last week, in two of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences' offices on the Universiteitssingel 60, hardware from eight computers (processors, RAM, and hard disks) were taken. The crime was reported to the police. According to Ineke Wolfhagen, assistant director of the education institute, no privacy-sensitive or confidential information has disappeared. “On Wednesday morning, an employee discovered two forced doors and violated computers,” says Wolfhagen. So was it actually random? The stolen hard disks do not contain any confidential or privacy-sensitive information, such as names, addresses and telephone numbers, says Wolfhagen. Paul van Eekeren, head of security at the UM, suspects that the culprit(s) stayed inside the building after it was locked. @MauriceDeHeus @L1 isn't strange that 2 months ago, this happened @MaastrichtU ?
Blanche Schroen aangesteld als hoogleraar experimentele cardiologie. Per 1 december 2017 is Blanche Schroen aangesteld als hoogleraar experimentele cardiologie bij de Universiteit Maastricht.
Haar leerstoel richt zich in het bijzonder op diastolische dysfunctie, een aandoening die sinds kort wordt onderkend als belangrijke risicofactor voor het ontwikkelen van hartfalen. In haar onderzoek zoekt ze naar nieuwe genen die ten grondslag liggen aan hartfalen. Daarbij probeert ze een verbinding te maken tussen de complexiteit van de klinische werkelijkheid – er zijn geen 2 patiënten hetzelfde – en de proefopzet in het laboratorium. YouTube - Blanche Schroen – Finding a cure for heart failure - Maastricht Unversity channel.
The Commissie for Inappropriate Behavior at @MaastrichtU covers fraudsters such as Blanche Schroen. If you need help puking your holidays food look here. This supported by M.A.G Maessen, who is largely bought-out and incompetent. And of course, the one and only scientist: Mr Martin Paul.… How on Earth: a patent is *based* on your paper, when that paper is not even cited inside of it? @ZonMw @deVSNU @NWONieuws @RetractionWatch @statnews @Stan_Gielen when the title stated is even half wrong? ( Enlight yourselves with this non-transparent research paper by Thomas Thum & Blanche Schroen. Fig6: Study done in the Animal Facility @MaastrichtU , cardiac tissues transfered by car to Hannover. @CellCellPress @MolTherapy Rossi at @cityofhope is in the g. Lena_liapi on Twitter: "How on Earth: a patent is *based* on your paper, when that paper is not even cited inside of it? @ZonMw @deVSNU @NWONieuws @RetractionWatch @statnews @Stan_Gielen when the title stated is even half wrong? ("and prevents.. cardiomyo.
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This timeline is where you’ll spend most of your time, getting instant updates about what matters to you. Tweets not working for you? Hover over the profile pic and click the Following button to unfollow any account. Say a lot with a little When you see a Tweet you love, tap the heart — it lets the person who wrote it know you shared the love. Spread the word The fastest way to share someone else’s Tweet with your followers is with a Retweet. Join the conversation Add your thoughts about any Tweet with a Reply. Learn the latest. @deVSNU @escardio @ESC_Journals @MaastrichtUMC @RetractionWatch @CVR_TomaszGuzik. N.K. de Vries. @Nannedevries are you happy now? You want me to expose you too ?… Long Noncoding RNA-Enriched Vesicles Secreted by Hypoxic Cardiomyocytes Drive Cardiac Fibrosis. M.
Dobaczewski, C. Gonzalez-Quesada, N.G. FrangogiannisThe extracellular matrix as a modulator of the inflammatory and reparative response following myocardial infarction. DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift / Abstract. [Death of the conductor - cardiovascular deaths on orchestra podium and opera stage]. - PubMed - NCBI. Ladies & gentlemen, one of the 200 publications of Dr Martin Paul, as seen in Pubmed. He exemplifies and embodies scientific rigor. See below! If he is a scientist, anyone can be!… In spring 2019, I found falsified images Blanche Schroen's group. She shut down the IT-server at Cardiology @MaastrichtUMC for maintenance. All of a sudden. 3 years after my recruitment. Coincidentally, after I spoke to the Integriteit Counselor. Thank yo. Lena_liapi on Twitter: "In spring 2019, I found falsified images Blanche Schroen's group. She shut down the IT-server at Cardiology @MaastrichtUMC for maintenance. All of a sudden. 3 years after my recruitment. Coincidentally, after I spoke to the Integri.
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This timeline is where you’ll spend most of your time, getting instant updates about what matters to you. Tweets not working for you? Hover over the profile pic and click the Following button to unfollow any account. Say a lot with a little When you see a Tweet you love, tap the heart — it lets the person who wrote it know you shared the love. Spread the word The fastest way to share someone else’s Tweet with your followers is with a Retweet. Join the conversation Add your thoughts about any Tweet with a Reply. Learn the latest. Lena_liapi on Twitter: "In spring 2019, I found falsified images Blanche Schroen's group. She shut down the IT-server at Cardiology @MaastrichtUMC for maintenance. All of a sudden. 3 years after my recruitment. Coincidentally, after I spoke to the Integri. Keyboard Shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts are available for common actions and site navigation. Skip to content lenalp1's profile. 2. @MaastrichtUMC , @MaastrichtU & @Rianneletschert Professors of yours made this έκτρωμα. Ever cared about quality? @BioMedCentral > Cardiovascular Diabetology.…
Lena_liapi on Twitter: "2. @MaastrichtUMC , @MaastrichtU & @Rianneletschert Professors of yours made this έκτρωμα. Ever cared about quality? @BioMedCentral > Cardiovascular Diabetology.… Welcome home! This timeline is where you’ll spend most of your time, getting instant updates about what matters to you. Tweets not working for you? Hover over the profile pic and click the Following button to unfollow any account.
Say a lot with a little When you see a Tweet you love, tap the heart — it lets the person who wrote it know you shared the love. Spread the word The fastest way to share someone else’s Tweet with your followers is with a Retweet. Join the conversation. Congratulations to the 3 students and their families for great moral character. Leiden's function was exemplary in this case. But that is not the case for all NL. Look at Limburg... they operate as if they have their own kingdom, which is pathetic to say. Lena_liapi on Twitter: "Congratulations to the 3 students and their families for great moral character. Leiden's function was exemplary in this case. But that is not the case for all NL. Look at Limburg... they operate as if they have their own kingdom, w.
@_knaw… What a pity; a whole research area exposé.…