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Episode 4: 26th September - 2nd October 2011

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Hybrid cars , on the subject of. How does a hybrid car work?" We are all familiar with gasoline-powered cars, and most people have heard about or seen electric cars.

How does a hybrid car work?"

A hybrid car is a combination of the two. A hybrid vehicle contains parts of both gasoline and electric vehicles in an attempt to get the best of both worlds. The best way to understand the advantages of a hybrid vehicle is to think about a car traveling down a highway at the posted speed on level ground. Is there room for emotion in science? Last night, I looked at Auckland city from a new perspective: the top floor of Auckland Museum.

Is there room for emotion in science?

Fantastic views of the 360-degree variety. GeoCities site to be excavated as the ‘Digital Pompeii’ If you are you are anything like me and you cannot bear to throw anything away from your inbox…this might be the excuse you are looking for.

GeoCities site to be excavated as the ‘Digital Pompeii’

The now defunct GeoCities platform has been revisualised as a city map with neighbourhoods and property sites. 35 million people used GeoCities from 1999 to Oct 27 2009, and on that date the Archive Team backed up 650 gigabyte of information. And now at a team is creating an installation they are describing as “digital archaeology of the world wide web as it exploded into the 21st century”. In full view, the map is a datavisualisation showing the relative sizes of the different neighbourhoods. While zooming in, more and more detail becomes visible, eventually showing invididual html pages and the images they contain. While browsing, nearby MIDI files are played. The Deleted City project is calling this the digital Pompeii and will allow viewers to eventually wander through history following an interactive excavation. Just So Hiatus? Some of you may have noticed (although at this point I’m most likely just stroking my own ego!)

Just So Hiatus?

A festival of space events and activities. On behalf of the project team behind World Space Week in New Zealand for 2011, I'd like to extend my thanks to all those involved with the project -- event organisers, participating schools, attendees and other supporters.

A festival of space events and activities

We hope you enjoyed World Space Week and will join us again next year, which promises to build on this year's efforts. We'd appreciate your feedback on what you enjoyed or would like to see next year -- use our Contact Form to let us know. And if you'd like to stay informed about other space events and activities throughout the year, educational programmes and opportunities for schools -- please also consider joining KiwiSpace Foundation as either member or free subscriber. Mark Mackay. Executive Director, KiwiSpace Foundation.


Other interesting things. Mix & mash - the great NZ remix & mashup competition. Full bladders, wasabi alarm earn Ig Nobels. Last updated 13:42 30/09/2011 Driving while desperately needing to urinate isn't a crime, but maybe it should be.

Full bladders, wasabi alarm earn Ig Nobels

Peter Snyder and his colleagues found that having a bladder at its bursting point reduced attention span and the ability to make decisions to the same degree expected with low levels of alcohol intoxication or 24 hours of sleep deprivation. The research earned them the 2011 Ig Nobel prize for medicine. Sunday Spinelessness – For aussie beetles, beer bottles are an evolutionary trap. It’s Nobel season.

Sunday Spinelessness – For aussie beetles, beer bottles are an evolutionary trap

Over the next month or so, we’ll hear who has received a telegram summoning them to Stockholm and to fame and fortune (the cash part of the prize is worth about 1.5 million dollars). Of course, the Nobels are a big deal. Prizes are given to recognise people who have fundamentally changed the way we think about the world or the way science works. So it’s nice that in the week before we start thinking about those huge sicentific acheievements we have the Ig Nobel prizes to remind us that most science is small, and sometimes it’s even prettty funny. Research. NASA to trial laser-powered space broadband. High performance access to file storage Impatient boffins will be able to download high resolution images and video from space probes in mere minutes if a newly approved NASA trial proves successful.

NASA to trial laser-powered space broadband

The space agency has rubber-stamped a trial of one of its projects - a laser-based communications system - which is theoretically capable of shifting up to 100Mb/s from spacecraft poking around the furthest corners of the solar system. NASA's current space communications and data transfers are done on radio frequency (RF) systems. The RF systems' data transmission rates mean that it takes 90 minutes for a single high-resolution image to be beamed back to Earth from Mars. Did fifth giant planet get the boot? Baby Beetle Uses Mouth to Lure Amphibians to Their Doom. Reconstructing visual experiences from brain activity evoked by natural movies. - GallantLabUCB. 3D Nanometer Images of Biological Fibers by Directed Motion of Gold Nanoparticles - Nano Letters. Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine, California, United States Nano Lett., 2011, 11 (11), pp 4656–4660 DOI: 10.1021/nl2022042 Publication Date (Web): September 15, 2011 Copyright © 2011 American Chemical Society Section: Abstract.

3D Nanometer Images of Biological Fibers by Directed Motion of Gold Nanoparticles - Nano Letters

Engineers can build a low-carbon world if we let them - opinion - 26 September 2011. Read full article Continue reading page |1|2 The engineering solutions to combat climate change already exist.

Engineers can build a low-carbon world if we let them - opinion - 26 September 2011