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Global Education in E-twinning (Human/Children's Rights Educatio

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Human rights. The 30 Articles of Human Rights. Resultados de la Búsqueda de imágenes de Google de. "Human Rights" Kids for Global Peace Official Music Video. An Animated Declaration. The I Have a Dream speech by Martin Luther King. The Underground Railroad: Escape From Slavery Student Activity. Every Religion Protects Women Protecting Women Is Religion.

World Human Rights Day 2012. 30 words - the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. History Of Human Rights. The EU and human rights. The EU and human rights © EU The European Union sees human rights as universal and indivisible.

The EU and human rights

It actively promotes and defends them both within its borders and when engaging in relations with non-EU countries. Human rights, democracy and the rule of law are core values of the European Union. Embedded in its founding treaty, they were reinforced when the EU adopted the Charter of Fundamental Rights in 2000, and strengthened still further when the Charter became legally binding with the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009. Countries seeking to join the EU must respect human rights. The Union’s human rights policy encompasses civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.

With a budget of €1.1 billion between 2007 and 2013, the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights supports non-governmental organisations. In June 2012, the EU adopted the EU Strategic Framework and the Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy . 2012 Annual Report (thematic part) Champions, Mahatma Gandhi, Cesar Chavez, Martin Luther King Jr. People who fought for Human Rights / Civil Rights -Biography Online. A selection of famous people who fought for, campaigned and promoted human/civil rights and freedom.

People who fought for Human Rights / Civil Rights -Biography Online

I have grouped people into different sections: Civil rights – Ending slavery, racial discrimination and promoting the equal treatment of people in society.Women’s Rights – People specifically working towards promoting equal rights for women.Writers – Authors who have promoted respect for human rights through championing the cause of freedom.Humanitarian – People concerned with improving the welfare of others through charitable and humanitarian work. Famous people who promoted Civil Rights Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865) President of US during the American civil war. Lincoln made the famous Emancipation Proclamation (1863) declaring “that all persons held as slaves” within the rebellious states “are, and henceforward shall be free.”

Harriet Tubman (1822–1913) A former slave who escaped and then returned to lead other slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad. Women’s Rights Susan B. Writers. Amnesty International - Organizzazione internazionale per i diritti umani - Home. Celebrate Human Rights. DATABASE ON HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION AND TRAINING - INSTITUTIONS. Global education in eTwinning LE (Group Q) Freedom_from_discrimination_-_sports_history.pdf. _where_do_you_stand__and__never_again_.pdf. Images (11) Images (10) Rined. Images (12) 1. Human rights day. Images?q tbn:ANd9GcRSprhYAzitym1s6snyvjIUXxHjIU7SJoe TPfsWSi5Oy3JmPhtwA. Human Rights Logo Animation Film. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.