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Docs #OWS 2011

Behind the scenes, early history. Archives for Occupy Wall Street Radio. <table style="background-color:#ffeded; color:black; text-align:center; font-family:arial; font-size:130%; line-height:160%; font-weight:bold; padding:5px; width:100%;"><tr><td>NOTE: JavaScript is used on this page for the "Play" feature. <br />Your web browser either does not support JavaScript or it has been purposely disabled. <br />You will only be able to download shows. <br />A version of this page that does not require Javascript was available prior to February 2010, however it had to be withdrawn due to copyright issues. </td></tr></table> WBAI archives for Occupy Wall Street Radio Produced by Help With the Flash Based Player The new Flash-based MP3 player software is part of this web page.

When you first click on the Play button: The show should start playing almost immediately The Play button moves to the right and changes into a Pause button, with two vertical lines (see the screen shot below). While the show is playing: How To Occupy. The Architect of #OccupyWallStreet Praises the Power of "Magical Hashtags" The #occupywallstreet movement didn't spring up out of nowhere. It was very deliberately conceived by the creators of a title you may have seen on the newsstand: Adbusters.

As digital marketing agency iCrossing recently outlined, the movement started with a tweet from Adbusters on July 4. After that, the Vancouver-based Adbusters continued to tweet about #occupywallstreet, but received almost no mainstream media coverage. All that changed on Sept. 17, when crowds showed up at New York City's Zuccotti Park and stayed there for weeks. Lasn's next move is a "Robin Hood March" set for Oct. 29 in France coinciding with the G20 meeting. Was this movement created by social media? I wouldn’t quite put it that way. It all started with a tweet in July, right? It started off with a poster in the middle of Adbusters magazine and #occupywallstreet with the hashtag on our cover and then it started off when the Twitter feed started going crazy with that hashtag.

Are you surprised at how big it’s gotten? Collections matching "#OccupyWallStreet" TAZ - Hakim Bey. Le Net et le Web L'autre facteur contribuant à l'émergence de la TAZ est si vaste et si ambigu, qu'il nécessite un chapitre à lui seul. Nous avons parlé du Net, qui peut être défini comme la totalité des transferts d'information et de communication. Certains de ces transferts sont privilégiés et limités à quelques élites, ce qui donne au Net un aspect hiérarchique. D'autres transactions sont ouvertes à tous, et le Net a aussi un aspect horizontal, non hiérarchique. Les données de l'Armée et de la Sécurité sont d'accès restreint, tout comme les informations bancaires, boursières et autres.

Mais dans l'ensemble, le téléphone, le courrier, les bases de données publiques etc. sont accessibles à tous. Ainsi à l'intérieur même du Net émerge une sorte de contre-Net, que nous appellerons le Web (comme si le Net était un filet de pêche, et le Web des toiles d'araignées tissées dans les interstices et les failles du Net).


Docs #OWS 2012.