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29 / 11 / 2011

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Strike to suspend services on Thursday. Scott Olsen: "I Swore to Defend the Constitution and I'm Continuing to Do That" Occupy Student Debt: Students Urged to Refuse to Pay Off Loans As Schools Hike Tuition. This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: We continue to talk about protests in another way. Well, Monday was a day of action for university students on both coasts of the United States angered by the rising cost of tuition and the crackdowns on their recent protests. In California, students temporarily shut down a meeting of the UC Board of Regents to protest a series of tuition hikes and the violent response to protests at UC Berkeley and UC Davis. Wary of a massive demonstration, the regents met by conference call from four different campuses but were still forced to switch venues after being confronted by chanting students at three of the four sites.

Meanwhile, here in New York, about a thousand students marched outside a meeting where City University of New York trustees voted to authorize annual tuition increases through 2015. JULIAN GUERRERO: [echoed by the People’s Mic] Me, myself, I’m in debt $70,000. I’m joined now by two guests. Pepper-Spray Creator Decries Use of Chemical Agent on Peaceful Occupy Wall Street Protesters. This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: The singer and actress Miley Cyrus, yes, Hannah Montana, a new remix of her song, "Liberty Walk. " Cyrus is showing her support for Occupy Wall Street and international pro-democracy movements by using protest footage from around the world. The video begins with a statement on the screen saying, "This is dedicated to the thousands of people who are standing up for what they believe in. " This is Democracy Now! ,, The War and Peace Report. It’s not unprecedented for an inventor to voice regrets when a creation turns out to have harmful uses.

Today, in the aftermath of the crackdown on Occupy Wall Street protesters nationwide, there’s a new name to add to the list: Kamran Loghman. Loghman will join us in a minute, but first I want to play an excerpt from when the campus police officers at UC Davis pepper-sprayed students [earlier this] month. PROTESTERS: The whole world is watching! Shame on you! The Right to Occupy, the Right to Assemble? A report on the debate over the expulsion of the Occupy Movements - Transcript SUNG: --roam and I ain't got no home in this world anymore. Brothers and my sisters are stranded on this road, a hot and dusty road that--.DAVID DOUGHERTY, TRNN: As local city governments in the US crack down on Occupy movement protesters and encampments through arrests and eviction raids, new battles surrounding the freedom of speech and assembly in public places are being waged in federal courtrooms across the country.

Lawyers representing Occupy movements are raising questions over the constitutionality of local ordinances being used to drive protesters and campers out of public parks and spaces. They say some ordinances are being implemented or modified as a targeted response to the Occupy movement, which could be in violation of the First Amendment right to freedom of speech. End of Transcript DISCLAIMER: Please note that transcripts for The Real News Network are typed from a recording of the program. Les anti-Wall Street de Los Angles décidés à rester. Occupy Wall Street: l'année 2012 ressemblera-t-elle à 1968? Le mouvement d’Occupy Wall Street est-il comparable à la vague de protestations qui a profondément ébranlé les Etats-Unis en 1968 (manifestations contre la guerre du Vietnam, mouvement des droits civiques)? C’est la question que pose le journaliste John Heilemann du New York Magazine qui a réalisé une enquête auprès de nombreux activistes du mouvement de contestation né à New York en septembre 2011.

Selon lui, la ressemblance avec les événements de 1968 aux Etats-Unis pourrait se trouver dans la capacité des protestations actuelles à perturber l'élection présidentielle de 2012. John Heilemann rappelle en premier lieu que les manifestations pacifiques à New York ont pris une ampleur qui n’est pas si éloignée de celle du déferlement contestataire mondial de 1968.

L’absence de leader affiché est aussi un point qui rapproche Occupy Wall Street des événements de 1968. Peut-être que sur la question des revendications les deux mouvements se distinguent aussi, se demande alors John Heilemann. Durban-va-enterrer-Kyoto-vfin.pdf (Objet application/pdf) Occupy OKC protesters stay in park after deadline. About 100 protesters with Occupy OKC remained Monday night in Kerr Park in downtown Oklahoma City, even though their permit to camp overnight was not renewed. About 11 p.m., the protesters marched and chanted, “Whose park? Our park. Whose streets? Our streets.” All the while, two police cruisers waited watchfully nearby on Couch Drive. The officers said they have been there every night since the protest began about two months ago trying to keep the protesters and everyone else involved safe. The officers know the camping permit expired at 11 p.m., but they said they had no orders or plans to move in overnight.

Mark Faulk, 55, of Oklahoma City, is one of the organizers. He said the group has a meeting with police about 8 a.m. Faulk said an organizer from the Occupy L.A. group was in from Los Angeles to coach the protesters about how to react if the police came to arrest them and how to continue to peacefully protest. Permit wasn't renewed by city Police Capt. Construction to begin. What is Occupy Wall Street All About? No Excuses Left. From our good friends at Either you join the revolt taking place on Wall Street and in the financial districts of other cities across the country or you stand on the wrong side of history. Either you obstruct, in the only form left to us, which is civil disobedience, the plundering by the criminal class on Wall Street and accelerated destruction of the ecosystem that sustains the human species, or become the passive enabler of a monstrous evil.

Either you taste, feel and smell the intoxication of freedom and revolt or sink into the miasma of despair and apathy. Either you are a rebel or a slave. Choose. They have their long phalanxes of police on motorcycles, their rows of white paddy wagons and their metal barricades set up on every single street leading into the New York financial district where the suits use your money, money they stole from you, to gamble and speculate and gorge themselves while one in four children outside those barricades depend on food stamps to eat. Manipulations - L'expérience Web – Accueil. War Profiteers Meet Tomorrow In NYC. They Won't Be Alone. Posted 2 years ago on Nov. 29, 2011, 12:46 p.m.

EST by OccupyWallSt Tomorrow, the Aviation Week and Credit Suisse will be holding their 17th annual Aerospace & Defense Finance Conference in NYC. These war profiteers export death in the name of defense. They have obscene influence over our democracy with politicians in their pockets and hundreds of lobbyists working congress. They sell arms to to the 1% so that war can be waged against the 99% in efficient and technologically advanced ways.

#OWS will not stand silent as these dangerous parasites take our tax dollars and turn them into arms and profit. WHEN: Wednesday, 11/30, two rallies/marches--6:30am meet up and rally to non-violently interrupt business as usual as delegates enter the conference, and 4:30pm to rally against militarism.WHERE: Both rallies are In Madison Sq. Some background infoWhere your tax dollars go pie chartAerospace & Defense Finance Conference Site.