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S by Lalit Deshmukh. All photos are copyright the photographer, and may not be used without written permission.

s by Lalit Deshmukh

Robert Semnic , March 17, 2006; 01:47 A.M. keep it up. thans for comment on my photo Emmanuel Enyinwa , October 10, 2006; 02:43 A.M. Your landscapes are quite nice, your portraits quiet and relaxed. You come across as someone who has been to places, seen many things, and walked away calmly, leaving no leaves ruffled. Mark Geistweite , January 09, 2007; 11:26 P.M. Thanks for taking time... Hi Lalit. Sujit kerala , January 18, 2007; 05:36 A.M. Xcellent works ..presented beautifully...lalit.

Kah Kit Yoong , February 06, 2007; 08:55 P.M. Chris Jordan - Intolerable Beauty. Exploring around our country's shipping ports and industrial yards, where the accumulated detritus of our consumption is exposed to view like eroded layers in the Grand Canyon, I find evidence of a slow-motion apocalypse in progress.

Chris Jordan - Intolerable Beauty

I am appalled by these scenes, and yet also drawn into them with awe and fascination. The immense scale of our consumption can appear desolate, macabre, oddly comical and ironic, and even darkly beautiful; for me its consistent feature is a staggering complexity. Hubble Space Telescope. 'SOCIETY' human artwork. 10 Most loved Street Art Photos. More in 3D here.

10 Most loved Street Art Photos

Pictures of sand: Close up photographs reveal its incredible beauty. ~ Galleries. Image. DIY Scanning Electron Microscope! If you ever want to get down to the nitty, gritty details on stuff (perhaps small ants), you probably wouldn’t need a DIY scanning electron microscope but that’s exactly what this guy did.

DIY Scanning Electron Microscope!

Watch the video demo of his DIY scanning electron microscope after the break: And below is an example of ant being scanned on an electron microscope: via hackedgadgets, Project Page Also see Electron Microscope on Wikipedia to learn more. Inspiring images and videos recently added to we heart it / visual bookmark. Social bookmarking for pictures on VisualizeUs. Operation Crossbow: How 3D glasses helped defeat Hitler.

13 May 2011Last updated at 01:34 By Jon Kelly BBC News Magazine Newly released photographs show how a team of World War II experts disrupted Nazi plans to bombard Britain - with the help of 3D glasses like those in modern cinemas.

Operation Crossbow: How 3D glasses helped defeat Hitler

Hitler's deadly V-1 and V-2 missiles were early but effective weapons of mass destruction - unmanned flying bombs which brought terror to southern England. But their impact could have been all the more devastating - costing thousands more lives, lengthening the war and threatening the D-Day landings - were it not for the fact that British intelligence worked in three, rather than two, dimensions. One of the Royal Air Force's most significant successes came with Operation Crossbow, when it tracked down, identified and destroyed many of the V-weapons which could have prolonged the war.

Norway_102_by_lonelywolf2.jpg (JPEG Image, 1280x840 pixels) Minister's Treehouse, Crossville, TN. Cntower_timelapse.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) Incredible Wave Pictures. These incredible images of waves were taken by the number 1 photographer of surf: Clark Little.

Incredible Wave Pictures

He has dedicated his life to photographing the waves and has published a selection of the the best images of his career. The pictures capture magical moments inside the wave "tube", as surfers say. Sun ... glints off wave. Hypnotic Iceberg. 1133589-034401AF000005DC-422_634x901. Kodachrome Curtains: DIY Shades from Color-Photo Slides. Kodachrome may be out of stock, but for some it will never go out of style.

Kodachrome Curtains: DIY Shades from Color-Photo Slides

This set dating back decades was appropriated, drilled and stitched back together to form a flexible but light-filtering window shade for an entry doorway YarnZombie (Jacki Vance-Kuss) shot the images of the final product; Travis punched a pair of holes in each corner of each slide, then looped chainmail rings to connect each slide to the next in rows and columns. So far, so good – no fading reported as of month five and counting. No doubt, though, the images will blur in time, and the paper sides of the slides will yellow in turn. 175 Photos of Day Taken at Night. Best photos on the web. Most beautiful places in the world. The 100 most beautiful places in the world (click a screenshot to enlarge it) - 1 - The inca city of Machu Picchu country : Peru place : near Cuzco.

most beautiful places in the world

Jean Francois Rauzier Hyperphoto. Carl Warner's fantastic food landscapes. Creative photos by Chema Madoz. Interesting Photography. 15 Coolest Photos You Won't Believe Are Not Photoshopped - Oddee. Dean Potter's most recent solo walk at Taft Point in Yosemite by Photographer Jeff Cunningham.

15 Coolest Photos You Won't Believe Are Not Photoshopped - Oddee

Sleeping on Heaven. Apparently, the model was just jumping! (The left-hand side is a mirror, and the right-hand side is clear glass, with another girl standing on the other side). At the top of 360 feet tall Victoria Falls there is a natural rock pool, called Devil's Pool, where the water is relatively calm. From September to December, when the water level is low, you can swim in Devil's Pool.