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A Smart Open Design Startup is Born: OpenDesk. The master list of 20+ Open Source Furniture Design is the second most read article on MakingSociety. Open Hardware isn’t only about electronics. Numerous designers are choosing to place their work under open source licenses, just like Ronen Kadushin or Leo Marius and his OpenReflex. MEETING, an open design of a meeting table available on The team behind – a marketplace to put in touch makers and fabricators, which Lead Designer also co-designed WikiHouse – has launched OpenDesk. Ian Bennink, CEO of FabHub, accepted to answer a few questions: MakingSociety: Who are your primary customers? OpenDesk started with a workspace commission for a London-based tech startup (Mint Digital); we found few solutions that met their criteria for a well-designed and affordable desk.

CAFE, open designs of cafeteria tables in situation at Hub Westminster in the UK. MakingSociety: What’s the advantage for OpenDesk of being open source? Edie Set. Good job. Cheers, Synthetic & Systems Biology. Captured: The Acrobatics of a Fruit Fly in Flight. At breakneck speed, a fruit fly veers off course and rolls into a precise bank. As the fly dips and dives around a miniature arena inside a laboratory in Seattle, three high-speed cameras shooting at 7500 frames per second capture its every twist and turn.

Michael Dickinson, biologist and fruit fly expert at the University of Washington, has spent years studying insect flight, and converting static images into dynamic models. "I'm obsessed with flies and how they work," he says. Now, Dickinson and his team have revealed the physics behind how a fruit fly escapes from threats, be they predators or rolled-up newspapers. His work, published in today in Science, shows that flies escape danger with a specific sequence of rapid wing beats and sharp turns. "The results were very exhilarating," Dickinson says. The Neuroscience of Flight Dickinson wondered how flies, despite their small brains, manage to dip and dive with such precision and speed.

Mega Robo-Flies Microrobotics Robert J. This Could Be the First Animal to Live Entirely Inside a Computer. Somebody Built a Kangaroo Robot Because Why the Hell Not?

Design for Manufacture

Collaberation Systems. Ergonomics. Control Systems. Product effieciency. Tool Design. Library and Data storage systems. Sustainability. Efficiency through innovation. Self Propegating and self sustaining systems. Learning from Natural Systems. Adaptation. Systems Analysis. Artificial Intelligence. Security and Surveilance.