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Text Slang - Chat Acronyms - IM Chat. Internet Technology. Wikibrains lets you peek into the thoughts of others. Wikibrain is a web service for shared brainstorms, which is similar to the stream of consciousness free association method that psychologists sometimes use to do their job. A quick example: quick, what do you think of when you think about Apple? (Or how about Samsung, Bitcoin, Microsoft, or anything else). No matter what your responses were, Wikibrains, a free web service for collective brainstorming, wants to know what they are. What Wikibrains does is allow you to look up any topic or keyword and see it’s collective brainstorm; which is to say, the responses that were elicited by other people, which can be very telling and informative depending on what your topic of interest is. gLife - An Artificial Life Simulation. The Internet.

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File sharing. Generators. Malware. On the web. People history. Searching. Web design and development. Content management. Help and tutorials.