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The Zooniverse is a citizen science platform that enables people to contribute to science projects by carrying out visual classification microtasks, and then discussing (and in some cases investigating further) their results.

The Zooniverse hosts a number of different projects, each with its own specially-designed interface, but with a set of common tools. Wikipedia. Zooniverse is a citizen science web portal owned and operated by the Citizen Science Alliance. The organization grew from the original Galaxy Zoo project and now hosts dozens of projects which allow volunteers to participate in scientific research. Unlike many early internet-based citizen science projects (such as SETI@home) which used spare computer processing power to analyse data, known as volunteer computing, Zooniverse projects require the active participation of human volunteers to complete research tasks. Projects have been drawn from disciplines including astronomy, ecology, cell biology, humanities, and climate science.[3] Active projects currently include: According to the Zooniverse site, these projects are now retired:

Zooniverse - Real Science Online. Climate. Cyclone Center. Old Weather. Humanities. Space. Planet Four. The Milkyway Project. Planet Hunters. Galaxy Zoo. Galaxy Zoo | A Zooniverse Project Blog. Solar Stormwatch. Moon Zoo.