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Wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Strain-Satisfaction-2014.pdf. Marijuana Testing Lab Claims Personalized Recommendations. ​Artificial-Intelligence Software "BudGenius" Correlates Chemical Analysis with Online Patient Feedback, a social networking website and medical marijuana testing laboratory (now there's a 21st Century combination for you!)

Marijuana Testing Lab Claims Personalized Recommendations

, says it has developed technology to predict therapeutic effects for thousands of marijuana strains by combining scientific data and crowd-sourced reviews. Patients throughout California use the online service to select cannabis individually rated for pain relief, sleep aid, anxiety relief, nausea treatment, appetite stimulation, and mood modification. BudGenius says it plans to extend treatment options to target cancer, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's within a year. Patients search online at to find locally available marijuana treatments that meet their requirements. Csaph-report3-i09.pdf (application/pdf Object) Medical Marijuana Testing Lab Claims to Forecast Personalized Cannabis Treatment.

(PRWEB) June 28, 2011, a social networking website and medical marijuana testing laboratory, has developed technology to predict therapeutic effects for thousands of marijuana strains by combining scientific data and crowd-sourced reviews.

Medical Marijuana Testing Lab Claims to Forecast Personalized Cannabis Treatment

Patients throughout California use this unique online service to select marijuana individually rated for pain relief, sleep aid, anxiety relief, nausea treatment, appetite stimulation, and mood modification. BudGenius plans to extend treatment options to target cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s within a year. Patients search online at to find locally available marijuana treatments that meet their requirements. Marijuana Policy Project - Home.

Marijuana Testing.