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World class innovators/speakers. #Gestión. Fundamental de creación de empleo, innovación y desarrollo | Coruña Online. 25 Things I Learned From Opening a Bookstore. 1. People are getting rid of bookshelves. Treat the money you budgeted for shelving as found money. Go to garage sales and cruise the curbs. 2. While you're drafting that business plan, cut your projected profits in half. People are getting rid of bookshelves. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. The riskiest tech business decisions. MAYA Design. 16 Chinese Startups Came Out With A Bang At The ChinaBang Conference. Editor’s note: Guest authors Gang Lu, Ben Jiang and Jason Lim are the editors of TechNode, a bilingual blog based in China.

ChinaBang conference, an annual two-day event with a focus on local startups, innovation and entrepreneurship, was held last weekend in Beijing. With a mixture of keynote and panel discussions from local startup founders and entrepreneurs, the awards ceremony recognized the best Chinese startups and founders in 2011 and featured a startup launchpad contest. Organized by TechNode, ChinaBang’s Launchpad competition had 16 teams pitch to 14 judges (from GSR Ventures, IDG, Qiming, Matrix Ventures, Atomico, Singtel, Paypal, Innovation Works, CyberAgent, Rovio, Infinity Ventures, Taishan, CSDN) and a live audience. Each team was given 10 minutes to present on stage – five minutes pitch time and five minutes for answering judges’ questions.

Here is the rundown of all startups presented on stage in the launchpad. Second Prize: Mugeda – Won RMB5,000 YinXiangMa MadeiraCloud Qiyu. El arte de Emprender. Innovation. Inc. - Mesure d’Internet. Y, ¿qué es del e-Commerce en Latinoamérica? 107 107 Flares × Bien es sabido que Latinoamérica es una de las regiones del mundo donde se encuentran grandes economías emergentes, como es el caso de Brasil.

El PIB de esta región aumenta año a año a mayor ritmo que el de zonas desarrolladas como la Unión Europea o las economías avanzadas del G-7 que han registrado una variación porcentual del PIB en 2011 del 1,62% y 1,38% respectivamente en comparación con el crecimiento del 4,52% que experimentó la zona de América Latina y el Caribe. Este dato es un buen reflejo del desarrollo económico que está ocurriendo en la zona en general, pero un interrogante que me viene a la cabeza es ¿qué está pasando con el sector del e-Commerce? Claro está que si no es por el desarrollo que ha tenido Internet en los últimos años y su aceptación por parte de la sociedad ahora mismo no estaría escribiendo esta entrada y probablemente ni existiría blog alguno donde colgarla.

Prezi. Home : Learning Management System : The University of Melbourne. India_CountrySummary.pdf (application/pdf Object) Contrata programadores, diseñadores y profesionales freelance. Crowdfunding Bible: Top Book on Crowd Funding, Kickstarter. Collaborative work. Networking.

Membership, NETS Standards, Books, Journals and Professional Development for Teachers. Mutinerie : Libres ensemble. The Age of Coworking: Collaborative Consumption for the Creative Community. Report Maria Popova Many coworking spaces are housed in meticulously designed lofts. Photo from Green Spaces, NYC. The shift from an ownership economy to an economy of sharing has been one of the most important movements of the past few years – a concept most eloquently captured in Rachel Botsman's notion of collaborative consumption.

From car- and bike-sharing to bookcycling reading clubs, the decentralization of resources is enabling us to have more by owning less — because, as Kevin Kelly puts it, "access trumps possession. " A rapidly proliferating number of coworking spaces worldwide is attracting creative entrepreneurs and freelancers across the entire spectrum of vocations, from startup founders to professional proofreaders. In New York City alone, dozens such coworking spaces exist. Coworking spaces fused with incubators are even popping up under the wings of existing funds. Mine, too. Not sure how to find one? Entrepreneuriat. Entrepreneurship. Startup. Innovation. Trabalhe na Embraer - Embraer. The Content Strategist as Digital Curator.

The term “curate” is the interactive world’s new buzzword. During content creation and governance discussions, client pitches and creative brainstorms, I’ve watched this word gain traction at almost warp speed. As a transplant from museums and libraries into interactive media, I can’t help but ask what is it about this word that deserves redefinition for the web? Article Continues Below Curation has a distinguished history in cultural institutions. In galleries and museums, curators use judgment and a refined sense of style to select and arrange art to create a narrative, evoke a response, and communicate a message. For a long time, we’ve considered digital objects such as articles, slideshows, and video to be short-lived. Consider some examples: Topics employs content managers who sift through The Times’ archive to create new meaning by grouping articles and resources that were filed away (or distributed to library databases).

What’s the payoff? Abierta la convocatoria para obtener la acreditación "Severo Ochoa" La Secretaría de Estado de I+D+i del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ha publicado la convocatoria 2012 del Subprograma de Apoyo a Centros y Unidades de Excelencia "Severo Ochoa", que cuenta con una dotación de 20 millones de euros. Los centros que deseen obtener esta acreditación pueden presentar sus solicitudes hasta el próximo 6 de agosto. Los centros que obtengan una acreditación Severo Ochoa recibirán una ayuda de un millón de euros anuales durante los cuatro años de vigencia de la acreditación, así como el reconocimiento de la excelencia científica por parte de la Secretaría de Estado de I+D+i, que representa un impulso para dotar a estos centros de una mayor visibilidad y un mayor reconocimiento social, lo que les permita atraer mecenazgo privado.

La acreditación está dirigida a aquellos centros y unidades que realizan investigación de frontera y se encuentran entre los mejores del mundo en sus respectivas áreas. How To Make Money Online. Johnson & Johnson. Amazon, the Company That Ate the World. Jeff Bezos is channeling Steve Jobs. It’s mid-September and the wiry billionaire founder of (AMZN) is at his brand-new corporate headquarters in Seattle, in a building named Day One South after his conviction that 17-year-old Amazon is still in its infancy.

Almost giddy with excitement, Bezos retrieves one by one the new crop of dirt-cheap Kindle e-readers—they start at $79—from a hidden perch on a chair tucked into a conference room table. When he’s done showing them off, he stands up, and, for an audience of a single journalist, announces, “Now, I’ve got one more thing to show you.” He waits a half-beat to make sure the reference to Jobs’s famous line from Apple (AAPL) presentations hasn’t been missed, then gives his notorious barking laugh. With that, Bezos pulls out the Kindle Fire, Amazon’s long-anticipated tablet computer—and the first credible response to the Apple iPad. “What we are doing is offering premium products at non-premium prices,” Bezos says.

> Nos domaines d'expertises > Cinématique continue > à 150 ppm Cinématique continue > à 150 ppm. Nos clients dans ce domaine sont les fabricants de produits de consommation jetables (poussoirs de parfum, valves aérosols, vaporisateurs à pistolet, stylos, éléments de packaging alimentaire, piles), de consommables médicaux (seringues, IV set, autopiqueurs sanguins etc.), et d'autres produits à fort volume s’échelonnant de la gamme des bouchons aux goutteurs d'irrigation. De plus nous intégrons une infinité de techniques complémentaires telles que : le sertissage, l’encliquetage, le collage la soudure thermique, la soudure ultrason la vision industrielle, le contrôle dimensionnel le contrôle de débit, de pression, de volume le marquage laser, jet d’encre la dépose de silicone, l'étiquetage la supervision, etc... Ferramenta gratuita ajuda pequenas empresas a evitar ciberataques.

Iniciativa da Comissão Federal de Comunicações do Governo dos EUA chega para ajudar companhias a desenvolver estratégia de segurança online. Com os hackers cada vez mais de olho nas pequenas empresas, a Comissão Federal de Comunicações dos EUA (FCC) anunciou ontem, 24/10, que fornecerá uma ferramenta online para ajudar essas companhias a desenvolverem uma estratégia de segurança na web. O software Small Biz Cyber Planner fará uma série de perguntas como “A sua empresa usa cartões de crédito?”

E “Sua companhia tem um site público?”. Depois, baseado nas respostas ele irá gerar um guia de planejamento para ajudar as empresas a colocarem em prática algumas políticas de proteção contra ameaças virtuais. “Com as grandes companhias aumentando suas proteções, as pequenas empresas agora são os alvos mais fáceis para os cibercriminosos”, afirmou o diretor da FCC, Julius Genachoski, durante o evento de lançamento da ferramenta. - Encuentra trabajo con Twitter e Infoempleo. The Fortune 500. INNOVATIONthroughIMAGINATION.

¿Eres un nuevo líder 2.0? Comparte esta noticia en con un solo clic. Date de alta gratis en la 1ª Red Social de Networking Mundial de mujeres profesionales. Solo te llevará 15 segundos.Wow! El estilo de liderazgo 2.0: conversación, innovación, aprendizaje y pasión. El pasado mes de noviembre tuve el placer de participar como ponente, junto con Mireia Ranera, en el seminario de gestión de personas de HSM así como en el Master de Gestión Pública de la UPC . La aparición de la Web 2.0 ha significado la transformación no sólo de los medios de comunicación sino de muchos otros ámbitos de nuestra sociedad, tales como: - La incorporación de nuevos valores sociales, Valores 2.0: Honestidad, Respeto, Humildad, Generosidad: Reciprocidad y Colaboración (según el whitepaper sobre Community Management ) - Nuevos valores de las marcas. . - Y especialmente, un nuevo estilo de liderazgo 2.0 en cualquiera de los modelos organizativos de nuestra sociedad: empresas, organizaciones, administraciones públicas y ONGs. 1. 2.

Presentation/timeline. Business Strategies. Paper EMC UIM V4 3.pdf. 30+ Most Beautiful Powerpoint Templates And Designs. 30 Most Beautiful Powerpoint Templates And Designs It's no use if your PowerPoint presentation does not leave any impact on your audience. Take inspiration by downloading creative PowerPoint templates to make make your presentation more valuable and eye-catching. This portal has a great collection of backgrounds, templates and more other useful tools necessary to create an outstanding presentation.

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Younger, Less Educated Lead Job Gains Since September. December 4, 2010 by Dennis Jacobe, Chief Economist PRINCETON, NJ -- Gallup's monitoring of the U.S. employment situation, without seasonal adjustment, finds the jobs situation improving among many segments of the workforce, with unemployment among Americans aged 18 to 29 falling the most since September.

Unemployment is also down among 30- to 49-year-olds and, to a lesser degree, among older age groups. Gallup's measure of unemployment is based on a rolling average, updated daily to take into account the most recent 30 days of interviewing, with each 30-day average consisting of more than 18,000 interviews. Gallup's November update found unemployment down to 8.8% from 9.4% in October and 10.1% in September. This improvement is seen across most demographic groups, but in some more than others. After 18- to 29-year-olds, Gallup finds the second-largest decrease in unemployment among those with some college education, down to 8.9% in November from 11.2% in September. Survey Methods. Learning to Speak the Language of Business. One of the basic elements of running learning like a business is to speak the language of business. Unfortunately, many learning leaders fall short here, which reduces their ability to communicate effectively with senior leaders as well as their own staff; decreases their prospects for success; and diminishes their prospects for promotion.

There are really two aspects to speaking the language of business. First, you need to have the right focus. Second, you need the right language. These depend on your position and audience. The focus of a supervisor or staff member in a learning department is likely to be on specific tasks, costs and operational details. Non-profit and for-profit businesses are both driven by the need to create revenue, control costs and have funds available to finance growth. So, to be successful, a learning leader must be bilingual in the language of business. David Vance David Vance is the former president of Caterpillar University, which he founded in 2001. IEDI - Cartas. O IEDI apresenta em duas edições de sua Carta uma pesquisa que realizou sobre a política de inovação na China. Desde 1978 quando iniciou sua reforma econômica, a China vem reduzindo rapidamente sua distância em relação aos países de economia avançada.

O sucesso da estratégia chinesa de catching-up se expressa em diversos indicadores. Em 2010, por exemplo, a China, que em termos do produto interno bruto (PIB) em paridade do poder de compra já ocupava o segundo lugar desde 2001 atrás apenas dos Estados Unidos, tornou-se também a segunda maior economia mundial em termos do PIB em dólar corrente.

Em ciência, tecnologia e inovação (C, T & I), a ascensão da China tem sido especialmente impressionante. Desde 1999, os investimentos chineses em pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) crescem em média 20% por ano, tendo alcançado 1,44% do PIB em 2007, convergindo rapidamente para a média de 2,1% do grupo dos principais países avançados. A meta é elevar as despesas com P&D para 2,5% do PIB em 2020. Scott Berkun Books. An Best Book of 2013. This behind the scenes story of 8th most popular website in the U.S., where everyone works from home, no one uses email and dozens of improvements launch to customers every day. “The Year Without Pants is one the most original and important books about what work is really like, and what it takes to do it well, that has ever been written.”

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