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Storybench | The art and science of digital storytelling. Everything our app template does: July 2014 edition | NPR Visuals. The NPR News Apps team, before its merger with the Multimedia team to form Visuals, made an early commitment to building client-side news applications, or static sites. The team made this choice for many reasons — performance, reliability and cost among them — but such a decision meant we needed our own template to start from so that we could easily build production-ready static sites. Over the past two years, the team has iterated on our app template, our “opinionated project template for client-side apps.” We also commit ourselves to keeping that template completely open source and free to use. We last checked in on the app template over a year ago. Since then, our team has grown and merged with the Multimedia team to become Visuals. We have built user-submitted databases, visual stories and curated collections of great things, all with the app template.

As we continue to build newer and weirder things, we learn more about what our app template needs. The Backbone Render Pipeline. jQuery TwentyTwenty Plugin. Need to highlight the differences between two images? TwentyTwenty, a visual diff tool, makes it easy to spot them! Download TwentyTwenty The Problem We recently needed a way to showcase the visual differences between two images. One of our Design Leads pointed us to Canada Goose, a cold weather outfitter. This sparked a few new ideas on how to do something similar for our own needs. Responsive and functional on all devices Doesn't require images to workWorks with Foundation out of the box How it works TwentyTwenty works by stacking two images on top of each other. We're using custom movement events from the jquery.event.move library in order to support 1:1 slider movement on mobile devices. Setting up It's easy to get started, just wrap two images inside of a container.

Then call twentytwenty() on this container once the images have loaded: $(window).load(function() { $("#container1").twentytwenty(); }); And voila! Preventing FOUC JavaScript Options Dependencies Customizing. Open Source, Global Impact, Freedom of Information: Ushahidi - Ushahidi. OpenLayers 3 - Welcome. Create amazing maps with your data — CartoDB. Mapbox | Design and publish beautiful maps. StoryMap JS - Telling stories with maps.

Timeline JS - Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use. Wiki HybLab datajournalisme. Méthodo.