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ARCHITECTURE & iNTERIORS. Grasshopper+ Tutorials. Gadamer's Aesthetics. 1.

Gadamer's Aesthetics

Art as Interlocutor Gadamer's aesthetics fosters an attentiveness towards the mystery of the given and its unexpected folds of meaningfulness. Gadamer's arguments are varied, ushering the reader towards an aesthetic attentiveness rather than making iconoclastic declarations about what the aesthetic is. E-Python. Video Mapping. A visual exploration on mapping complex networks. Voronoi From 3d Curves. Recently I have been experimenting with generating 3D voronoi structures from points arrayed along curves.

Voronoi From 3d Curves

The voronoi cells follow the curve and define a continuous space around the curve. Essentially the voronoi is generating surfaces that define the space that falls between these knot like curves. Because of the density of the points along the curve these interesting surfaces are generated that are reminiscent of minimal surfaces. PARAMETRIC ARCHITECTURE. Parametric Architecture. Architecture & Design. Madeline Schwartzman. Timeline of architectural styles.

This timeline shows the periods of various styles of architecture in a graphical fashion. 1750—present[edit] Architectural styles of the last 250 years: 1000AD—present[edit]

Timeline of architectural styles


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Architecture offices. Architectural blogs. Architectural projects. Architectural journals. Grasshopper. .bodycard 1513.