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Talking with God. I met god the other day.

Talking with God

I know what you're thinking. How the hell did you know it was god? Well, I'll explain as we go along, but basically he convinced me by having all, and I do mean ALL, the answers. Every question I flung at him he batted back with a plausible and satisfactory answer. In the end, it was easier to accept that he was god than otherwise. MYSTICAL AND MAGICAL. Overview for all Portfolios of Austin Green. Transformation forces. The Mind and other Dangerous Things. Simple Symmetry, Complex Solution. Docein. Are Humans Turning Into Gods?


Singularity (things leading up to it) Delicious. Heaven Exposed - Sci-Fi & Fantasy. Socio-political economics (domestic & intl.) Organization tools etc. Imperative events. Science. Hawking: No 'Theory of Everything' Hawking & Mlodinow: No 'theory of everything' In a Scientific American essay based on their new book A Grand Design, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow are now claiming physicists may never find a theory of everything.

Hawking & Mlodinow: No 'theory of everything'

Instead, they propose a "family of interconnected theories" might emerge, with each describing a certain reality under specific conditions.Most of the history of physics has been dominated by a realist approach. Scientists simply accepted that their observations could give direct information about an objective reality.


Invertebrate Astronauts Make Space History. Researchers Find Evidence of Other Universes Lurking in the Cosmic Background. Just when the search for exoplanets looked like the undisputed fashionable field of study for 2010, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) is stepping to the forefront of astronomy and cosmology.

Researchers Find Evidence of Other Universes Lurking in the Cosmic Background

Austin Green (AustinG143) Psychology. Singularity (things leading up to it) Neuroscience. Me, Myself and My Stranger: Understanding the Neuroscience of Selfhood. Neuroscience. Neuroscience of free will. Neuroscience of free will is the part of neurophilosophy that studies the interconnections between free will and neuroscience.

Neuroscience of free will

As it has become possible to study the living brain, researchers have begun to watch decision making processes at work. Findings could carry implications for our sense of agency and for moral responsibility and the role of consciousness in general.[1][2][3] Relevant findings include the pioneering study by Benjamin Libet and its subsequent redesigns; these studies were able to detect activity related to a decision to move, and the activity appears to begin briefly before people become conscious of it.[4] Other studies try to predict activity before overt action occurs.[5] Taken together, these various findings show that at least some actions - like moving a finger - are initiated unconsciously at first, and enter consciousness afterward.[6] A monk meditates.

Overview[edit] Hypnosis reaches the parts brain scans and neurosurgery cannot. Whenever AR sees a face, her thoughts are bathed in colour and each identity triggers its own rich hue that shines across her mind's eye.

Hypnosis reaches the parts brain scans and neurosurgery cannot

This experience is a type of synaesthesia which, for about one in every 100 people, automatically blends the senses. Some people taste words, others see sounds, but AR experiences colour with every face she sees. Human evolution. Evolution. Massive Volcanism May Have Caused Biggest Extinction Ever. SAN FRANCISCO — The greatest extinction in the history of life may have been caused, in part, by ozone-depleting gases spewed in a massive volcanic eruption, a new study suggests.

Massive Volcanism May Have Caused Biggest Extinction Ever

Geologists have found surprisingly high amounts of the elements fluorine and chlorine in Siberian lavas dating back 250 million years — when about 90 percent of marine species and 70 percent of terrestrial species went extinct. Benjamin Black, a graduate student at MIT, and his colleagues described their theory Dec. 13 in a poster presentation at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union.


Antarctic Ice Sheet Preserves Invisible Mountain Range. Buried deep beneath East Antarctica’s ice sheet, the Gamburtsev Mountains are the world’s most invisible range.

Antarctic Ice Sheet Preserves Invisible Mountain Range

New research suggests that overlying ice like that hiding them from view today could have preserved their rugged topography for the past 300 million years. The work bolsters the counterintuitive notion that glaciers, rather than just carving down young peaks into eroded hills like a buzzsaw, could sometimes protect high jagged terrain. Proving 0.999... Is Equal To 1. Computer, Technology. Alex Abella: Rand Corporation, The Shadowy Think Tank That Shaped Our Modern World ! Genetically Re-Engineered Man And The Rise Of The Scientific, Technocratic Dictatorship New World Order. Tablets / Computers. Motor: Best Vehicles for Navigating the Apocalypse. ASIMOs new artificial intelligence. (ASIMO is learning!)

Former Military Personnel Claim Aliens Are Monitoring Our Nukes. What Is This? Researchers Devise the First Experimental Test of Controversial, Confusing String Theory. Is everything in the universe made up of vibrating one-dimensional strings?

Researchers Devise the First Experimental Test of Controversial, Confusing String Theory

For the first time, scientists think they can concretely test string theory, the mind-blowing "theory of everything" that has dominated physics for the past two decades. It turns out that string theory predicts the behavior of entangled quantum particles, which can be tested in a lab — therefore testing string theory.

String theory elegantly reconciles the otherwise competing rules of quantum mechanics and general relativity. It's the most widely accepted unified field theory, but it remains controversial. It basically posits that electrons and quarks are not objects, but one-dimensional strings, whose oscillation gives them their observed qualities. M-theory, the dominant version of string theory, holds that the universe is made up of unfathomably small slices of a 2-dimensional membrane, wriggling in 11-dimensional space. Non-Embryonic Stem Cells Developed From Skin Cells. The Eerie Silence: Renewing Our ...

Tiny Eye Telescope Brings Back A World Of Sight : NPR - (Build 20100722150226) Spectrum: Backyard Star Wars. Smithsonian Human Origins Program - Smithsonian National Museum. Project Natal: Milo - Virtual Human XBox 360. Amazing 3D immersion technology. Thenanodots. Stem-Cell-Coated Contact Lenses Are Curing the Blind. Researchers in Australia have come up with an outwardly simple but incredibly ingenious way of curing blindness caused by corneal damage: Take everyday contact lenses, already used by millions (including me), and infuse them with a patient's own stem cells.

Stem-Cell-Coated Contact Lenses Are Curing the Blind

After wearing them for about 2 weeks, test subjects reported a seemingly miraculous restoration of sight. Is it that easy? Most of the patients had only lost vision in one eye, so stem cells were harvested from their good eye and then plated onto contact lenses. After letting the stem cells repair damaged tissues, 2 of the 3 patients went from legally blind to being able to read some of an eye chart. The third patient actually regained enough sight to pass a driving exam. The God effect: quantum entanglement ... The Goldilocks enigma: why is the ... Eureka! Neural Evidence for Sudden Insight. June 17, 2010 §

Eureka! Neural Evidence for Sudden Insight

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Webbot. May/June 2010 > Features > Cognitive Scientist Lera Boroditsky. UFOs Neutered Nukes, Officers Claim. Michael Hoggard: Solomon’s Key Revealed, Masonic Secrets, Neo Nephilim Man, Remaking of Man Via Stem Cell Genetic Engineering…. « Socio-Economics History Blog. A Decade of Discovery. The Big Picture. Bodycard 0082.