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Vray Edge Fillet Tutorial. This is a quick tutorial to show how I add extra details to the edges of surfaces.

Vray Edge Fillet Tutorial

In this scene, I wanted to make the hard edges of the concrete appear rougher and less uniform. Vray comes with a map called a vrayedgestex map that you would normally use to make wireframe materials (eg hidden line renders). Bambi Chair Tutorial. Vray Materials Tutorial - VISCORBEL. To begin creating beautiful materials, we must first understand how the VRay material works.

Vray Materials Tutorial - VISCORBEL

Let’s take a closer look at the VRayMtl, VRayFastSSS2, and VRayBlendMtl. These 3 are the main material types that are essential for realistic results, you can achieve almost anything with them. VRay offers even more material types, but those are meant for pretty specific tasks and will not be covered in this guide.