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General Anatomy and Physiology

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Connecting Concepts: Animal Physiology. GCSE Bitesize: Homeostasis activity. Homeostasis - a multimedia resource. BioDigital Human: A better way to understand health and the human body! Zygote Body. Guided Tour: Visible Human. Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body. Images from the History of Medicine. Images In Clinical Medicine: NEJM. Anatomy Arcade. Plastination - Anatomical Images. Normal Anatomical Images with Quizzes. InnerBody Interactive Anatomy Guide. Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation. "Variability is the law of life," Sir William Osler. "The human features and countenance, although composed of some ten parts or a little more, are so fashioned that among so many thousands of men there are no two in existence who cannot be distinguished from one another.

Book 7, Sect 8. " Pliny the Elder, AD 23-79. It is important to understand that no two living organisms are structurally or functionally identical - animals or plants! It is clear that textbook writers and teachers over the centuries, even until today, fail to understand or to transmit to their students the crucial concept that anatomical and physiological diversity and variation is a canon of living organisms. Introduction to the Series Awards, Reviews and Comments Muscular System, Opus I Cardiovascular System, Opus II Nervous System, Opus III Endocrine, Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary and Respiratory Systems, Opus IV Skeletal System, Opus V Listing of Media Photographs of the Authors Anatomy Atlases is curated by Michael P.

Interactive Body by BBC - Basic Anatomy Games. Relative Position - Wisc Online. Body Regions - Wisc Online.