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Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - Interactive Body

Science & Nature - Human Body and Mind - Interactive Body

Vedoque - Juegos educativos gratis, fichas y otros materiales educativos Ten uses for your body after you die J. Nathan Bazzel donated his hip bones, which had to be replaced a few years ago, to Mütter Museum As you're charitable in life, you could also be charitable in death by donating your bodyYou can donate your body to a university so a first-year medical student can dissect itA body broker will get your various parts to scientists for research and educationDonate parts to the Mutter Museum, and you could be on display for the world to see (CNN) -- Like many Americans, you probably think you're pretty charitable. Cracking the Code of Life Cracking the Code of Life PBS Airdate: April 17, 2001 ROBERT KRULWICH: When I look at this—and these are the three billion chemical letters, instructions for a human being—my eyes glaze over. But when scientist Eric Lander looks at this he sees stories. ERIC LANDER (Whitehead Institute/MIT): The genome is a storybook that's been edited for a couple billion years.

Explore the nervous system you are here: home > explore Neuroscience For Kids explore Oppimisaihioita sairaala-alan englannin ja suomen kielen opetukseen Jokainen englannin- ja suomenkielinen aihio muodostaa oman oppimispolkunsa, jossa ideana on, että aihepiiriä lähestytään askel askeleelta. Ensin kielen oppija tutustuu sanoihin kuvien kautta, sukeltaa sitten rikkaaseen puhuttuun kieleen ja tekee erilaisia asioita syntyperäisen puhujan opastamana. Tämän jälkeen samaa kieliainesta (sanastoa ja rakenteita) harjoitetaan monipuolisesti erilaisten tehtävätyyppien avulla. Interaktiivisessa tilassa (Vaihe / Step 2) oppija joutuu suodattamaan äidinkielisen puhujan runsaasta kielellisestä aineksesta hänelle tärkeät sanastolliset ja rakenteelliset vihjeet. Mikäli opastajan puhe ei aukea heti ensimmäisellä kuuntelukerralla, kohtaa voi kuunnella niin monta kertaa kuin tarpeelliseksi katsoo. Aihiopolkujen ydin on, että oppija joutuu jatkuvasti reagoimaan opastajan kehotuksiin ja pyyntöihin (toiminnallisuus).

Juegos educativos - Matemáticas MEDgle - On-Demand Clinical Case Analysis for Patients and Health Professionals - search your symptoms, diagnoses, drugs, procedures Emotion reversed in left-handers brains The way we use our hands may determine how emotions are organized in our brains, according to a recent study published in PLoS ONE by psychologists Geoffrey Brookshire and Daniel Casasanto of The New School for Social Research in New York. Motivation, the drive to approach or withdraw from physical and social stimuli, is a basic building block of human emotion. For decades, scientists have believed that approach motivation is computed mainly in the left hemisphere of the brain, and withdraw motivation in the right hemisphere. Brookshire and Casasanto's study challenges this idea, showing that a well-established pattern of brain activity, found across dozens of studies in right-handers, completely reverses in left-handers. The study used electroencepahlography (EEG) to compare activity in participants' right and left hemispheres during rest. A New Link Between Motor Action and Emotion

Your Genes, Your Health DNA from the Beginning - An animated primer of 75 experiments that made modern genetics.

Cette perle propose une façon intéressante de tester les connaissances à propos du corps humain. Ces activités interactives permettent de bien visualiser le corps humain dans son ensemble. Une fois l'association structure-localisation-dans-le-corps effectuée, on peut cliquer sur la structure et on nous envoie vers une description générale de celle-ci. by laureannejacques Feb 27

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