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Histoires interactives (Twine, VN, escape games, etc.)

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Inventaire et boutiques simples pour Twine 2 Harlowe. Que serait un bon jeu de rôle (papier ou vidéoludique) sans système d’inventaire, où stocker les babioles que votre personnage ramasse à droite et à gauche ?

Inventaire et boutiques simples pour Twine 2 Harlowe

Sans boutique, où vous pouvez dépenser votre fortune durement accumulée en échange d’objets divers ? Alte - Free portraits for Tabletop role-playing game. Index. Interactive-fiction/TwineZine at master · clarissalittler/interactive-fiction. Grim is creating Interactive Fiction & Twine Tutorials. Hello!

Grim is creating Interactive Fiction & Twine Tutorials

I’m a writer, classicist, decaying spellbook, and developer trying to get by. If you dig my work and have funds to spare, you could give me a bit more peace of mind knowing that I might be able to cover small expenses or even save up a bit of money each month. You’ll also gain access to a variety of inane ravings, disturbing artwork, and strange tomes! I make interactive narratives, games, artwork, traditional prose fiction, tutorials, mistakes, and the occasional poem. My work is influenced by an interest in ritual, masks, autonomy, and the uncanny, and my writing has been published in sub-Q Magazine and L'Éphémère Review, in addition to tying for 20th place out of 77 entries in the 24th annual Interactive Fiction Competition.

I’ve published over 20 games since January 2016 and have several more in development. The Gaming Philosopher: My interactive fiction archive 2004-2019. I’m putting a massive 372 MB zip-file online which contains more or less all of my Interactive Fiction related creations of the period 2004-2019.

The Gaming Philosopher: My interactive fiction archive 2004-2019

All my completed games, with source code and assorted extra files; all of my abandoned, incomplete games; reviews and essays; backups of my blog, my IFDB reviews and my forum posts. I will also upload this to the IF Archive, since the archive’s administrators have told me that they do accept such collections. What is the purpose of this archive? Partly it is to safeguard a very small but I hope not entirely insubstantial part of IF history, so that future ‘digital antiquarians’ can look for whatever they might then be looking for – even if sites like the IFDB or Blogger go offline. Teaching and Learning Twine in the Classroom: What's needed? - Education - The Interactive Fiction Community Forum. Exploiter Twine en classe de FLE. How to Write a Text Adventure in Python – Let's Talk Data.

People new to programming often ask for suggestions of what projects they should work on and a common reply is, “Write a text adventure game!”

How to Write a Text Adventure in Python – Let's Talk Data

I think there are even some popular tutorials floating around that assign this as homework since I see it so much. This is a really good suggestion for a few reasons: The concept is familiar and fun (everyone loves games!) They can be written using core librariesThe UI is the console. Belle - Visual novel maker. Twine for Beginners: Displaying Random Text. s2tephens' cyclinglink Harlowe problem - Twine Forum. Hello there!

s2tephens' cyclinglink Harlowe problem - Twine Forum

I searched for a solution for this but couldn't find any. A guide to Twine - MCV. [The following article was written by Insomniac game designer Liz England and was originally published on her personal website

A guide to Twine - MCV

For more about the tool itself, visit the Twine website.] A lot of developers (and some gamers) are kind of aware there’s this tool called “Twine” out there that makes web games, but don’t really know much about it. They don’t know why it’s popular and what it’s used for – most people by now have heard of Depression Quest, at least, but that’s the extent of their knowledge. Using Twine for Games Research (Part II) Harlowe 2.1.0 manual. Twine. Accessible Game Design Twine Is: A free program for creating hypertext art.

Twine Inklewriter - Getting Started. Getting started It couldn’t be easier to start writing.

inklewriter - Getting Started

When you first launch the inklewriter website,, you’ll be offered the option of taking the tutorial, or starting a new story. If you click new you can get writing straight away. Write, and add options You’ll write your story onto the scraps of paper in the middle of the inklewriter workbench. How do I change to another path? There are lots of ways to find your way around in inklewriter. You can also open the contents panel using the button in the top right. How do I join different paths back together again? - Create and play text adventure games. HTML Animation, Games, Apps, Videos, Logos, Banners, eCards, Presentations and Multimedia Websites. - Hippani. SLUDGE Adventure Game Engine - Download. SLUDGE can be downloaded from the Releases page on GitHub.

SLUDGE Adventure Game Engine - Download

The downloads for Mac OS X always contain both the Dev Kit and the Engine. For Windows, an installer containing both the Dev Kit and the Engine (sludge-*-win.exe) is provided as well as an archive containing only the Engine (SLUDGE_Engine_* Linux users can either compile SLUDGE themselves (instructions) or install packages that are included in their Linux distribution (see below). The source code can be found on the Releases page or in the git repository on GitHub. Linux Packages Debian/Ubuntu SLUDGE is available in Debian ≥ 7.0 and Ubuntu ≥ 11.10 in the form of the packages sludge-engine, sludge-devkit and sludge-doc, (see Debian packages, Ubuntu packages). Arch Linux SLUDGE is available in the Arch User Repository. Games – You are a trans person hurtling through space in a tiny spaceship and listening to a radio.

Games –

Follow the trail of broadcasts from T.R.A.N.S. (the Trans Radio Artists’ Network in Space) to find them and join them. Made for Global Game Jam 2018 with Jess Marcotte. Play onlineView source code Related blog posts:Jess on GGJ 2018. Harlowe · GitBook. Summary Harlowe does not have direct macro support for audio resources. However, additional JavaScript can be added to work with audio elements within a story. Audio elements rely on sources either absolutely or relatively located. An absolute reference starts with HTTP or another protocol; a relative reference describes the location of the resource in relation to the webpage.

Because audio files are external resources, they must also be accessed from a remote service, file hosting location, or stored separately with the webpage. Due to browser differences in licensing, some audio formats are not universally supported. Note: This examples uses two additional files, testpattern.ogg and testpattern.wav. Live Example Download: Live Example. Harlowe 2.1.0 manual. Twine 2 : des effets CSS plus complexes pour vos passages – Yarn Spinner — Secret Lab. Yarn Spinner is an interpreter for the Yarn language, written in C#. We plan to build a suite of tools, including a Yarn Spinner editor, and many other things. Yarn is a language that's designed to make it super easy to create interactive dialogue for games. Yarn's very similar in style to Twine, so if you already know that, you'll be right at home! If you don't, that's cool - Yarn's syntax is extremely minimal, and there's not much there to learn.

Yarn's used in a number of cool games, including Night In The Woods and Knights and Bikes. Important: Yarn Spinner is still under development, and we haven't made our 1.0 release yet. Yarn Spinner is designed to be easy to add to Unity games, but it's also intended for use in other contexts as well. Guides en français de Ren'Py + son utilisation dans le domaine de l'éducation. Les livres dont vous êtes le héros pour apprendre le français. Introduction · GitBook. About The Twine Cookbook is a collection of examples written in the GitBook format. To read the book on GitHub, start with the summary page. To compile it in book-form locally, download or otherwise clone the project and then review the instructions for using GitBook's command-line tools. Suggesting Recipes, Updates, or Changes Include as much as possible of the following in an issue:

eXperience Play – Educational Text-Based Games. Écrire un scénario de jeu vidéo. La place du scénario Souvent, la première chose à laquelle on pense quand on pense à un jeu vidéo, c'est son scénario. Uncle Mion's ONScripter Corner » Releases. These are the current download links for ONScripter-EN. You can also view the current trunk changelog at the repository. This Readme has a quick guide to keystroke commands for ONScripter. Js13kGames Tutorial – How to Make a Text Game with HTML5 – Zenva. Most games focus on impressing you with beautiful artwork and graphic assets. Computer and GPU performance is pushed further and further in order to render the most elaborated game graphics. But what if you could make games that leave the rendering and graphic asset creation aspects to the world’s most power GPU: your imagination?

That’s when text games come into play. A text game uses the API of your brain to render it’s contents directly into your visual cortex, saving the developer lots of time, and giving the player the freedom to imagine (or “render”) the game content as they please, same as when reading a book. This tutorial covers the creation of a text game and it’s inspired by and aimed to help those participating in the js13kGames competition, where the goal is to create a HTML5 game that’s 13kb or less.

Audigame. Home > New Tools for Interactive Fiction and Engaged Writing. It was a typical Tuesday in my seventh-grade social studies class. Only, it wasn't. Twine CSS stylesheets. View forum - Other Visual Novel Engines. Quickstart — Ren'Py Documentation. NaNoRenO 2017 - Quest - Write text adventure games and interactive stories.

Le carrefour francais de la fiction interactive. Recipe for Love. Adventure Story Starters: Writing Prompts for Kids. Atelier comparatiste sur la littérature numérique. A2 et + : Ecriture créative avec Twine. Une semaine de cours « plus ou moins » intensive avec des ados… En recherche d’idées … De fil en aiguille, j’arrive au site de Jeux vidéo FLE, qui propose d’écrire un conte avec le programme Twine. 1erjourtws. Telescopic Text. Introduction to ChoiceScript. A basic guide to the ChoiceScript programming language. Please post on the ChoiceScript forum if you have questions about this document.

The Choice of Games Contest for Interactive Novels. Adventure Cow. Adding images to Twine 2 - Twine Forum. HTML img tag. Twine Pictures, GIFs, and Background Images. First of all, I do NOT recommend hotlinking (simply copying and pasting the URL from a stranger’s site), because they could delete or change the image at any time. Twine - > webdoc > twine. Make Your Own Games. Building an inventory in Twine 2 with the built-in Harlowe macros. Guides en français de Ren'Py + son utilisation dans le domaine de l'éducation. Détruire/Attendre. Sandbox Adventure. Twine : Petit tuto en français. Twine guide.

Twine - > webdoc > twine. Créer des histoires interactives avec le logiciel libre Twine : Tutoriel de l’EPN de la Bibliothèque Vaclav Havel (Paris) Twine : un guide pour les débutants. StoryNexus. Spring Thing 2015 by Aaron A. Reed. Spring Thing Festival of Interactive Fiction. Ananya & Olivia (final 2) “I Want to Write Video Games” 1. Getting Started. Twiny Jam - Cynik. Tangaroa Deep. Twine-macros-variables-expressions. Modèle HEXACO.

Modèle des Big Five (psychologie) Inklewriter. News and reviews from the annual interactive fiction awards. BIRDLAND. Secret Agent Cinder. Creating Interactive Choose Your Own (Google) Adventure Stories. Students choose their own learning adventures with interactive fiction. Writing Interactive Fiction With Twine (Melissa Ford) Amazon. Sans titre. Novelty - Visual novel maker. Interview – Soha Kareem. Plot Generator. Twine, the Video-Game Technology for All. Novelty - Visual novel maker. Twine Archives - Porpentine's Mix Twine. Using Twine in Education. - Create and play text adventure games. Make Your Own Games. Bulding an inventory in Twine 2 with the built-in Harlowe macros. Sub-Q Magazine - Interactive fiction lives here.