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Beards: Too Hip For Their Own Good. So, Brooks and UNSW’s Barnaby Dixson and Zinnia Janif decided to investigate why beard fashions come and go, and why there’s no one best facial hair pattern.

Beards: Too Hip For Their Own Good

They speculated that the diversity we see is due to “negative frequency dependence,” which just means that rare traits enjoy an advantage. Under NFD, good or bad depends on how common the gene is, Brooks explains. The team showed volunteers a suite of photographs of 36 men with varying levels of beardedness. Each man had been photographed at four different times: when clean-shaven, with five days of growth (light stubble), 10 days of growth (heavy stubble), and at least four weeks of untrimmed growth (full beard).

Cómo aumentar la dopamina. Árbol de la vida.